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I don't understand what the fuss is about.
6 October 2010
Right, I've seen all these other teenagers wandering around, wearing hoodies with Jack's face on, all crying out "OMG the nitemare be4 Xmas is soooooooo awesome", so I decided to see it for myself. I wanted to know what the fuss was about. I mean, if loads of people like something, it's got to be good, right? .....Right? Less than 3 minutes into the film, I was sitting there thinking "So...People think this is the best animated film ever?" I was struck instantly by the animation. It's dire. So amateurish. I've seen cartoons done by first-year animation students and they are sensational compared to the animation in this film. The animation is 'sticky', usually far too slow (especially with 'shock' reactions), and it's just... argh. It bugged me so much. I'm sure there are going to be people who either think "What are you talking about?" (to them I say: Watch it again and bear this in mind) or "Oh, don't be mean. Stop-motion is very hard and they must be applauded for their efforts" (to them I say: No it's not. I've got loads of experience with stop-motion. It's simple if you know what you're doing). Sure, the models are fine, no, the models are great, it's just that they didn't do a very good job of giving them 'life'.

Now I shall discuss my views of the plot. I must admit, I didn't pay as much attention to the film as many fans would have, but there was something that confused me greatly (among other things, but this one just plain annoys me). Sally is, effectually, the doctor's slave, and is never allowed to be away from the doctor (and is often locked up) so she doesn't get a good taste of the 'outside world', and yet she evidently had managed to develop a good friendship with Jack before the film's setting.

Wait, what? Is that just bad script-writing, or am I simply not seeing the apparent obvious? I don't quite understand how someone can be emotionally separated from the rest of the community, yet manage to maintain a friendship with one of its members.

Other than that *ahem* possible inconsistency, the idea of the plot is very good. It is very imaginative. I don't have any problems with it. This film, as we all know, is also a musical. Now, normally with musicals I sit there thinking "Oh God, there's another song coming up", but with this film, I found the songs tolerable; they became part of the film and, quite simply, the film almost survives on these songs. As for the voice acting, that was also very good, and the actors must be praised for making a decent job of it.

In conclusion, good story, maybe, but great cartoon? I don't think so. There's certainly nothing about it to make me feel like going around saying it's the best cartoon/animated film ever. There are dozens of things I can think of which would have made this film better, and admittedly I find it such a shame that my opinions of the film have been made so negative by this fact.
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Not bad; a good laugh
23 December 2009
It's really hard to rate St Trinian's 2. On the one hand, it is lively, sharp, and amusing, but on the other hand, the plot is a little disappointing. The film itself borders on the 'absolutely surreal' (mind you, it's a bit ironic to claim this against St Trinian's school, eh??), which somehow, I thought, made it a bit awkward to watch.

As ever, the stereotypes of teenage schoolgirls is strong, which adds to the overall enjoyment of the film, and as you can expect with your typical British comedy film, there are the odd pieces of play-on-words humour which you have to be quick to catch up on. Also watch out for references to famous films or other popular-culture references (you'll understand what I mean when you watch it).

(And before you ask: It's generally clean humour. No toilet humour/fart jokes.)

Thus, I give this a rating of 6/10, mainly because of its overall cleverness and entertainment value. Would I recommend it? Yes I would; it's about time a comedy film had real humour in it, even if it is masked in a very bizarre plot.
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Metropolis (1927)
A landmark of all filming
19 January 2009
What can I say about Metropolis? The words: Amazing, genius, thrilling, captivating, wonderful, purely excellent, and imitable come to mind.

Metropolis was a very early sci-fi film, by that master of filming, Fritz Lang. It was made in 1927; so if you had even seen a few seconds of the film, you would be surprised at how advanced it was, even then. No CGI or 'special effects' like we get nowadays; Metropolis is absolutely magical. And it has such a storyline that is absolutely unique... there is not a film like Metropolis. It mixes Sci-Fi, dystopia, romance, and thriller, along with other genres, so there's something for everyone.

