Review of Big Daddy

Big Daddy (1999)
Adam Sandler needs to return to his dayjob.
30 January 2000
To those who are understanding, this movie is terrible.

I expected it to be.If you're wondering why I saw it,I had some notion that it would be just a cut above Sandler's ordinary material and might invoke some laughs - I was wrong. Sandler has never invoked any laughs in his movies, and never will. If there's ever a scene where, say, he gets creamed after provoking some strong person, that might be funny. But things haven't changed, all his personas remain the same. i.e., acting like a spoiled 5 year old, yelling, screaming, talking like a little baby, and making fun of people, etc.

The film portrays him as a Law student, which is probably the funniest thing in the whole movie (Not laugh with funny, laugh at funny!) He is left to take care of his roommate's kid, and I'll let you find out what happens from there. He obviously won't drive him to pre-school on time. He obviously won't teach him to be a patriotic neo-conservative, and the movie will obviously go by with its share of bathroom and other humor relating to bodily functions. Too bad it wasn't funny. I learned my lesson from this movie, which is avoid a film with Sander on the credits. I don't care if it's a sequel to Braveheart, time is valuable!

One last thing I wanted to point out was how Steve Buscemi ended up in this movie. He's the guy you always see in indy-films. Is he friends with Sandler? Was it a gambling debt? Who knows!!!!
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