It couldn't be made today - so let's be thankful it was made when it was
31 July 1999
You don't hear the word `jungle' much these days ... Somehow, `The Naked Rainforest' doesn't do it for me. Say `the naked jungle' softly to yourself, and the images that come to mind will give you a good idea of what to expect. No, sadly you won't see the naked Eleanor Parker - this is 1954. But there IS a particularly erotic scene, all things considered...

Okay, maybe a trillion omnivorous ants weren't what you expected, either. Consider them a bonus. This is the story of a mail-order bride and a wealthy plantation owner (the sort of character likely to be played by Charlton Heston) who come to fall in love with each other partly because of savage external forces (ants), and partly, to be honest, because there's not much else to do in the middle of the jungle. The extended coda in which they must fight tooth and nail to save the plantation from ruin is thus not tacked on to the romance, but an integral part of it. And it's exciting even if you don't give a fig for the love story.
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