Watch Solaris instead!
18 August 1999
I watched this for the first time in years recently, and was hugely disappointed.

The acting is abysmal - it would've been better to go over the top and ham it up, as in a film like in Flash Gordon. The script couldn't possibly have taken longer than 20 minutes to write: I know it's supposed to be a "simple tale of good and evil", but that's no excuse for completely omitting a plot.

To give it some credit, some of the sets look good (especially the interior of the death-star) and Darth Vader livens things up a bit whenever he's on screen.

How this film has taken on the aura that it has is one of the many phenomena of modern life that beggar belief (like the popularity of mobile phones).

Incidentally, I was a 13 year old boy when the film came out in 1977 (a perfect age for being hooked, you would think), but I don't remember liking it much then either.
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