Not the best movie I have seen...
8 March 2001
...but very very close, because of the entertainment-value.

'Boondock Saints' is a blast - a movie you can watch over and over again. Everything is exaggerated, but without getting corny or stupid. John Woo eat your heart out - this movie takes slow motion sequences to another level. I always liked Willem Dafoe. In this one he starts out as a wise-guy cop, but as the movie progress, his dark and paranoiac behaviour surfaces, scene by scene. Great performance from him.

I can't believe that this is the only movie that David Della Rocco has been in. His performance was great as 'the funny man' (and funny he was). This movie succeeds because it blends so many genres (drama, comedy, action) and does it well. The script is really good, as well. Troy Duffy obviously had a lot of fun playing with words (just take a look at the 'memorable quotes' section for this film, and you'll get the idea).
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