The Ultimate Phallic Symbol - What would Freud have made of this?
25 July 1999
The other comments have captured the essence of the movie perfectly. When you combine snakes, semi-nude vampires, Hugh Grant and Ken Russel, the results are going to be unusual. Although the dialogue is at times a bit lame, the special effects (such as they are) very un-special, the film is a hoot to watch. Ken Russel loads it with all sorts of not so subtle symbolism, and besides, having the lead vampire chick verify the heroines status as a virgin (the only really tasty treat for the snake god) with a large pointed statue and you know this is not your typical low budget horror flick!

A surprisingly restrained showing of Hugh Grant (as noted in other reviews, he is not the white knight rescuing the damsels in this flic) is actually to the films benefit, as his classic "Hughy" mannerisms wouldn't work in this genre. The snake/vampire priestess is often semi-nude, and certainly leads one to improve ones opinions on reptiles. The overall effect if to combine Ken Russel weirdness with Bram Stoker gothic to good effect.

Slither out and see it if you get a chance. The film is subtitled, so that the mute button is a useful tool when the dialogue gets too leaden.

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