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This Is Literally One Of The Best Action/Adventure Movie Ever Made! 10/10 Perfection.
21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The main theme centers on Cap's internal struggles and Cap's relationships with everyone from previous film. This is indeed a Captain America film and NOT Avengers 2.5. Everyone from Sam Wilson the Falcon to Bucky Barnes to Tony Stark plays a huge role but it's all in relation to Cap being the main focus. Even interaction with Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow and Clint Barton/Hawkeye are important. Previous films are paid off nicely and it's why even smaller roles are pivotal. This movie stands on its own, but it certainly respects its roots of everything that has made the MCU great. It not only respects it but it quite literally pays off a lot of it but in a natural and even a surprising way. It's not necessary to have sen previous films but it certainly adds to the remarkable depth and the impact of this movie.

The film is really grounded in a believable world that supports the political thriller and psychological thriller aspect, and it's helped by the caliber of the cast involved.

A core theme surrounding Cap is the idea that he once used to represent America and has now become alien to modern thoughts and values due to the passage of time and the events of the Winter Soldier movie. Seeing this level of emotional stakes of this hero's journey is rare and incredibly captivating.

All the fighting is very visceral and believable. Early on it's amazing and when it comes to hero vs hero, it becomes even more so. This is no "scrimmage" or fake fight. The stakes are VERY real and very intense.

This movie puts Cap through a lot and the audience is right there feeling everything with him. It's an incredible ride and one of the best movies that I have ever seen. Not just superhero films but movies in general. It really is that good.
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Risen (2016)
a very well done inspirational story that will hit home for every Christian
19 February 2016
A movie that, in many ways, could very well be the sequel to The Passion of The Christ. Unlike many other Christian made films, it's very well done with the performances being superb. Everything feels authentic and the production values are top notch. The story itself will hit home with every Christian that watches the film and is basically split in to two arcs. Both arcs are from the point of view of what is basically Pilate's right-hand man. The first half of the film confronts how he deals with the events of Easter Sunday morning and the aftermath. The second half is all about how he deals with what he has learned and what the early ramifications of the Resurrection means to everyone involved.

It's inspiring and blends very well Biblical events with instructive narrative. It's very easy to believe that the days following the Resurrection played out in a similar fashion. This film will become a Lenten classic to those of faith.
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The Intern (I) (2015)
A nice -- feel good film
1 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This really is the definition of a "nice" movie. When the performances and the concept are this good, sometimes nice is more than enough. Everything plays out in a rather formulaic way and the resolution involving the marriage issue felt hallow. Yet, Deniro and Hathaway's characters were charming enough to make up for any shallowness. I really did love the old school versus new age philosophy on display and wish they had featured way more of that in the overall story. Seeing his skills pay off more instead of him just being a good guy would have been more rewarding and given the film more depth.

In the end, heart wins out over the clichés and the movie turned out to be a "nice" way to spend two hours.
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This effort is so awful that it actually offends me.
7 August 2015
If this fiasco had been just another Sci-fi Channel type movie I may not have found it offensively bad. I would roll my eyes at its awfulness and move on. Basically, treat it like a Sharknado level movie.

However, taking literary characters that are complex and for years deserved the title of "World's Greatest Comic Magazine" that appeared on their cover and reduce them to this inane drivel is outrageous. Everything about this movie is a waste of film and of talent. The lead up and first act is dull as possible with the characters having the depth of a mud puddle. Still, it was mediocre enough to keep the viewer's attention. Then, they completely forgo any kind of second act at all and jump forward in time. Finally, they deliver the worst concluding act and lack of payoff in comic book adaptation history.

It felt as if I was watching a school assignment or test given to a child that clearly couldn't handle the material. It actually feels like Fox was the teacher and Josh Trank the child and the teacher gave the student a certain amount of time to finish. When the kid clearly was having trouble the teacher either asked other incompetent students to step in and try and help or else the overwhelmed kid just started scribbling anything to fill the page. The movie honestly gives off that vibe. How does something this incompetently pieced together hit the summer big screen?

