
36 Reviews
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Anya Taylor is a joy
23 May 2024
Furiosa Review I was wrong, very wrong I'd written off Furiosa because I wasn't a fan of Fury Road. As even though it's one of the most visually stunning films ever made, it had a wafer thin story and lackluster acting.

However Furiosa is that rare breed of prequel that actually makes the original better - adding world building and really fleshing out the leads backstory.

What you may notice early on, is that there's no bombastic soundtrack, letting the sound of screeching metal do the talking, helping to add to the rawness of the film.

Anya Taylor-Joy doesn't say much but delivers a stoic performance, letting Chris Hemsworth do most of the talking. Somehow he manages to deliver one of his best, if not the best performances of his career wearing a prosthetic nose and false teeth.

Unlike Fury Road there's more noticeable CGI and LED backgrounds instead of the practical carnage these films are synonymous for. This is a minor blip as there are still some incredible practical effects and the car and bike stunts are still great.

Watch it on the big screen (even if you didn't love Fury Road).

Nick @WatchItWombat.
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Abigail (2024)
24 April 2024
'Creepy Old House' movies are one of my favourite genres of film.

Creaky floorboards, a tragic history and plenty of secret passages.

Featured heavily in horror movies like 'The People Under the Stairs', 'The Haunting' (1963) and 'Flowers in the Attic'. However spooky houses can also offer perfect contrast for comedies such as 'Haunted Honeymoon', 'Clue' and 'Ready or Not'. After watching Abigail, It shows that the latter was also directed by duo Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett as they're definitely in the same vein. Namely, a strong female character, trapped in a house, with people trying to kill her. The pair are also responsible for the last two scream movies and have wisely decided to cast Melissa Barrera in a lead role again. She joins a bumbling group of crims as they hold a young girl hostage in a creepy house and await the ransom.

Although she and the rest of the team bite off more than they can chew when they realise the girl is a tutu wearing vampire. Cue Scooby-Doo-esque chases through the house, which are fun but also one of the film's flaws. Similar to Scoob and the gang, they make a lot of bad decisions, such as constantly splitting up and not dispatching villains when they have a chance. There were moments where I was expecting a 'boing' sound effect, or little birdies circling the heads of a bashed victim. If the leads were characters instead of caricatures, it would have helped ground them more in reality, making the laughs hit harder. This being said, the cast were all great and played their cartoony parts well. I really enjoyed the bond and banter between Kathryn Newton and the legend that is Kevin Durand. It also features one of my favourite jump scares this year with the late Angus Cloud who nails his role and stopped my heart by simply using his lighter and wearing a mask.

This is a bloody horror comedy that perfectly ties the two genres together.

Watch it with your mates or a date and share the laughs and scares.

  • Nick
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Immaculate (2024)
Sweeney smashes it
27 March 2024
Immaculate Review Don't write this off as just another religious horror - it's great!

I know it feels like cinemas have been saturated with sacreligious gear but you need to add this to your list. When an American Nun finds new digs in Italy, she'll have to adapt to a new culture and a bunch of nutters. The premise may not grab you but once the movie gets going, it becomes a tense claustrophobic horror. Instead of glossy Hollywood special effects, this is a faithful homage to Hammer Horror and Italian masters such as Dario Argento.

Director Michael Mohan knows how to build tension though 'not showing the monster' and scares that actually make sense, not a bloody cat jumping out of a locker. From the opening scene, you know they're not messing around with confronting scenes of body horror used sparingly.

Sydney Sweeney cleanses herself of the Madame Web stank and is reborn as an innocent Nun - no easy feat. As a current flavour of the month, Sweeney seems to be dipping her toe in every genre. She's sweet and innocent but when the time comes to kick ass, she really shows her acting chops. Her performance coupled with the use of sound is what helps elevate this from other modern horrors. Creaky floors, long silences and a score that would make 'Goblin' proud. The runtime is quicker than a confessional, clocking in at under 90 minutes. The end scene alone is worth the price of admission - Sweeney smashes it.

So make sure you enjoy this on the big screen to appreciate the sound of erie tones and breaking bones.

