Review of Rudy

Rudy (1993)
The Most Inspiring Movie Ever!!!!
27 May 2002
RUDY is the greatest football movie of all time. Wait, did I say 'football movie'? I meant movie. Period. Between the gut-wrenching acting by Sean Astin, tear-jerking moments of the climax, the miraculous true story of a short man fighting to make his lifelong dreams come true, you'll be rooting for Rudy throughout the film. Rudy's dream is a selfless act of triumph that can do nothing but good for the entire human race. You can't help but ride right along with Rudy for the roller-coaster of emotions that ensues, leading up to the greatest moment of his life, a moment that will resonate in the very fiber of your being. This movie shows that dreams really can come true. If you put your mind (and body) to it, and if you have a big enough heart, you too can accomplish anything! After watching this movie, I was inspired to try just that much harder at everything I do, in hopes of one day becoming half the man that Rudy is. This movie is genuine, heart-felt emotion that will touch the inner depths of your soul. From the biggest person to the smallest, one and all will be reaching for the tissues after enjoying, nay, living, every moment of this film. Warning: don't watch the movie alone. You'll want the extra arms in the room for when you're hugging each other in celebration, and an extra voice erupting with cheers for the single greatest movie hero of all time: RUDY.
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