Heaping pile of Dung
1 May 2001
Actually, it's not even that good. It is more like the loamy layer of decaying excrement located under an old sun baked pile of hog dung. I will reconstruct this car wreck.

Movie Producer 1 - Let's give Tom Green a pile of money and let him make a movie, I hear the kids at MTV love him.

Movie Producer 2 - You bet they do, but we can't edit or censor him because the kids like his honesty and in your face attitude.

Movie Producer 1 - Okay then, here's a blank check and tell Tom to make up a movie this weekend. By the way, do you know anything about Mr. Green except the fact that kids love him?

Movie Producer 2 - I think he's Canadian!

Movie Producer 1 - Like Jim Carrey!

Movie Producer 2 - You bet.

Movie Producer 1 - Well goddarn, forget the script, start shooting right now! Tell Tom he's got the afternoon to think of something funny, he likes that improv stuff. Make sure he gets in your face and outrageous. If he gets stuck for ideas, give him this old Carrot Top movie script we were going to make when we thought he was funny.

Hence we are left with Freddie Got Fingered. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Citizen Cane and 1 being a hidden toilet camera of a person defecating, this is a 0.9.
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