Chucky lost respect.
9 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"Child's Play" (1988) surprised horror fans worldwide because it wasn't as cheesy as thought. In fact, it's a great horror movie with an interesting premise, good direction, great acting, and some scary moments. I wish I could say the same about the direct 1990 sequel "Child's Play 2". Obviously this sequel was very rushed and came when it shouldn't. Spending more time on a script and another choice for director could've helped this to become a decent sequel.

**SPOILERS** After the traumatic events of part 1, Andy Barclay is separated from his mother and both are under psychological treatment. Then Andy is settled with an adoptive family formed by Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and Kyle, an orphan troubled girl also adopted by the Simpsons. Police denied Andy and his mother's version of the events and close the case making the events of the original movie as non existent. Executives and the President of the "Good Guy" company needed an official explanation in order to shut down rumors spread by tabloids about a possessed Good Guy doll. Engineers of the company explore and repair the rests of the supposedly possessed doll and do not find any abnormality. Suddenly lightning strikes the doll and one of the producing engineers gets electrocuted and dies. Chucky is resurrected that way and once again starts his search for Andy in order to get his soul out of the body and pass it on Andy's.

Chucky manages to enter Andy's new house and subsequently his life. Nobody believes Andy when he says that Chucky is alive and living inside the house, but when things start to get a little ugly after Mr. Simpson's death, only Kyle realizes the boy is telling the truth. Kyle and Chucky escape from Chucky after a series of events and persecutions and end up in the Good Guy factory. The climatic ending leads Andy and Kyle blowing up Chucky's body (or what it's left of it). You have to watch it for specific details, it's a very weird death.

This time Chucky kills Andy's school teacher, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, a Good Guy exec., a Good Guy worker, Tommy (a Good Guy doll), and a woman of the family center.

ACTING. In this field the best is Alex Vincent's performance. He's a very cute boy still and this time his performance is stronger than in the first movie. He had potential to become a child star. Kyle's performance is okay, and her beautiness helps a lot. Brad Dourif's voice is still excellent and gives Chucky a personality. The other actors are regular and makes us miss Mr. Sarandon and Catherine Hicks. DIRECTION. Boring and tries to copy Tom Holland's. This movie is not attractive for the eye and is just one of the bunch of early 90's crappy horror movies. F/X. Chucky has more screen time but sadly it's not as good as in part 1. Remember, quantity is not quality. The gore is okay and Chucky's death is somewhat good in the gore field. SCORE. Regular. Nothing you haven't seen.

Watch "Child's Play" 2 only if you are a big fan of Chucky. I'm not a huge fan but I enjoy his movies; I'm a big fan of the original Child's Play movie, not because of Chucky. As a child I like all of the Chucky movies the same, but not that I can say I enjoy good horror I realize the best of the bunch is "Child's Play". Sequels shouldn't be spawned after the original IMO. After the superior "Child's Play", the franchise turned into horror/comedy movies with a Chucky that would crack one liners a la Freddy Krueger. By the time of part 2, Chucky wasn't nearly scary or menacing as in the original.

4/10. Mindless fun.
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