  • NICK
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Road House (2024)
It's difficult to beat Patrick Swayze
25 March 2024
There may have been less roundhouse kicks to the face in this Road House remake but there was enough action to pack a punch regardless. It's difficult to beat Patrick Swayze but Jake Gyllenhaal is his own master of muscle and cheek, giving us plenty of fun remarks to giggle at and enough washboard abs to dream about. Trust me, there's so many shirtless scenes you won't care about ridiculous plot choices. The CGI was fine, the acting was hit and miss - and for Conor McGregor it was clearly easier to act crazy than it is to act.

Doug Liman and Joel Silver prove to be a match made in action heaven, the fight scenes were bold and brazen with decent cinematography to boot. The fact that I liked this film tells me it was good as I'm not normally a fan of this genre, so it's well worth the watch - preferably with a bevvy in hand.

  • Jayne
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You'd be a Kung Fool to miss it
23 March 2024
By the fourth installment of Kung Fu Panda you'd think these fuzzy flying fists might be running out of steam. But Po and his new fox sidekick Zhen have other news. They've teamed up to learn lessons about loyalty and take down the villainous Chameleon, who can rip the Kung Fu powers right out of your body, thanks to some kind of shadowy magic that... I think has something to do with an emerald staff? Honestly, it doesn't really matter. What matters is the sight gags, the actual gags, and the lightning fast stunts, and there's more of those here than a Jackie Chan marathon. The animation looks amazing with tons of visual effects and punchy cuts, and the voice cast nails it too - Awkwafina makes a great match with Jack Black and all the old regular voices. Even if *I* didn't fully get what was going on, the bunch of 6 and 9 year olds I took along were glued to the action. So line up KFP4 for the school holidays, if you've got kids you'd be a kung fool to miss it.

  • LEON
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A French fantasy with heart
18 March 2024
When people start randomly turning into animals, a father and son must keep a secret from a small town.

Firstly this is one of the best opening scenes to a movie I've seen in a while. It sets up the whole premise while circumnavigating your expectations.

It's not a superhero movie but it definitely has the feel of the earlier X-men films. Focusing on teens transitioning into adults/ mutants/ animals.

I doubt The Animal Kingdom had the budget of a Marvel movie but the action is used sparingly and to great effect. Unlike most comic book movies it feels grounded in reality, which makes it even more shocking when a new beast appears.

The relationship between father and son is believable and you want the best for both of them.

Overall, a great coming of age film with a fantasy twist.

If you're new to the 1 inch barrier, than this is a great way to induct yourself into the world of foreign film.

The Animal Kingdom is screening at the French Film Festival now.

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A new (J) Low.
24 February 2024
There's no denying the magnetic energy of JLo's music or her mega babe status. But as to what fresh madness this film is, I have no bloody clue. Best guess is that it's a string of music videos linked together by random celebrity cameos and cringey dialogue. I'm sure audiences will vibe the glitz, glamour and hypnotic dancing, which is ridiculously extravagant. I don't believe this film requires much of your attention, I used it as background music while I cleaned the dining room. Thankfully it's only an hour long, so if you vibe JLo and her music then watching it won't be a waste of your time.
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One Day (2024)
Not your typical romance
14 February 2024
With romance in the air and chocolates in my belly, I knew I'd be in the mood for Netflix's adaptation of One Day, a mini series based on the novel by David Nicholls. If you haven't seen the 2011 film, I'll start by saying it's not your typical romance. Dex and Emma's love story is like trains on a collision course - you can't look away for the thrill of it, and you know it's gonna suck when it ends. The fact that I was able to binge this while being sick and tending to an 8 month old should tell you how much I liked it. Despite the inevitable heartbreak, there were many wonderful things about this series. The casting was exceptional, with ample chemistry between Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall. I loved the soundtrack, it was perfectly paired with the theme of each episode. The transition from 80s to 90s to early 2000s was seamless, with fantastic attention to detail. Yes you'll need tissues when you watch this, but I promise it will be worth it.
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Wanna Be A Rockstar?
16 January 2024
Although I can't promise you groupies and TVs propelled out of windows, the documentary 'Welcome to the Darkness' is probably as close as most of us will ever come to being Rock Gods.

