Review of The Avengers

The Avengers (1998)
22 August 1998
If Sean Connery's in a movie, I'll see it. This one is so disappointing !

This film tries very hard to be spectacular. There's a preview on many home videos these days that features clips from classic old films, designed to inspire the viewer to go out and buy or rent movie classics - you know, Gone With the Wind and the like. I had the same impression, watching The Avengers. Mr. Freeze and his plan to chill the world, from Batman. The cat woman's costume and persona, draped on Uma Thurman. The catwalk fight scene from Moonraker. Search parties dispatched to locate James Bond, who turns up in a life raft with his romantic interest. A sprinkling of the hurricane special effects from Twister. There's even computer generated special effect attack bugs from an episode of TV's Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict. To name but a few.

Does this producer have a single original thought in his head? You know, there are places in the world where people get fired for reproducing someone else's work without citing the source [like Boston!].

Ralph Fiennes, in The English Patient, made me feel his intense love and desire, and his subsequent anguish. The only anguish I felt watching the Avengers was over the total lack of character development. Both Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes were trapped into reciting lines that left them no opportunity to flesh out actual characters. That is not to say that a movie has to be serious for the audience to believe in the "hero," James Bond films being a perfect example. The Avengers fell terribly short.

Perhaps Sean Connery got involved in this project, wanting to play the diabolical genius madman, bent on conquering the earth. What great fun that could be for an actor of his caliber. The same can be said for the motivations behind Thurman and Fiennes' roles as well-known heroes. Too bad the script was written so badly, the story so disjointed, to derail even the most devoted fans. The musical score was just as uninspiring.

And tell me, please, what's going on with the greasy guy in the wheelchair sucking down cigarettes? And the blind chick that is just too weird? What's the motto here? The bad guys are ugly, handicapped, and bizarre? I don't get it.

What was good about this movie? If you're into fashion, Thurman's wardrobe was stunning from start to finish. And sure, for the ladies, seeing Ralph Fiennes in the buff - okay, that was fun (though you didn't really need to do that, Ralph.)

This movie will definitely appeal to the average 15 year old, preoccupied with role models who have something "cool" to say, in any situation. If you're past the pimple stage in your life, however, these characters are as flat as the screen on which they're projected.

Overall, leave this film to rent when it comes out on video (maybe, next week) when you are looking for something mindless to do for 90 minutes.
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