
33 Reviews
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Florence Pugh tour de force
10 February 2024
The only thing I knew about this movie going in was that I saw it on a list of recent underrated science fiction movies. I had no idea it was since fiction. I thought it was some romantic hoo haw.

Based on that list, I gave it a go and I very much enjoyed it. Pugh is amazing in her role and carries the movie. She a helluva an actor. Supporting actors are very good as well. The look of the movie is captivating and I thought the direction was really good.

I see a lot of reviews about it being slow or confusing or doesn't have an ending. I call bs on all of that. The movie lays it all out for you, you just have to use that lump that is located above your shoulders.

If you like movies that keep you engaged and build to a conclusion that you need to piece together, this might be for you.
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Lift (I) (2024)
I didn't really like it
29 January 2024
This movie didn't do much for me. What was the pitch? Let's make a slick movie witha some funny stuff and not give any of the funny stuff to the funniest guy in the cast. Instead, let's make the funny guy the slick, suave, cooler than cool character. I'm not saying he can't play that kind of character, it just didn't work for me here.

Beyond that, I found the plot preposterous, character motivations unbelievable, and the pacing abrupt. I thought some of the action sequences were good and some of the effects were decent.

Not the biggest issue here but I hate the plot device that employs a recap of all the stuff we didn't see happen as it was happening which leads to a very different outcome. Ocean's 12 comes to mind as an example of this. If it is important, just show us in real time.

So anyway, not my favorite. I'd say skip it if you're on the fence.
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Dumb Money (2023)
I like this a lot
29 January 2024
This is a good one. I was relatively familiar with the overall story but really enjoyed how the screenplay made it feel personal. The main characters and story are great and all the supporting characters and their stories make it come to life.

Even knowing what happened, I found myself rooting along and hopng for a good outcome.

The only downside for me was some of the music. I'm admittedly not a huge fan of rap, but the problem was more the overly explicit nature of the lyrics. Let's just say I'm not going to recommend the movie to my mom.

Overall though, I found it very enjoyable and it provided we some happy feelings.
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This is a good one
2 September 2023
I'll be the first to say that Netflix needs to learn to say no every once in awhile, but they made a good a choice here.

Of course any story like this requires the viewer to ignore an understanding of common sense, physics and the amount of punishment the human body can endure.

Once you do that, Erin Carter takes you on an enjoyable ride. I enjoyed the pacing, the plot twists and the way the story is revealed. I thought all of the leads were very good and handled their parts well. Fight scenes are well done and there is one very cool chase scene.

The story connected with me quickly and I enjoyed it all the way through. Here's hoping we're setup for a second run.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
This show is a mess
12 April 2023
I'm four episodes in and this thing is a mess. The story has a good deal of potential but these episodes suffer from some of the typical issues I've seen with other complicated stories.

First, there are some decent actors while others are, not so decent. I can't tell if the direction is the culprit or the actor. Some of it just seems out of line.

Second, timelines are mushy. It's morning, it's night, some people never sleep, some people don't much notice the passage there of.

Third, motivations and decision making are often unbelievable. Even in the face of such circumstances, I can't believe people would make the decisions they make.

I'm sticking with it a little longer due to some good reviews for the early seasons, but the jury is leaning negative.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Good enough to keep me watching
29 March 2023
It is a preposterous, yet interesting storyline. I enjoyed the twists and turns and most of the lead characters are good. I did not care for a couple others though. I think this could have been at least 1/3 shorter than it was A little writing could have been tightened up and some fluff removed. Decent job tying it all together at the end.

I can't take recommend it but I won't say don't watch it either.

I don't know why we need 600 characters for reviews. Is there no value in brevity? Is 600 the limit where IMDb thinks people won't post nonsense, but just give up? Politicians can set the world on fire with 280 characters but I need 600 to convey my opinion of The Night Agent? Weird.
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Uncharted (2022)
I did not like a minute of this movie
16 October 2022
That's not entirely true. The end credits scene was interesting but there I no way I can even consider sitting through an Uncharted 2.

Let's see. I did not like the characters. I did not like the story or the backstory or the "in medias res" beginning. I found the action scenes to be beyond fantastical. Physics be damned. I know, it's a movie but try a little.

What else. I thought the relationships were boring and predictable. Oh yeah, unbelievable as well. Man I hate this large required character count.

Can I find a positive? Ton Holland still moves like Spiderman so I guess that might be a good thing.

