Resident Evil (2002)
A movie based on a video game... Uh oh!
27 December 2003
I am a big fan of the Resident Evil video games. Heck, I bought a GameCube just so I could play them, but this movie is such a disappointment. First of all, the movie is so chock full of stupidity in the beginning that I was unable to re-engage my sense of goodwill. First of all (and I'll start with the positives) the sets are excellent. The zombies are excellent. The zombie dogs are great (anyone who played the video game will appreciate them, I think) and Mila Jovovich gives a solid performance as "Alice". (On the other hand, after seeing the film about five times, I can't remember her ever being called Alice and the last time I saw it I watched it just to see if anyone called her that. They didn't. If I'm wrong let me know.) Also British actor James Purefoy is good as Spence even though he wasn't given a great deal to do (if you want to see an even better horror movie check him out in the Brit horror film "Lighthouse".

Now, on to the stupidity. We're told the Hive has only one emergency exit/entrance. Basically that means there are only two ways in and out. Who would agree to live and work there? Hasn't anyone ever heard of "cabin fever"? Sure they have the screen by the windows that shows regular traffic as if they were above Raccoon City, but that isn't the same. Who would willingly "live and work" miles underground in such conditions? On top of that, we're told that the security system/computer the Red Queen went homicidal four hours earlier by the security team. Wait a minute, the security system went homicidal FOUR HOURS EARLIER and security is only just showing up? That's not a very impressive response time. On top of that, we're shown that the biohazard leak is the work of a saboteur, yet for some reason the Red Queen (despite having security cameras set up literally everywhere) doesn't know who it is (because if she did, it would have been a completely different movie). On top of that the false scares are telegraphed and most of the opportunities to genuinely scare the audience are missed (there are a few that are done well, but since these are the highlights of the film I wouldn't dare spoil them). Though on the other hand, the CGI for the "licker" is less than impressive (hasn't anyone seen the "Gollum" in LOTR? Note to budding horror/sci-fi directors: watch those films and learn!). On the whole, this film would be best for horror film fans and fans of the video game. If, however, you're interested in the DVD because of the extras, don't bother. Mila Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez dominate the commentary track with giggling and other inanities drowning out the director just as he's about to tell what seems like an interesting anecdote. On the whole, a zombie movie that's been done before and after and done much better. (How about 28 Days Later?).
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