Hop on the tour bus with legendary Brit rockers 'The Darkness', who shot to fame in the early 2000's. Selling millions of albums, packing out stadiums across the world and lining their shelves with awards. Now, we join them starting their comeback tour.

You may know them from anthems such as 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love' and 'Love is only a Feeling', to name but a few. Not ringing a bell? No worries, an insightful backstory is provided for the uninitiated. You don't need to be a fan to enjoy the ups and downs of their successes and tumultuous relationships. Although not as violent as the Gallaghers, the Hawkins brothers (frontman Justin and guitarist Dan) have a tumultuous relationship that is touched on but never fully explored. As they seem to be healing, why would you pick at that scab. Possibly unrelated but they also manage to churn through more drummers than Elton John has wardrobe changes.

The humour from their music carries over into their day to day lives. Whether it's picking an outrageous outfit for the next gig or interacting with adoring fans, they never take themselves too seriously. Which would be hard to do when you have a lead singer who looks like he should be lowering a basket of lotion into a well - but man, he can hit high notes that would make the Gibb brothers proud.

This will undoubtedly be my favourite doco of 2024. With so much riding on this tour, the tension is palpable. Succeed and live the life of a rockstar or fail and get a proper job. It could go either way as disaster seems to be a fifth member of the band. However, their resilience, determination and self belief keep them rocking. Which is justifiable when you consider how much they have achieved. Find out if they can do it again in 'Welcome to the Darkness'.

Available to rent or buy on most Aussie streaming platforms from January 24.
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One of Flanagan's best?
23 October 2023
Review by Jayne @WatchItWombat I've spent a few days mulling over why this series wasn't as good as Mike Flanagan's other epic creations. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of creeptastic moments to satisfy a horror buff's needs, from phantom noises and torture to demonic cats and murder. But while the spooks were unique and impressive, most characters left little to be desired. It's doubtful we're meant to like a family of rich & deranged individuals, but it carries more weight if we cared about their fates as opposed to feeling indifferent. I also found it easy to guess the key plotline which tarnished the finale for me. Nevertheless, Flanagan's trademark monologues were superb, and the casting was excellent as always. Don't expect this series to knock your socks off, but if you're keen for something to binge watch on Halloween then keep this at the top of your list.
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Upload (2020– )
Upload Season 3 Review
23 October 2023
I vividly remember when the first season of Upload premiered. In the midst of 2020's horrors, this show was a welcome distraction, depicting a bizarre dystopian world we were eager to know more about.

Season 3 continues the insanity and then some, with missing eyelids, an A. I mother and udders of cottage cheese. Viewers should enjoy the continued exploration of Lakeview and the unruly shenanigans of its guests, as new features and oddities are unlocked. I fear this season dropped the ball with the main plotline, it tended to yo-yo around without a clear direction. Similarly I was less invested in Nathan, Nora and Ingrid and more interested in the parodies of supporting characters. I'd argue that while there are decent plot twists, season 3 lacked the big bombshells you come to expect of Upload. Despite a dip in quality there was a raise in craziness, and if you're a fan then it's still worth the watch.

Review by Jayne @WatchItWombat.
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Do theme parks make for good movies?
21 August 2023
Disney rides are responsible for more films than you might think. Such as 'The Pirates of the Caribbean', 'Mission to Mars' and the surprisingly good 'Jungle Cruise'. With a patchy movie track record, I was sceptical about Haunted Mansion, but I had a nostalgia itch that needed to be scratched.

I was lucky enough to go on The Haunted Mansion ride as a kid and the memories still stick with me. Haunted Mansion taps into this vein by recreating many of the moments that made the ride so memorable. It's taken the lore of the ride in a new direction, which is a shame as the original tale was so much fun and this retelling was buried in exposition. But you don't need to be familiar with the ride to enjoy this film.

A single Mum moves into... you guessed it a Haunted Mansion where she enlists the help of locals to bust her ghosts. The aforementioned mates consist of a massive A-list ensemble cast, which isn't surprising with the clout that Disney has. The star-studded cameos alone could headline a Hollywood feature, although they're sadly underused.