Whether it was a combination of an overwhelmed director, an awful script, lack of budget or budget being stripped away at the last second by a panicked studio or straight up studio interference it doesn't matter. What was released in theatres is an abomination to the genre and painful to watch.
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Ant-Man (2015)
As Good As An Origin Film Can Get! Pure Fun.
25 July 2015
Either it was a lowered expectation factor or else they really did deliver an instant classic, it's hard to tell at this stage. I love this movie. Somehow it didn't feel epic enough to warrant a 10/10 perfect rating even though I really can't think of one thing I'd change to make it better. Ant-Man is fun first and foremost. It has true heart and soul and the best humor possible without it being too much. I enjoyed the heist angle and the many surprises that kept popping up throughout its running time. Everything felt more intimate and it was the perfect way to follow Age of Ultron for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everything doesn't have to be large, grim or of a world-changing flavor. This may signal the perfect way to move forward for their phase three. Deliver large and then small as they rotate between Avenger and solo films. Whatever the case, I hope to see more of Scott Lang as Ant-Man and his entire supporting cast. Everyone was absolutely wonderful in their roles.

I saw this with a group of 15 family members and every last one of them loved it. Kids and adults, men and women everyone was smiling and raving about the film... that doesn't happen often.
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An Insult To Film Fans And The First Two Films
6 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The critics are right about this one. It's just one dumb movie any way it's sliced. Frankly, instead of being a heady re-launch of a franchise with an alternate timeline it feels more like an insult to the classic first two films.

Everything plays out like poorly written fan fiction, everything except the budget. There are plenty of explosions and robots to go around. It's too bad none of it really resonates. Honestly, I can't name one single stand out action sequence. The cast itself (with the exception of Arnie) is as vanilla as it gets and all three leads simply terribly miscast. The actor that played John Conner was flat out awful. Speaking of John Conner, having his character be yet another generation of Terminator may have seemed like a great twist in script form but it plays out just terribly. Since they showed that plot point in the very first trailer, I don't even consider that spoiler material. Overall, this is one huge disappointment.
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Aloha (I) (2015)
Not bad
27 June 2015
Not quite as bad as all the critics made it out to be. In fact, there were times were this cast really shined. It reminded me of an NHL or NBA all-star game in a way. This was a superb cast thrown together in something that resembles a real movie where the story is pieced together just to show off certain talents. It's like every tenth page or so of the script was really well written and exceptional but the pages in between were hammered together crudely with clumsy dialogue in order to get to those specific moments. What results is a rambling movie that misfires often despite the fact that the entire ensemble is as good as it gets. Bill Murray was wasted and there simply is no chemistry between Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone. Individually the two leads are fine but together there was absolutely no sizzle. Emma and John Krasinski's characters are one dimensional near cartoon characters all the way through. Despite the writing only hitting at a 10% clip, somehow the movie engages enough to be interesting start to rather silly finish.
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Turn off your brain and HAVE FUN!
16 June 2015
I enjoyed this movie warts and all. Yes, I was expecting more "wow" in terms of dinosaur action but it did deliver enough for me to happily crunch my way through a giant tub of popcorn. The first 20 minutes or so is simply bad cinema. Cartoon level characters with no depth setting up the rest of the film. Then, somehow I grew to care for those characters by the end of the movie. I believe this has more to do with great casting and really nothing to do with story. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt ooze charisma and charm. The call backs to the classic original certainly help. I wish we would have had better dinosaur fights and I really hated the horribly written bad-guy with alternative motives that have zero feasibility. Still, I went in expecting a monster movie popcorn flick and that's what they delivered for the most part.
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San Andreas (2015)
Five Beautiful People's Fight To Survive While Hundreds of Thousands Die Horribly
5 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
– This is exactly what was advertised…. a pure CGI disaster film where we follow one family of beautiful people as they struggle to unite and survive. That's the movie, period. It's well paced and entertaining enough if the viewer is able to focus on the Rock, his lovely wife and stunning daughter and look beyond the constant horrific images of hundreds of thousands of people dying horrible deaths. The scope here is off the charts. That's where a movie like this differs from other films like The Poseidon Adventure or Towering Inferno. Massive disaster and destruction abounds in horrific spectacle and it comes in wave after wave, by the end, quite literally.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
A shallow mess of a movie
26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A good story concept and a great idea in general ruined by shallowness at every turn. The first act of the film is intriguing and nicely set up despite the remarkably shallow characters introduced. The "gosh darn amazing" dad, the little brother and even the lead female optimistic dreamer character are as clichéd as it gets. Even so, the set up and dynamic of the first half of the film is engrossing. Then, the story turns and is based upon what amounts to shallow hippie nonsense. The overall plot problem doesn't even aid in the liberal type message it appears that the movie wants to send.

