Fright fest that holds strong
2 April 2000
Director Tobe Hooper brought us this low-budget chiller in the early 70's, and I'm guessing only true horror fans have actually seen it, and likely they will be the only ones who will want to. The film is jammed full of unrelenting terror and madness, with a twisted and sick feeling covering the film. The movie is a fantastic piece of classic horror that still manages to supply fright, with little gore and simply implied violence. What is truly scary is the set and atmosphere. The idea alone is just plain macabre. A family in rural Texas slaughters teens to supply barbecue for their local gas station. The film set the standard of horror "slasher" films, and is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. The film is definitely not for everyone though. If you love horror, see it today, you will not be disappointed. Others, steer clear of this film. It may be a brilliant flick, but you likely won't be able to handle the insanity.
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