I think most kids will enjoy the fun tone, cartoony action and special effects, especially those who love spooky tales and don't need to pay attention to the occasionally heavy subject matter and messy plot. I'm sure if I had watched this as a kid, I would have had a blast, but as an adult I was expecting a bit more, especially with a 2 hour runtime that could have easily been cut in half and still tell the same story.

Although if your kids are easily frightened - maybe give this one a miss as there's some moments that could have them knocking on your bedroom door at night after a Disney induced nightmare - although you probably wouldn't take them to a movie titled 'Haunted Mansion' anyway.

If you're a Disney fan or already putting up your Halloween decorations then you'll hopefully enjoy the nods to the rides and the retro spooky feel that this movie brings.

By Nick @WatchItWombat.
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It doesn't suck
14 August 2023
He's a downright creeper with bug eyes and the worst teeth in Hollywood. No, not Steve Buscemi - we're talking Dracula. Count Orlok. Nosferatu. Whatever you call him, old Fangy has set sail for some neck sucking on the high seas in Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter. And it comes with pedigree: it's been adapted from just half a chapter of Bram Stoker's original novel. I guess if the writer's strike keeps dragging on we'll get adaptations of the chapter headings soon. The plot in a nutshell is: crew on a boat, bunch of crates, one has the D-Man inside, crew get picked off one by one at night. Or as the Director André Øvredal described it, "basically Alien on a ship in 1897". That's an incredible pitch, and it's bang on. If you think that sounds silly, well, join the queue. This kind of movie isn't normally my thing, but I gotta say, I was genuinely surprised by the quality of the performances, the art design and the suspense on offer. Voyage of the Demeter is a foggy, salty, bloody good time that knocked my expectations overboard.

  • LEON
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Could it ever meet expectations?
23 July 2023
Barbie Movie Review She's a Barbie girl (who is having an existential crisis) in the Barbie world. Life isn't so fantastic. So she decides to head to the 'real world' with Ken because we've got everything sorted over here right?

The film highlights the paradox that is Barbie... and owns it. It would seem that they wrote a pros and cons list and tackled every item on it. Was Barbie an astronaut before women were allowed credit cards? Yes. Has she perpetuated unachievable body image stereotypes? Yes. Do they address both of these issues and everything in between - 100%. Even Mattel, the makers of Barbie and this film, aren't safe, poking fun at their own lack of diversity hiring.

The experience feels very intimate, getting up close with Margot Robbie. From the literal extreme close ups to the emotion she manages to give when bringing a kids toy to life. Robbie commits to the role but never comes across as ditzy or dumb, growing more with every scene.

However Ryan Gosling doesn't shift out of cheeseball mode but clearly relishes the chance to ham it up as a Himbo.

The narration from Helen Mirren, although brief, is one of the highlights. Punctuating moments with her dry British wit.

The message of inequality is prevalent in every line of this film and although it's an extremely important message, it could have been done without bashing you over the head with it for 2 hours.

Mums and Dads will love the nostalgia and the occasional double entendre. Girls and boys will have fun while hopefully absorbing her (not so subtle) message.

By Nick @WatchItWombat.
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Deadloch (2023– )
"It was the murder mystery aspect which kept me hooked"
19 June 2023
By Jayne @WatchItWombat I have low expectations for most Australian productions, but Deadloch exceeded these and then some. While I'd hesitate to class the series as comedic - painfully awkward and annoying would be a more apt description - it was the murder mystery aspect which kept me hooked. There's an element of Hot Fuzz in the narrative, where an experienced cop teams up with rookie investigators, and an outsider is sent to help but they're erratic and unreliable. Oblivious family and friends make the situation worse with their flippant comments and actions, while the murders continue to escalate. Not a huge fan of the dialogue, however Kate Box and Madeleine Sami are major standout characters and their performances propel the story forward. Fans of ocker Aussie slang and those who enjoy bemoaning the small-minded nature of outback towns will froth this series, as will those who thrive on a good "Who dunnit" storyline. On the whole I liked this series and I appreciate what creators Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan have set out to achieve. Worth the watch.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Spoiler free
14 June 2023
Have you ever loved a film that you were certain you'd hate?

