Greatest Anime Ever.
12 May 2001
When people think anime, they think Akira. That's a shame. Where Akira was dull and uninspired, this 4 part OAV has a quality and charisma that all movies have tried for ages to achieve.

The story is a complex weave of simple ideas, and the art is nothing short of beautiful. The main characters are charming, believable, and interesting. The soundtrack is just below Nightmare Before Christmas's for the greatest ever. This movie just does no wrong.

Well, maybe a little wrong. Some of the characters aren't in the movie very long, but are referenced through dialog quite a bit. It has a Robert Jordan-level of having to refer back to who is who. However, I didn't really mind this.

Other than that, the only other flaw is that it will never actually make it to American TV or Theatres due to the violence and adult themes. That is a TRUE shame.
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