This movie never knew what it wanted to be (Disney theme park promotion? Liberal agenda piece? Sappy kids move? Adventure film with creepy savage killer robots?) and the tone was all over the place. Add the fact that the script is as shallow as a mud puddle and it was actually sad to watch an interesting concept disintegrate as every scene unfolded.
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Overrated and Tedious To The Max
21 May 2015
To quote a different old Mel Gibson action flick, maybe "I'm getting too old for this spit." (TV censored version) I honestly don't understand the seemingly universal praise of this effort. I hesitate to even call it a movie because in reality it's a two hour chase scene. It certainly has its moments and I can appreciate the impressive real world stunts and explosions. I also give it high marks for being exactly what it advertised itself to be… a balls-to-the-walls insane action romp pivoting off the original films. For me, that romp played out like watching an insane person's nightmares over and over and over. The first two acts grew tedious and became something to endure rather than enjoy. Then, the third act hit and the last 20 minutes were amazing. You almost come to care about characters even though none of them were bothered to be developed along the way. Almost.
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Pure Christian Faith Film That's Emotional and Thought Provoking
21 March 2015
This film is exceptionally emotional at times. It delivers strong characters with compelling dramatic arcs. The movie challenges Christians to live better lives and take stock of how they live and what they truly believe.

It certainly isn't a subtle movie in any way. It's a sledgehammer of a Christian film and, sometimes, a sledgehammer is the right tool for the job. The movie is pure Christian faith and what it means to the characters depicted. That may not be the level of faith all Christians are able to achieve but it should be the goal. Films like this are a reminder as well as a message to live life at the highest level possible. Yes, there is a certain level of cheese on display in a few plot lines but it's wonderful and satisfying cheese.

I do love the fact that, unlike other Christian films that I've seen, they brought out top tier acting talent. These performances were amazing top to bottom. Obviously everyone knows Mira Sorvino, Cybill Shepherd and Sean Astin can bring it but journeymen actors like Ted McGinley and Lee Majors give what may be the best performances of their career. I'm stunned to say that even The Boz was very very good. Who knew Brian Bosworth had that type of performance in him?

Overall, for those of Faith this movie is a must see. For those who are lacking Faith, it just may be an eye opener.
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John Wick (2014)
Huge Disappointment To Be Honest
25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say given the hype, I was quite disappointed in this effort. I expected way more story and at least some intrigue. Instead, the film is an hour and a half of Keanu running around slickly shooting various different people in the head. He's angry that they killed his dog (his only chance at acceptance and peace after the death of his wife) and goes around dispatching everyone who gets in his way with head shot after head shot. That's it. Honest to God, THAT is the entire film and it's not even a spoiler because the trailer tells us as much. There's no other plot and nothing to any supporting character whatsoever. The kill action is, again, slick but nothing rises above cut video game type sequences. At least it does make a viewer stop and ponder why all the action movies we grew up watching don't factor in close range gun shots to the head more often.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Performances = Great ........ The Film Itself = Overrated
3 October 2014
All the performance accolades are right on the mark, everyone was superb. Honestly, I can see multiple award nominations for numerous cast members. The under the radar performance for me has to be Carrie Coon in the role of the twin sister. No one seems to be mentioning her but they should be.

As for the story, it's an intriguing tale involving events that keep the viewer fully involved. Yet, the pacing seems off and the payoff extremely muted. Even though I've never read the book, I knew exactly what was happening right from the start. There were very few twists and turns that challenged me but it was interesting to watch it all play out nonetheless. The media circus mockery and satire are perfection. Overall, it's a worthy film that seems to be leaning towards overrated (judging by all the overt praise) but that shouldn't take away from the fact that it delivers material that showcased a wonderful cast perfectly.
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Red Tails (2012)
terribly clichéd and rather shallow writing yet the second half saves the film
24 January 2012
Maybe it was my imagination but it did seem like George Lucas' hands where all over this movie. There's something about CGI WWII dog fights that just doesn't sit right with the mind's eye. There's also the terribly clichéd and rather shallow writing of every single character and circumstance. It really is an uneasy and bad first half of a film that feels like a TV movie searching for something. Yet, somehow this film wears down the viewer. Somewhere along the way the shallow writing adds up and you actually start to care about characters and about the story. I was moved by the fate of a character and caught up in good ole USA pride in the third act. Overall, the race factor seems superficial like the writers wanted to do it justice but not get bogged down in a "stick it to whitey" film. The forced romance is flat out unbelievable and silly. Lucas should have added a super soldier serum or alien technology for the airmen because they really are portrayed as superhuman pilots. Not the epic these real life heroes deserve but a not bad bubblegum flick that gets better after enduring the first half of the film.
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A very good and intense mystery thriller.
23 January 2012
Reading a bit here, it seems to be a key to enjoying this film is NOT reading the book or seeing the Swedish movie.

