One of the Worst Films of All Time
18 September 1999
I wasn't planning to dignify this film with a review, but when I saw that 1980's DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE was about to be rereleased on VHS and DVD, I felt compelled to speak out. For if there's any film that isn't begging for a rerelease, it's got to be this one. In a nutshell, this film's "plot" revolves around mentally deranged Vietnam veteran and porno photographer Kirk Smith (Nicholas Worth), who likes to ritualistically torture, rape, and strangle to death hapless young women. For some odd reason, he becomes obsessed with radio psychiatrist Dr. Lindsay Gale (Flo Gerrish), and he soon starts knocking off her patients until he comes to her.

Although it is classified as a horror film, DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE should not be compared to FRIDAY THE 13TH or HALLOWEEN. There is no real suspense to speak of, few scares, and very little gore. Don't be fooled by the title: the classic slasher movie theme of phone stalking plays almost no role in the film. What this film is heavy on is misogyny and sexual sadism. For that reason, DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE should be classed in with "horror" films such as I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and NEVER PICK UP A STRANGER, films which unfairly discredited the horror genre as a whole with their emphasis on the torture and degradation of female characters.

Very rarely, a film without any redeeming qualities whatsoever comes along. This is one of them. The acting by all in this film is absolutely atrocious, with Gerrish particularly uninspiring as the movie's "heroine." As if the plot and acting weren't awful enough, this film is saddled with a horrendous, porno-grade score, which is well below average even for low-budget schlock like this. At the same time, this isn't a "so bad it's good" movie, because its nasty themes (torture, rape, misogyny) are just not things that should be laughed at. The only good thing that can come with this film's rerelease is that many more people will see it and give it the vote (1) that it deserves, so that it can join the list where it so rightfully belongs, the IMDb Bottom 100.

If you're looking for a much better executed film with similar themes, try 1981's EYES OF A STRANGER.

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