Good Acting, great scenery, but "Face" supporters still miss the point
26 July 2000
I practically grew up around the area where this movie was filmed . . . the scenery is indeed that beautiful and more. The acting in this movie is top notch. But still. . . as much as I WANT to like this movie, I can't.

I'm the last person to say a movie is bad just because it changes from the book. That's not the point with "Face." The point is, Mel Gibson DRASTICALLY changed the entire political and social meaning of the original text. He substituted his own extremely conservative slant to the entire film. I think most critics of "Face" concentrate on Gibson's homophobia. That's just the start . . . not a single character in this movie who is against the Vietnam War is presented with any kind of dignity or intelligence. As far as Gibson is concerned, they're all boobs. Send your kid to a military academy in the heat of the Vietnam War! Who cares? There are no moral issues at stake here. All the critics of this kid's desires just don't understand, don't know what they're talking about.

It's too bad . . . this is a good movie overall. But I can do without Gibson's thick conservative interpretation. I could accept a balanced presentation, one where all sides are seen as credible. But that's just not Gibson's agenda. It's like he's out to slam gays and peace activists in one fell swoop. Yup, it's like he wanted to "redefine" patriotism and masculinity.

Mel, you make me sick. And I hope no one responds with, "It's just a movie!" Art counts. It's why Lincoln told Harriet Beecher Stowe that she was the "cause" of the Civil War. "Face" is not comparable to "Uncle Tom's Cabin," of course, but it's still hell bent on its political agenda.
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