Carry on Dick (1974)
The last of the true Carry Ons
20 August 2003
I re-watched Carry On Dick on DVD today. I usually agree that this film is a bit of a hit and miss, but i think now that is it very good, up there with Carry On Henry for historicals, not Cleo though.

Sid James is looking older, but he can still pull it off. Critics may say that James was too old to be lusting after someone of Barbara Windsor's age, but the situation the characters are put in, (two highway man/women), you can believe this girl would have a relationship with the elder man because of the work they do together. So i think they work well together in this film.

This is the only film i can think of in the series that starts of pretty dull then gets funnier towards the middle and end. Very good ending with Hattie Jacques on the organ, pumping for all she's worth.

Kenneth Williams and Jack Douglas have good chemistry, but it's really just the same characters Williams and Peter Butterworth played in Don't Lose Your Head. The premise of the film is very similar!

As for the rest of the cast, Peter Butterworth shines in the drag sequence as he ogles over Joan Sims' bosoms. Ms Sims doesn't get much to do, but she's always funny and my favourite of the team. Kenneth Connor is excellent as the ageing Constable, such a great character actor. And Hattie Jacques excells as Miss Hoggett, the nosey housekeeper. Very good in the sequence where she is listening at the door.

The Carry Ons never felt the same after Talbot Rothwell left. There was something no quite right about Behind, England, Emmannuelle or Columbus. I don't think anyone could recapture his style, he was born to write Carry On humour.

The team was also breaking up at this point. Obviously the style was getting tired, and in reality, Peter Rogers and Gerald Thomas should have called it a day after this one. The one's that followed were good in places, but never hit the mark.
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