Well, I walked into 'The Flash' ready for yet another disappointing DC movie, that was going to be all flash and no bang (pun not actually intended but I'm keeping it).

Firstly, I've never been a fan of Ezra Miller - who dons the spandex as The Flash, even before he started throwing chairs at women in Karaoke bars (in real life, not in the movie... that would be even weirder). Then imagine my delight when I heard the plot of this movie... The Flash travels back in time to save his Mum where he teams up with Batman, Supergirl and a younger version of himself - yay two Ezra Millers.

I couldn't have been more wrong and even as I'm writing this, I'm still surprised with the amount of joy this film brought me, even before Batman appeared. I grew up with Michael Keaton as Batman and when he swooped back on to the big screen it was like he'd never left, as this feels like an extension of his previous movies, falling back into the character so effortlessly.

The new girl on the block was Supergirl and despite having very little to say, was a welcome addition, bringing a stoic strength that female leads aren't often allowed. The film is peppered with cameos and they all seem to be done with purpose, rather than being thrown in because an actor had a spare 5 minutes to kill or was fulfilling a contractual obligation.

There's plenty of heart here and it manages to evoke just the right amount of emotion without dwelling too long and I'll even admit to tearing up a bit towards the end.

One thing that comic book movies (in fact most movies) often fail at is humour, yet somehow I had more laughs then I've had in a while. I think it might be because it feels more grounded in reality, so when something bizarre happens, it hits the mark.

Now I can't guarantee you'll have as great an experience as me, but I really hope you do.

By Nick @WatchItWombat.
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If you love a good shark film... watch Jaws
11 June 2023
Bloody big shark tick A family stranded on an old oil rig tick

The premise wasn't anything ground breaking but it was enough to pique my interest. Althuunfortunately good acting, storytelling and decee writing were left off the list.

As title suggests there's a supernatural element which I thought would make a nice point of difference but it doesn't really come into play too often. They sneak in an environmental message which is all well an good but it gets lost in bizarre acting choices... mostly from it's lead Josh Lucas. Turning in an often unintentionally hilarious performance. I'm fact the whole film almost feels like a parody. Somehow everyone Manages to overact and under act at the same time.

I can live with the rough CGI an even the overacting but it breaks a fundamental rule - it breaks its own rules.

You have this enormous supernatural megaladon people eating shark - so rule number 1 don't go in the water. Fair enough. Then, next minute, everyone starts exploring under the sea and casually swimming around like nothing is going on... and the family even hop in a (seemingly shark proof) dingy.

If you love a good shark film, then watch Jaws, if you want a good action shark film - then watch Jaws, in fact, just watch Jaws.

  • by Nick
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The Clearing (2023)
"I suspect The Clearing is only going to ramp up with each episode."
29 May 2023
I question the wisdom of watching this when I'm about to have a baby, but if there's one thing I can't resist it's a creepy cult thriller. It was unnerving to watch the events of this story unfold, particularly without having read the book beforehand. Given that the tale is based on real life Aussie cult group The Family, there's already a sense of foreboding as you start the first episode. This sense increases going into the second episode, and you can't help but feel concerned at what might happen next. Theresa Palmer does an excellent job of showcasing the past and present trauma of her character, and Miranda Otto and Guy Pearce play equally disturbed characters. But the true heroes of this series are Julia Savage and Lily LaTorre, who sent chills down my spine with their respective performances. With an 8 episode first season, I suspect The Clearing is only going to ramp up with each episode. Fans of this genre should give this show a watch, it's cast well, has an ominous soundtrack, perturbing visual effects and I'm already itching to see where the story takes us and what secrets it will reveal along the way.

-by Jayne @WatchItWombat.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
I'm in two minds about this
25 May 2023
I'd love to say that Disney finally got it right, that The Little Mermaid surpassed expectation and delivered a nostalgic yet reinvigorated tale of a young woman desperate for adventure, and all the love, heartache & magic that comes with it.

