Breaking Away (1979)
The Oscar winning script is so good that no matter how many times you watch the video there is something interesting to be discovered.
8 May 1999
Yates (Curtain Call) directed, the Oscar winning screenplay was written by the late Steve Tesich (The World According Peter to Garp). Dennis Christopher (It's My Party, The Profiler (Jack)) plays Dave, who likes to pretend to be Italian, calls his mother Barbara Barrie ("Suddenly Susan") "mama", and his dad "papa", shaves his legs because bicyclists in Italy are supposed to do that, and his friend Mike says: "weird country, the men shave their legs but the women don't". Dave also calls his cat Fellini. Even his ashtray is Cinzano brand. He is so entertaining! He sings Italian songs, pretends to be a Italian student to date one of the sorority girls, Katherine, Robyn Douglass is to Dave "Catherine". High school graduates do not know what do to with their lives. Dave is a local and is not even in college, yet. The college students call the locals kids pejoratively "Cutters", because their parents or someone in a generation back used to be stone cutters. Dennis Quaid (Parent Trap, D.O.A.) is Mike. You get the chance to hear Dennis Quaid sing! Quaid used to have a band. Mike is somewhat rebellious and sometimes annoying but over all just a young adult coping with being a cutter and trying to compete with all the rich college students. He feel jealous of the college students and is annoyed that he does not know what to do with his own life. He drives this "land yacht" which is the ugliest car you will ever see! Daniel Stern (City Slickers, D.O.A.) is Cyril and Jackie Earle Haley (Nemesis) is Moocher are the rest of the quartet of friends. They have fun, know each other really well. But they are competing with the college students from Bloomington, Indiana.

Paul Dooley, (I'll Remember April) is the Dad who hates all those Italian things that his son likes so much. He says that all Italian foods end with an "ini" such as: zucchini, liguini, fettuccine, and so on.

Dave is a bicyclist who is looking forward to meeting the Italian team that is coming to town. He seems to naively think that the Italian team will welcome him with open arms. Boy, does he gets disappointed! The Italian team groups up against him and one sticks a bicycle pump in his spokes. Later the four of them decide to race in a college race as a Cutter team and the university kids make fun of them. The cutter team, the little guys win. We all like that! Dad them decides to bike also, and to his surprise the son gives up been Italian and now turns French and passes dad on the street and says: Bon Jour! papa. He goes go to college, where he is now after a mademoiselle and no longer cares for the bambina.

Favorite Scenes: Dave racing the Cinzano truck, the four of them swimming in the lake on a lazy summer day, the cutter team winning the race, Dave singing to Catherine. Favorite lines: Son :"Did you know that fly in Italian is Mosca! Dad:" Did you know that fly in English is pest." Dad: "All Italians food end with an "ini": zucchini, liguini, fettuccine". Darn, I want some American food! I want french fries! "Oh! Dave, please do not turn Catholic on us!"

This a fun movie. I have the tape and every once and awhile will watch it. The script is so good that no matter how many times you watch it there is something interesting to be discovered.
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