This is one very well structured and intense mystery thriller. It boarders on over-the-top in terms of adult theme but I was riveted and intrigued every step of the way. The performances are incredible and Rooney Mara deserves every bit of praise that she has generated for her portrayal of this complex and troubled character. There are a few logic flaw moments but they don't hinder the film at all. I do like that they gave us what amounts to a sequel tacked on to the end of the movie. Once the main plot is resolved, we get a resolution to a secondary plot that I didn't think they would go in to so thoroughly. It was like watching a later director's cut version of the film without having to wait for the DVD. That's what happens when a studio let's a big name director release what he wants, good for them.
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I enjoyed everything about this movie.
4 August 2011
My initial reaction is that this film is the best romantic comedy that I've seen in years. The genre has been pretty devoid of quality lately. So, I don't know if that plays a part or not and I really don't care at this point. I enjoyed everything about this movie. It has tremendous heart and charisma and it's so very easy to get caught up in to the lives of these characters. A certain degree of patience is required while viewing because some secondary characters that feel unnecessary to the story are worth getting to know. Steve Carell's character is the one everyone empathizes with and when the movie shifts away from the "A" story you wonder why and start to think that the "B" story is going to be muddled or cliché or one to endure. Well, they're not and everything comes together in a wonderful fashion. The entire cast here is perfection. The overall message may be one to debate but it doesn't matter because the ride and this film are just so smart and so well done.
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Yes, An All-Time Adventure Great Film!
3 August 2011
When I saw this movie, all I could think about was how it instantly stacks up to the all-time great films in its category. What I said about classics like Iron Man, Spider-Man 2, X2 or X-Men First Class holds true for Captain America.

I love the range of emotions and development you experience following Steve Rogers from beginning to end of the film. He grows in to the hero role and you grow to like and admire him as you watch, maybe moreso than any other Marvel hero. I know, that's saying a lot since that's what truly makes Marvel great. It's not superpowers but relatable pathos and depth of character. Well, Cap delivers all that and more. It all works remarkably well as they humanize Steve and draw you in to the story. First Avenger is not just a good comic book movie. It's a great movie period.

The complexity, depth, heart, emotion and action are off the charts. I honestly can't believe we're going to see a better movie this summer and, for that matter the rest of the year. I totally agree with most of the film critics who are raving about it. The complexities of a man dressed in a flag are more then anyone could have been expecting. The evolution and growth of the characters is also something you rarely see in a summer film. I loved the supporting cast a lot, how many summer films can you say you've seen that flesh out supporting characters? I'm so glad this movie turned out as good as it did and that most people are finding it and loving it as well.
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Thor (2011)
A Truly Enjoyable Film On Every Level
8 May 2011
This spectacular film works on so many levels but in large part because of the great cast and the fact that the director took this subject matter seriously. Casting an unknown like Chris Hemsworth was perfect. Veterans like Anthony Hopkins really shine in their roles. What can you say about the stunningly beautiful Natalie Portman? She's just fabulous and is actually better here than in her Oscar winning role from Black Swan. It's written well and the special effects truly are Oscar worthy. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

If you are concerned that this film may not live up to the hype, don't be. Also, don't believe the naysayers at all. I'm betting they are ALL DC/Green Lantern fans afraid their film is going to get lost in this crowded summer. Thor being exceptional gives them pause and actually something to worry about. Do yourself a huge favor and ignore them and see this wonderful film.
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Robin Hood (2010)
Boring and a large scale mess of a film.
16 May 2010
Anyone who tells you this is a great movie is just trying to get someone else to drop money on a middle of the road flick at best! This Robin Hood robs from the poor and middle class to give to the rich… rich movie studios. The true crime occurs at the box office when you hand over your money for admission. What a large scale mess of a film.

