Warren Got Fingered
15 May 2002
This is as bad as you've heard. Insultingly stupid. I really only watched it to see Josh Hartnett, who mercifully was spared a lot of the embarrassment.

Then again, there is so much to be embarrassed about, so much to go around, he could have taken some on to ease the burden for all the 'adults' who are on display dishonoring their craft.

Diane Keaton should have the most explaining to do, as she sleep-walks through her part. She also has some difficult-to-hear dialogue, some of it involving husband Warren's endowment.

No, scratch that...Charlton Heston, as a character who has no business in the movie in the first place, has the most to explain. The scene where he threatens a party with a gun made the NRA also require an explanation.

No, wait... the trio of Jenna Elfman, Andie McDowell and Nastassia Kinski, as the women in Warren's life..they appear at will or when the situation calls for something illogical to happen.

I guess I should settle this by giving the award to Warren, who still has 'Ishtar' to apologize for. Its obvious in some ways its his movie, as the majority of the cast has worked with or for him before. What a great friend you are, Warren! Good thing for us you're not an agent, then good actors would do garbage like this more often.

1/10, needless to say. Avoid the pain.
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