A vdery entertaining movie. Bill Murray rebounds from the shocking "Larger than Life" flop
21 December 1999
It is very rarely that a modern comedy movie can hold my attention all the way through, never mind actually make me laugh. This movie achieved both.

Bill Murray is excellent as Wallace Ritchie the bumbling hero who spends the entire movie thinking he is on theatre t.v. The plot provides plenty of opportunity for Murray to showcase his comic talents. Look out for the "time out I have dust in my eyes scene" or the "robbery takes and retakes" in which Murray is at his best.

Peter Gallagher is also good as Wallace's brother James. Gallagher is the straight man to Murray's fool.

Whalley-Kilmer is also excellent. She plays the female interest for Wallace. She starts out as the intended "hit" and by movies end is in the arms of Murray. She certainly has a certain "spunk" about her that makes her character attractive and tempting to the eye.

Alfred Molina is also a "stand out" as Boris the Butcher. His over the top acting of the Russian hitman is very funny. As the movie goes on, Boris believes that Wallace is actually the greatest spy that exists, and a deepening respect is formed by him.

This is one of the better comedies I have seen in recent times. I gave it a 7/10 and as far as Murray is concerned, this is probably his best work since Groundhog Day and then way back to Ghostbusters. Watch it, you shouldn't be disappointed
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