Hammer's 5th Frankenstein film is proof positive of the fine work of Cushing/Fisher.
23 October 1998
Peter Cushing will always be THE final word on the role of Baron Frankenstein. Cunning, arrogant, relentless and above all else,charming. It could also be said that Terence Fisher is the final word on not only directing Hammer's Frankenstein series but Hammer films in general. This is not a new theory by any stretch regarding Fisher. His was the style by which all who played for Hammer's team would in some way emulate. It is no surprise, therefore, that FRANKENSTEIN MUST BE DESTROYED would be so good. Both actor and director had become pretty familiar with this material but rather than go through the motions something high above the expectation mark occurs. A good script certainly helps and indeed this time around there is. It is the relished performance of Peter Cushing and the carefully executed direction of Fisher which gives this film it's tasty Gothic flavor. Never seen a Hammer film? Here's your chance to sink your teeth into a good one.
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