The most unfortunate thing about Metropolis is that it is incomplete. Or, at least, the versions of the film you can get now is of the incomplete versions. Due to it being a lengthy film (Fritz Lang had a habit of showing every meticulous detail that may be relevant to the storyline), it was cut severely, so that the audience would receive it better. Unfortunately, this made the plot confusing; what seemed like bit-parts were in fact originally key characters, important events were missed out... Generally, the copies of the film you can get now on DVD are of the most 'restored' version, but there are still some parts missed out.

Fortunately - the parts of the film which had been cut have just recently be found. I would love to see the film when Metropolis has been reunited with the 'lost' footage! Even so, Metropolis is highly recommendable. There are still some minor flaws, I find, but if you appreciate good films, with good story lines, with revolutionary filming techniques... Then Metropolis is for you.
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Why was The Ladykillers killed with a remake?
19 January 2009
The Ladykillers. What can I say? It is a sparkling gem of a comedy, by none other than Ealing Studios.

The original Ladykillers was a brilliant film. British humour, no unnecessary violence or slapstick, and contains killer lines; basically it is an all-round excellent film. And it contains the legendary actor, Alec Guinness!

There are absolutely no flaws in The Ladykillers. It is hilarious, with the five villains and Mrs Wilberforce's innocent and sweet nature, which makes it such a wonderful film. It is a very British comedy!! Why The Ladykillers was ever remade, I'll never know. There was nothing they could improve upon, because it was perfect. I have seen the remake (pardon me for discussing another film), and I was disgusted at what I was seeing. Although, I must admit, I am English, and so my tastes may be different to others'. But speaking from an English girl's point of view, I absolutely love the original.

The Ladykillers is a film everyone must see. If you have seen the remake, watch the original, as it far outshines the 2004 version. If you have seen neither, have I persuaded you as to which is more worthy of watching?
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M (1931)
There is simply not a film like this one
18 January 2009
Even if the rating system on IMDb went up to 100, I'd still rate this film 101, at least. There is simply not a film like M (except, perhaps, for the uncalled-for remake); it is unique in every way: From the storyline, the camera shots, the killer lines, the emotions involved and the audience's response. Also, there is something very odd about the film, which is the fact that this film does not contain any background music at all; creating an eerie feel to the film, and also it somewhat involves the audience into the film.

After watching this film for the first time, I couldn't help but admire Fritz Lang's genius behind it. Especially more so, as this was his first sound film. But he even seemed to have mastered the art of sound films, as well!! And Peter Lorre's acting... this film was what made him recognised as an excellent actor. And it is evident; his acting seems natural (which is quite a worrying thought), and there could not have been a better performance from any other actor.

If you are more of a fan of modern filming, I must warn: it may seem very drawn out. Unlike modern filming, Fritz Lang's films tend to be very meticulous in the story details, which I personally think is a good point. Also, there is no 'real' on-screen violence; if you were expecting blood and violence, you will probably be disappointed; the art of German Expressionism in films (M is a G.Expressionist film) is that the horrors are subjective, which is what makes this film purely excellent.

This film is simply unique. I have never before seen a film like it. Combined with Fritz Lang's genius and Peter Lorre's talents, it has risen to the status of my favourite film. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who favours this film above all others.
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Uh... it was kinda disappointing...
24 April 2008
I saw this on TV quite by chance; I was flicking through the channels and came across Asterix and the Vikings, a movie I had been meaning to watch for some time (I'm an Asterix fan ^_^).

So, anyway. The beginning was quite good. Straight to the point, it sets the plot and allows the audience to fully understand the whole thing. But, for me... the whole movie goes downhill after then. I cannot deny, the animation and artwork is fantastic and absolutely beautiful. There's even the occasional 3D-effects in there, and other special effects that make this movie something special.

