Night Eyes (1990)
10 August 2000
A security expert (Andrew Stevens) is hired to watch over a millionare's soon to be ex-wife (Tanya Roberts), but temptation proves to be to much for Stevens. And he is thrown head long into an affair with Roberts.

This hot, steamy erotic romantic thriller features near X rated sexual encounters. This film will definately cause a few temperatures to raise. This is one movie that can truly be classified as erotic.

Tanya Roberts is very good and looks very good, especially naked. Andrew Stevens is nothing more then scenery and turns in what can be described as a clunky performance. But still don't let that turn you away, this is very good for a erotic thriller. Released in a few theaters before going to video. My rating is a 7.5 out of 10.

Night Eyes is unrated and contains Strong Sexual Content, Nudity, Violence, and some Language. 95 very hot minutes.
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