Hollow Man (2000)
I can't tell you how bad this movie is! Well, maybe I can...
8 August 2000
This is, without a doubt, the WORST movie I have seen in a very long time. From the flat out bad plot, to the "horror movie stupidity" of the characters, this movie reeked, even worse, it had such promise...

I had high hopes for this movie originally - it could have been a great movie exploring what a real person would do if suddenly granted invisibility, and how it might slowly erode your morals since "Who's going to know?" The temptation would be great, and in the hands of Kevin Bacon, one of the most versitile actors in Hollywood, it would be a superb movie.

But "Hollow Man" disappoints. We never CARE about Sebastian, and he strikes us as the type of person who might off somebody who seriously got in the way of his progress ANYWAY. He is crass, cruel and egomaniacal, so his descent and fall is not a surprise; it's inevitable.

The plot is like a 22 minute "Twilight Zone" or "Tales From The Crypt" episode someone thought might be a good idea for a movie. No surprises, no twists, and so MANY slasher movie cliches it is sickening. You KNOW what will happen before it does. I hate it when a movie spends so much time (and money; the special effects are excellent, too bad they are wasted here) getting you to believe in the thin scientific premise surrounding the plot (which I have no problem with; they did a good job here, albiet briefly, and I'm prepared to suspend a little disbelief), and then ignore BASIC PHYSICS and totally and blatently destroy the disbelief they worked so hard to create...

Example - End of the movie. The insane invisible killer gets fried by Elisabeth Shue with an impromptu flamethrower. OK. Fine. THREE SECONDS LATER he is running after her full tilt. Apparently, invisibility grants super-healing. He is then hit FULL ON THE HEAD with a CROWBAR, and immediatly jumps up to attack our heroes while their backs are turned. Then, while all three main characters are each standing in THREE INCHES OF WATER he swings a crowbar into a high-voltage box, frying himself and turning himself semi-visible, while the others escape. Apparently, invisibility also hinders conductivity, otherwise all three would be dancing the electric boogaloo. Fast-forward - Sebastian is apparently unconcious. Heroes climbing to escape explosion (which should have fried them all, but thats just an action movie cliche as well: Flames licking at the heros feet while he climbs/runs/drives/jumps to safety.) Huge explosion. FROM THE WRECKAGE comes the semi-visible Sebastian?!?!?! Either he got caught in the explosion, and he should be dead, or he was on the elevator with them, and they would have seen him since he was SEMI-VISIBLE!!! ARGH!!!! I am prepared to suspend disbelief, but this is TOO MUCH!!! And he has the strength the tangle with the heroine after the MAJOR COOKING, CROWBAR TO THE HEAD AND THOUSANDS OF VOLTS OF ELECTRICITY!!!! Just ONE of these would be enough the make me say "now hold on,..." but ALL THREE!!! PLUS him crawling IMPOSSIBLY FROM THE TWISTED WRECKAGE OF THE ELEVATOR!!!

To make matters worse, Kevin Bacon and Elisabeth Shue are fine actors both. But to have this movie devolve into slasher movie stupidity is unconscionable. The cast acts well with what they are given, but this movie has NO redeeming qualities WHATSOEVER!

One of the top ten worst movies EVER. (except for the special effects, the SF guys should get an Oscar for this.)
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