What a piece of garbage.
4 April 1999
What a piece of garbage. I mean, I could go along with this if the remake had actually been a respectable piece of work; the original Night of the Living Dead is one of the finest horror films ever made, and quite simply THE uncontested best zombie flick. With that masterpiece, George Romero managed to transcend the world of schlocky B-movie horror and deliver a genuinely frightening look at humanity's failure to cooperate in times of crisis. Through that movie's realistic characters and skillful script, the audience learned the real definition of terror. But this . . . it's like the 1990 version was made by people who utterly hated the original and wanted to smear its name. The shining, serious message expressed in the 1968 work of art has been buried under a mountain of hideous acting, cheesy makeup and needless, unrealistic profanity. Real people would not behave like this in a crisis situation. This movie has absolutely nothing going for it--not even the excessive gore that made Day of the Dead at least watchable (and you'd really expect a lot of it, seeing how Tom Savini directed this monstrosity). I realize a lot of zombie fans happen to like this one, and they are entitled to their opinions; if you have any respect for the original movie, though, I'd advise you not to take any chances. Seriously, if I could change just one day of my past I would choose to rewrite the day I decided to watch this film.
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