Mindless fun that delivers.
5 November 2000
Yet another old television show has been updated for the big screen. The new Charlie's Angels movie is cheesy and comical, and it means to be. What we have here is a mindless but fun outing that will have women cheering and guys laughing. Diaz, Liu and Barrymore portray the extraordinarily skilled team of crime-fighters who seem able to do everything except lead a normal life. Bill Murray plays Bosley, their supervisor, and John Forsythe reprises his role as the voice of the team's boss Charlie. Their latest seemingly routine call involves rescuing and protecting a computer genius whose technology is about to fall into the wrong hands. Of course things wind up to be more complicated than expected, and the Angels must use their "talents" to save the day. They quickly cross paths with a creepy individual played by Crispin Glover, who some of you my remember as the nerdy George McFly from Back To The Future. He's changed his look a bit since then, and ends up being one of the coolest big screen villains since Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode One, which he was surely patterned after. This film is fun, albeit silly fun, and will entertain you on many levels. First time director McG, pronounced Mick-G, borrows shots and styles from many recent films. The most obvious similarities come from The Matrix, allowing our heroes and villains to defy the laws of physics on numerous occasions. All of the fight scenes are spectacular and nicely choreographed, with the exception of one involving Drew Barrymore towards the end. You would think with all of the fancy wirework and effects capability that they could at least give the illusion of Drew's kicks connecting with the bad guys. Bill Murray adds some nice extra comedy to an already funny film. Don't expect any Academy Award nominations, but definitely expect a sequel. Mind-numbing entertainment can be great if you're in the right mood.
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