It's a pass for me.
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Melancholia (2011)
I went to the ballet once
17 September 2022
I didn't really want to go but I did. I got dressed up, went to a nice dinner, sat nicely for a couple hours, clapped when others clapped, and in the end, I felt nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I had an appreciation for what I witnessed. The skill to execute what they did and the years of practice to achieve those skills is amazing. But still nothing.

That is how I felt after watching this movie. I was appreciative of what it took to accomplish the movie but I felt nothing towards it. I guess I should reiterate my point because IMDb wants 600 characters but I thought my review was quite good with 112 to spare.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Blow it up, shoot it up, punch it out
13 August 2022
You know, it's not a thinker. It's not an edge of your seat, what's going to happen next thriller.

It is, what crazy action sequence, gunfight or fistfight can we come up with next. Throw in a witty Ryan Gosling, an over the top Chris Evans and you have a movie that will keep the popcorn going from bowl to chewing orifice for 2 hours.
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Interceptor (2022)
I mean ...
16 June 2022
Lots of really bad reviews for this movie, and I'm not saying it's Die Hard, but if you accept it for what it is, it's not the worst way to spend 90 minutes.

The plot is preposterous, some of the acting is cringy and the outcome is mostly expected but I didn't hate it. I wouldn't watch it again, but how many movies rate that high these days.

Regarding the politics, the bad guys need some sort of motivation. Get over it.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
8 June 2022
I can't think of a comparison for this movie. Pick an emotion and you'll experience some version of it while watching. It continually caught me off guard but in a good way. Great film.
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Kimi (2022)
Super uncomfortable but...
21 February 2022
I think that is what it is trying to do. I thought the pacing was good and I enjoyed the story. 90 minute run time is just right. I need a few more characters.
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The Colony (2021)
6 February 2022
More of a thinker than an action packed movie. A different look at a dystopian, apocalyptic future with a few interesting twists, and I thought it was interesting.
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Extinction (2018)
You know, it's ok
30 December 2021
I mostly enjoyed this and it took me awhile to piece together what was going on. I think it was well made and acted and had a satisfying conclusion. There is a questionable plot point but I guess it had to go that way.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Make me engaged
30 December 2021
I can't think of another movie that made me feel as uncomfortable as this one did. I think that might be its intention. It kept me on my toes the entire time.
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Cutter's Way (1981)
It's like watching your favorite football team win 6-3.
25 November 2021
You're completely bored the entire time and you're very happy when it's over.

John Heard is the top. Jeff Bridges is meh. The female lead is fine but I can't believe she would stay in that situation.
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Mr. Right (I) (2015)
Not a horrible 90 minutes
21 November 2021
It's fun and amusing in a psychopathic kind of way. There are some good sequences. I giggled a few times. I cringed a few times. I shook my head in disbelief a few times. I'd call it decent.
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7 November 2021
I thought it was a good story and there was a twist I didn't see coming. The characters are good and I thought it was well acted.

Black, white, red, yellow, green? Who cares? I was entertained.

Oh yeah, what was that right at the end? Hmmm.
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Black Widow (2021)
Fun flick
12 October 2021
I'm a Marvel movie fan but have never read a comic so I take the movies for what they are. I thought I was getting more of an origin story but this is not that. I actually need to go back and see how this fits the established MCU timeline. Even though it wasn't the story I was expecting, it was still a fun movie to watch.

I thought the first third had great pace, it slowed a little in the middle and then had a good finish. There were very good action sequences, and some decent humor.

I didn't quite understand the motivation of the Melina character, but that's ok. Make your popcorn and check it out.
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I mean, I don't know
3 July 2021
There's like half, maybe 2/3 of a good movie here. I enjoyed most of the first half, not as much of the second half. Should this kind of movie be logical? Should it make sense? If the answer is no, you'll be alright with it.
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The Ice Road (2021)
30 June 2021
Bad, dumb, boring.

Why does Netflix make every movie that comes their way and why do I watch any of them?
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Greenland (2020)
Action good, talking bad
2 June 2021
The action scenes are decent but the quiet scenes are painful. Whenever this movie stops for dialogue it is painful. The martial subplot is completely unnecessary. Should have kept things getting blowed up.
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Superbly Enjoyable
1 May 2021
Honestly can't come up with a criticism. Not sure whether it is historically accurate but it is a lot of fun. Great soundtrack and music score too.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Some chuckles but not a good movie
11 April 2021
Did I laugh a few times? Yes.

Would I consider watching it again? Nope.
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Bad Trip (2021)
Ridiculous and stupid but you will laugh
3 April 2021
Don't watch with your kids.

I don't know what else to say.
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