Review of Amélie

Amélie (2001)
How Romantical.
7 December 2001
Ah, the French. So romantic, or least that's the stereotype and the newest French film from the great director, Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Delicatessen, City Of Lost Children), won't put an end to that. In fact, it will perpetuate the belief beyond all reason. You see Amelie is a film that should melt the heart of the most frigid cynic, but you know cynics, they just won't let go of their hurt.

The story involves a woman who discovers the ability to make other peoples' lives better, but won't use that power on herself. That's the simple. The complex is the film itself. It is beautiful, colorful, quirky, funny, strange, moving, lovely and romantic as all get out.

Each new conquest of Amelie's is stranger and more complex than the last and almost all of them reward you with a great laugh or the ability to put yourself in her shoes and feel a sense of accomplishment of making others happy. However, as you sit there basking in the afterglow, you also feel the underpinnings and loneliness that she feels. She won't let go of it. She doesn't feel she deserves it, so she continues to manipulate others into happiness therefore she doesn't have to deal with her own pain.

Don't fret though. Into Amelie's life walks a man of mystery and good looks, who, from the moment they lock eyes, knows he must meet this wonderful and strange girl. Thus begins one of the most bizarre and fun courtships ever put to film. They put up posters around town asking to meet, play scavenger hunt and wear disguises all because Amelie isn't comfortable with herself.

Jeunet's sense of timing and humor work well for this film. His quirky camera angles and movements and use of special effects actually add to the story and don't distract. Plus he's worked hard with his crew to bring color and amazement to Paris that could only be real in the movies.

Don't let the fact that it's subtitled dissuade you from seeing Amelie. This is one of the best films in many years and very deserving of an audience. Plus you can bet right now that it will most likely walk away with the Foreign Language Oscar this March. Drag your romantic side out of the closet and take it on a movie date. Amelie will make you believe in love again.
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