It was really disappointing. Now I know why all the intelligent critics are bashing this film. I chalk the few positives up to a love for Ridley Scott and not his actual work this time around. It's overtly dramatic and tries to play on sympathies that they just don't set up. Character driven? That is the most overused term, thrown around by those who don't know any better. If a character strings together more then four coherent lines people love to label the movie as "Character driven." The fact is, the characters aren't developed during this film. The movie is presented in such a hammer-handed fashion that you just want to cringe. Bottom line: wait for video. Don't get your hopes up. Some of this is interesting to watch but NONE of it can be classified as fun. You'll need your fast forward button if you're at all an intelligent movie fan.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Masterfully Executed Sequel! Action AND Heart... A Perfect Mix
26 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I'm one of the fortunate few who got to see this gem a bit early and I'm happy to report that they took what worked so well in Iron Man and ran with it in an extremely gratifying way. The complexity, depth, heart and action are even more off the charts than the first film. It's is not just a great comic book movie but a great movie period. They took the complexities of Tony Stark that they established in movie one and built upon it masterfully. Now we get a reformed and guilt ridden weapons manufacturer weaved with a celebrity who should have never let the cat out of the bag in the final moments of Iron Man 1. They promised to up the action from the first film and they certainly did but the storytelling never suffers for it. Like in 2008, the evolution and growth of the characters is of paramount importance. It has the same flavor and humor of the original and it may even focus more on the fabulous relationships already developed. I was stunned at how they managed to deliver a better film. I didn't think that was possible. Everyone came to play and this great cast brought their best stuff and it shows on screen. Everyone knew Downey, Paltrow and Cheadle could act but Bill O'Reilly and The CNN anchor? Yes, they show up and do a GREAT job in extended cameos. Rourke and Rockwell are PERFECT as the duel foils for Tony Stark, I mean PERFECT. From the Grand Prix in Monaco to the amazing finale, buckle up because this is one intense, interesting, intelligent and fun ride. My only real complaint is that Scarlett's Black Widow has too little screen time. Still, a film that leaves you clamoring for more isn't the worst sin in the world.

When I was done viewing this movie, all I could think about was how it instantly stacks up to the all-time great sequels. What was said about classics like Spider-Man 2, X2, Empire Strikes Back, TDK and even Godfather 2 holds true for Iron Man 2. I honestly can't wait to see it again.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
Good Shallow Fun
24 April 2010
This movie turned out better then I thought it would, and really is better then advertised. The start of the film (about the first 30 minutes or so) was as bad as I was expecting. I found myself wishing for a fast-forward button but still managed to care where the story was going. Then, the plot became interesting as the "Hit Girl" and "Big Daddy" character arcs came in to play. The story still finishes in a shallow and unbelievable way but I have to admit that I was entertained. The kid committing violence controversy didn't affect me one way or the other. Being a comic book fan helps... seeing John Romita Jr's art on the silver screen during the "Big Daddy" origin sequence definitely made me smile. I love his work. While I didn't love this film, I did enjoy myself enough to get my money's worth.
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The Hangover (2009)
The Funniest Movie That I've Seen In Years!!!
5 June 2009
I absolutely loved this movie! Strange as it may be, out of all the movies I've seen this year at the cinema, this is now my highest rated film. (And I like to see at least one movie per week)

Without a doubt, this is the funniest movie that I've seen in years. It starts with a constant chuckle as they establish each character and then kicks it in to high gear. Perfectly structured and purely hilarious, this film throws one outrageous situation after the other and you actually feel like you're the fourth (or fifth) member of this road trip. The photos over the closing credits had the audience I saw it with literally laughing all the way in to the parking lot leaving the film. This is as funny and as fun as it gets.
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Just Awful.
19 May 2006
If anyone thinks this mess of a movie and its poor presentation is a quality film then they are just fooling themselves. It's OK to praise a quality director (which he is) but at least let his latest effort earn that praise. It doesn't make you a true movie connoisseur to rave about an idiotic movie just because huge names are attached. It makes you a pathetic follower who can't use his or her own head and feelings to decide what is good. Forget the individual award nominations that are based on reputation. This movie is just flat out bad.

Though unoriginal in its allegations, The Da Vinci Code proves that some misguided theories never entirely fade away. They just reappear periodically in a different disguise. This movie's claims resemble those of numerous fools throughout history, who have contradicted the united testimony of the Apostles and the early church they built. Those witnesses have always attested that Jesus Christ was and remains God himself. It didn't take an ancient council to make this true. And the pseudohistorical claims of a modern movie or novel can't make it false. That aside, it's just a dull film.
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