Alas, that wasn't the case. While I enjoyed the first part and being swept away by Halle Bailey's glorious voice and the vibrant mermaid tails on display, the visual effects and changes to the storyline because of the "live action" stamp were disappointing. It's true that casting was the hot topic with this remake, but I think it's one of the aspects they got mostly right. I can't fault Bailey as Ariel, and Melissa McCarthy gave her own fun twist to Ursula (despite pointless changes to the character herself). Javier Bardem was okay as King Triton, he's a minor character in the scheme of the storyline so for that part he did fine. Torn about the casting for Eric, Jonah Hauer-King was good but he wasn't the right match for Bailey's Ariel - the chemistry was lacking between them. Granted, the changes to his character made him more endearing - well, except for that stupid solo song. I love Lin Manuel, but what a useless addition to the soundtrack. Especially given the quality of the original songs and how they were delivered.

As for our live action side kicks, I wasn't against the changes to Scuttle as Awkwafina is a legend, and Daveed Diggs has the right inflections for Sebastian's iconic voice. Ugh but Flounder - they essentially made his character redundant. And let's be honest, no live action animal looks as exciting as a cartoon version, so the film loses points here as well.

I'm of two minds about this adaptation. It stays truest to the version I grew up with when compared to the horrendous string of live action remakes I've seen (2015's Cinderella was the exception). 90% of the music was spot on, the diversity of both kingdoms was an exciting improvement, the bright colours and costumes a homage to the 1989 classic. And kudos for Jodi Benson's cameo too. But I question the changes to the storyline and final scene, the amendments to multiple characters, the additions to the soundtrack and the visual effects - all of which diminished the experience. That being said, I am sure the kids growing up with this version of The Little Mermaid will love it. It's worth dressing up your little princesses for their chance to see it.

  • By Jayne
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"You don't need to be a Horror aficionado to enjoy this doco"
14 May 2023
What if you grew up with a killer doll. For writer and director Kyra Elise Gardner that's exactly what she did.

Her father was the makeup artist and head puppeteer who literally helped bring a killer doll named Chucky to life. The titular Chucky has been starring in his own film franchise for over 30 years so Kyra was curious to see how her Dad has been spending his time. Which led her to create this documentary and was also a great excuse to meet the cast and crew involved in the franchise. Like any good documentary it has a purpose. Kyra has grown up hearing about the crew but has never had a chance to meet them. So, she set out to interview all of the key contributors to find out why Chucky means so much to them. Including the film's creators, crew and stars.

Initially the film brings you up to speed on the premise of the franchise and then takes you on a blow-by-blow journey through each film. Even though there are massive diminishing returns with the Chucky sequels, I'm always fascinated with how bad films are created. It helps you understand the decisions people made and what they were hoping to achieve. These films have been surrounded with some controversy which I would have liked to see explored more but I can understand the reason for leaving some elements out due to their sensitive nature and the fun tone of the film.

You don't necessarily need to be a Horror aficionado to enjoy this doco, although it would definitely help as Horror nuts will lap up all of the backstage secrets and on set stories. If you have an interest in the filmmaking process it offers great insights into the techniques and skills used. Although be warned, if you're more on the squeamish side, there are moments of blood and gore that could be a bit too much for the more discerning viewer.

On the whole this is a solid documentary exploring people's fascination and love for the horror genre, in particular, a little doll named Chucky.

  • Nick
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Love Again (I) (2023)
"Celine was a little random"
14 May 2023
When I saw the trailer for this film, I knew I had to see it - especially if it meant a shirtless Sam Heughan on the big screen. Now, it's worth mentioning that while rom-coms are my favourite film genre, that also means I am hyper critical of them. Love Again contains some beautiful romantic tropes, complete with the cameo and music of Celine Dion who you might call the queen of love songs. However, i'm not entirely convinced the casting was on point with our leading couple. The writers spent a lot of time on Mira's past relationship, which made you lose focus on Rob, and therefore the chemistry felt lacklustre between them. Normally I'd be frothing for the first kiss, but it came and went without much excitement. The subsequent casting was fine, Celine was a little random but a fun addition to the film - as was Nick Jonas. The soundtrack must have worked because I played it on the way home from the cinema. In summary, a cute story to watch, whether in cinema or at home in your PJ's, but I don't think I'd watch it again.
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"Extra points for the humour"
14 May 2023
I dislike calling a film forgettable, but honestly I feel the same way about the sequel as I did about the original - neither are very memorable.

