Review of The Prisoner

The Prisoner (1967–1968)
18 August 2001
I was living in England when this show premiered in late 1967. I was 12 years old, and this show grabbed hold of me and has never let go since. Patrick McGoohan has to be not only the most underrated actor of his generation, but also the most astonishing visionary ever allowed control over a TV production. The fact that he took a popular genre like the secret agent craze and turned it on it's ear is only part of it. So many loftier and more prestigious dramas have never come close to THE PRISONER in examining issues like integrity, societal pressure, the cost of freedom, and even the nature of reality itself.

For a long time I have been mystified by how little this show is acknowledged in historical documents of television, and by how many people seem to have forgotten both it and Patrick McGoohan. And after more than 30 years, I can only come to one conclusion about why that is.

We are still all living in the Village.
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