Deep Space (1988)
Decent Sci-fi "B" flick.
19 April 2003
A Government experiment from space just landed somewhere in L.A., it's a horde of alien pods that unleashes monstrous baby creatures including one huge mother-^%&$^%&* that go around the city killing people in the alleys and neighborhoods, it's up to a rookie cop ( played by Charles Napier from "Jury Duty", " Rambo-First Blood part II" and " Silence of the Lambs") to stop these monsters.

Pretty much decent for a low-budget Sci-fi flick that changes the whole Cops-and-Robbers theme to Cops-and-Aliens instead, some of the acting is stiff but there is a good apperence by Batman: The Series's Julie Newmar and a cool looking more that makes this an entertaining movie worth checking out.

If you liked " Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn" and " Bad Taste" then this is for you.

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