However, I find that, eh... I've read the book this is based on (Asterix and the Normans), and I must say, I prefer the book by far. I find this movie is far too modernised (I'm referring to the songs; the thing with Justforkix's pigeon was quite a good addition), and the added character, Abba, kinda spoils it. I mean, the book was funnier. And in the book, the part with Cacofonix leaving the village is left out, which was a huge subplot in the book! But don't get me wrong, the movie had its funny points. Kids would definitely love this, and maybe some of the grown ups too ;) This is not the best Asterix movie, but I don't think it's the worst, either. But given the choice, I probably wouldn't watch it again.
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Couldn't be any better.
23 August 2007
I have two versions of this comment; the short, and the long.

The short version is this: This film is simply fantastic. Absolutely perfect. A must see.

And the long version: This film is simply a classic. I have never seen such an amazing piece of animation, or storyline (even if Cosgrove Hall didn't write it...). The characters are simply delightful, each puppet is crafted in a 'beautiful' way - these puppets are artwork in themselves. If you ever get your hands on this film, pay attention to the animation. It is phenomenal, especially for a 1990s film. And the detail, like the expressions in the faces and the background characters, and little things like that that make this film magical. In some cases, it even puts a little humour into it (such as the banquet scene).

As an animator, myself, I think this film is absolutely amazing. A great film for kids, and adults, to enjoy. If you ever get the chance to see it, make sure you take it, as I'm sure you will enjoy it.
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Victor, why is it that it is that all the episodes aren't on DVD yet?
26 July 2007
OK, so I admit, Victor and Hugo was not as good as Cosgrove Hall's other gems, examples, DangerMouse and Count Duckula. But this little show was still a very good one.

Recently I bought a DVD with one episode of Victor and Hugo on it. So, I watched it to bring back all those memories... It was 'Panda Monium', one I had not seen before, and I found it too hilarious. Seriously, I can't express how good it was.

Anyway, the whole story is about 2 brothers: Victor, who is tall and thin, and the general 'leader', if you like, and is rather vain and selfish. Then there's Hugo, the short and fat idiot, but very fun-loving, who makes (bad!) jokes up as the story goes along. They also have a cockney parrot, Interpoll, who they sometimes use as a telephone (what an imagination CHF had...!). Victor and Hugo are partners of Naughtiness International... basically they're burglars. VERY bad ones. I mean, what kind of a kid's cartoon would have the bad guys always winning?? Anyway, the jokes are decent (oddly enough!), the animation is decent, better than most other CHF cartoons, anyway, the plot is good... If you ever had the chance to watch this, take it. Seeing as only one episode (so far) has been released on DVD (boo hoo hoo), you may never have the chance again. It's too good to miss.

(And I still think Hugo looks adorable in that Panda suit :P)
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Exceedingly good, but not for those with weak hearts!
20 July 2007
This little gem of a movie tells the story of young Alex, a teenager who roams the streets at night with his droogs, releasing havoc on those who cross his path. His interests include ultra-violence, rape, and Beethoven's 9th.

As you can probably tell, this movie is not for those with weak hearts. Those not used to violent movies will probably be shocked and claim it to be the most horrible thing ever created.

And those who like violent movies? Well... This will be a field day for you.

But, of course, it's not just the violence that makes this movie a great one (assuming you like violence). It has a clever little storyline, very inventive, and the occasional humorous parts, despite its gloomy atmosphere. What's this, you might say, he likes Beethoven's 9th?? Yes, he does. As odd as it may seem, this detail plays a very important part in the whole movie.

But the very strange thing about this movie is that despite Alex's malicious nature, most people actually sympathise with Alex for what happens to him in the movie (hey, I'm not gonna spoil it!).

If you really want my advice, I suggest you read the book first. I have often found that those who watched the movie then read the book got a little bored with it. Nevertheless, the movie sticks very closely to the book's storyline, with the occasional detail missed out or added in.

You can give this movie a miss if you like, but I highly recommend it. It's just one of those movies you have to see.

Viddy well, little brother, viddy well!
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