Review of The Blob

The Blob (1958)
Quite Absorbing
4 October 2001
I've always liked this movie because when I was ten I saw it as a double feature with "I Married a Monster from Outer Space." I remember the bouncy theme song and the eerie quality of the beginning. A meteor lands and an old man finds it. Poking it with a stick, a taffy like substance makes its way down and suddenly swallows up his arm. He, of course, is absorbed and the fun begins.

This fun flick, is one of those many fifties' teenagers are misunderstood movies. We have the nice cop and the angry cop, who has it in for the local teenagers because of something that happened to his family. McQueen has a bad rep and his credibility is constantly in doubt because of his hot rodding. Aneta Corsaut, Helen Crump from "The Andy Griffith Show" is his female companion. She is misunderstood as well. McQueen is suspect and her father, a prototype fifties take no hostages father, forbids their seeing each other. Some things haven't changed and it fuels the fire. Meanwhile, the blob is soaking up the locals at an alarming rate. There is my favorite where a mechanic, lying on one of those creepers, is pulled under the car, his legs twitching. Then there's the strawberry jam, oozing out through the openings in the projection booth. But like all good teen movies, the kids know more than the adults and save the day. They even get to break the windows at the high school. The movie is pure fun and not to be taken so seriously.
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