Despite a nice video chat montage which catches us up to speed with our four leading ladies' lives, the film takes a predictable turn and doesn't stray from this path as it progresses. I will say that our characters and their quirks are well balanced, if you had too much of one over the other you'd feel irritated by their idiosyncrasies. And there's numerous quips which made the audience giggle, so extra points for the humour.

There's not a lot more to say really, I even felt bored at one stage - but the mum's and Grandma's will probably like this film. With mother's day looming, you ought to treat them to a night at the cinemas as I'm sure they'll appreciate an easy romantic comedy to watch.
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Catherine Called Birdy Review
6 October 2022
I spent the first 10 mins of this film praying it wasn't a lame version of Enola Holmes, and I am pleased to report my prayers were answered. Despite a large amount of cringe worthy dialogue, Bella Ramsey played the insolent Birdy commendably. It was refreshing to watch her character grow from this stubborn, petulant teen to an independent, caring young woman - and during 13th century England with all that entails.

The humour was childish but fun, and a few cheeky cameos kept the intrigue alive. I have no clue what Carter Burwell was thinking with the musical score, adding pop songs to a medieval film detracted from the viewing experience. But the gripes were short-lived, as viewers should appreciate the wisecracks, rebelliousness and charm weaved into this narrative. This film was great as a one off watch, and definitely one you'll enjoy binging.

  • Jayne.
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Uncharted (2022)
Treasure hunting flick for the TikTok generation.
17 February 2022
Tom Holland does his earnest best as reluctant treasure hunter Nathan Drake, while Mark Wharlberg phones it in again as his older scheming partner, Victor 'Sully' Sullivan. But neither of them can rescue a script that shaves off every nuance and detail that made the games script & acting so well regarded.

In true treasure hunting movie style, the action zips around the world at breakneck speed, as the leads get into fights, steal and break priceless artifacts, while constantly quipping and double crossing one another.

The two female leads, Sophia Ali & Tati Gabrielle bring something new & occasionally interesting to their roles (well Sophia does, it's more about the look for Tati), but it's not enough to push it much past 'meh' territory.

Overall Uncharted is a very average treasure hunting action movie, disguised by its hyper kinetic pace. You'll likely have an ok time while watching, but ultimately it'll leave you feeling a bit hollow, hoping to God that the film makers can do better for the inevitable sequel.
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Tenet (2020)
If David Lynch made a Bond Movie
23 August 2020
To explain the plot of this film any other way would take way too long, even if I did understand it all. That being said, this a great film with Director Christopher Nolan's signature all over it; a genre twisting story, an incredible score, next level practical effects and most of all... exposition fired in your face like a machine gun.

From start to finish you'll be caught up in a world that you kind of recognise but may struggle to understand giving you a feeling of unease as you try to decipher the torrent of dialogue and that's before we even start talking about the use of 'Time Inversion' and 'Entropy'.

There's a lot to process and just when you think you're grasping something BANG a whole new plot device or random character is introduced. What this film does expertly is reward those who are willing to pay attention. If you can put in the effort, follow along and learn the rules (and maybe have a degree in physics), you'll be gifted with a mind-altering experience.

In true Nolan style there's plenty of 'Score', replacing his go to composer Hans Zimmer with the equally outstanding Ludwig Göransson, although coupled with the thumping sound design can make the already tricky dialogue hard to hear.

Another of the Directors favourites did make the cut Michael Caine but only in a cameo. Relative newcomer John David Washington is great, however he did occasionally look like he was trying to understand the script (I don't blame him). The rest of the cast were good, Robert Pattinson brought a surprising endearing quality but I found it hard to warm to Elizabeth Debicki.

Despite this being a very complex movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it, walking out of the cinema wanting to pull apart and piece back together so many elements of the story and its execution. I recommend watching it at the cinema, take your mates so you can spend hours dissecting it afterwards.

In Aussie cinemas August 27
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