
16 Reviews
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Better than Prometheus and a worthy Alien film!
19 May 2017
I was hesitant to go and see this film based on all the negative reviews and after seeing it I can't understand why people dislike this movie! It has a great story, a cast of characters you begin to care about, and several wonderful set pieces. Everything from the space ship to the planet is a site to behold! If I didn't know that this was a horror film I would have wanted to be transported into the story to be a part of it! Please don't let all the haters keep you from seeing this awesome action, sci-fi thriller! If you are a fan of Alien, Aliens, and/or Prometheus I highly recommend you go and see it so that you can judge it for yourself!
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The Good Place (2016– )
Forking Hilarious!
20 September 2016
Last night I watched the first two episodes with my family and we have all agreed that we are hooked! Although I liked Kristen Bell in Veronica Mars and have enjoyed her in other shows and movies, I wasn't sure if she would be able to pull off being the lead character. Wow was I surprised at how funny and likable her character is despite the fact that on earth she wasn't a very good person. I'm very intrigued to discover the mystery behind the mistake that led to her arrival in the Good Place. I thought all the characters were great and acting was top notch. I must also share that it is so refreshing having a unique television show on the air that isn't about cops, or lawyers, or crime scene investigators.
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American Horror Story: Chapter 1 (2016)
Season 6, Episode 1
Mysterious and Intriguing first episode!
15 September 2016
I was extremely relieved that the first episode of this season wasn't over the top and crazy like in Season 5 Hotel. Last year I was so turned off by the pornographic scene featuring the demon forcing himself sexually on one of the characters I almost didn't watch it. This year it appears the creators, writers, and even actors have gone back to what made this TV show so great and that is the character development and a sense of building a story with mystery with some good scares. As I was watching the first episode I was taken back to the first season a bit by the situation the couple found themselves in and by them moving into a new place. It seems similar to Murder house, but also felt comparable to movies like The Strangers, or Straw Dogs. I love the location and the theme so far and I can't wait to see where they are going to go this season
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Beyond my wildest expectations!!!
19 December 2015
I can't believe all of the negative comments coming from people reviewing this movie! As a long time fan of Star Wars, Force Awakens was everything I was hoping the Prequels could have been. In my opinion they did a great job honoring the old characters while also introducing some new and very fascinating people. The story was fun and paid homage to the original movies. To all the idiots bashing JJ Abrams, my words to you are, "Shame on you!" For him to take the reigns and be willing to bring the series back probably took some courage!!! Do your self a favor and go see this film. I am going to see it at least a few more times!
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Funny, exciting, and favorite new show!
27 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For a pilot episode I thought that Supergirl delivered big time! I thought that Melissa Benoist did an incredible job portraying Kara (Superman's cousin), and I enjoyed her quirky, awkward, and the lack of confidence she portrayed as she was learning to become a hero! It made me so happy that the writers didn't drag out episode after episode until we finally get to see Supergirl in her costume and I imagine that to make the show different from Superman they didn't want to have the whole Louis Lane thing with her friend Winn wondering over the course of seasons the identity of the new caped crusader. All in all I thought it was a very fun, entertaining, and exciting start to what has been my favorite new show of Fall 2015.
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Scream Queens (2015– )
Fun and dark slasher comedy
23 September 2015
This is a show that definitely stands out from a lot of the stuff that we see on TV. First of all, practically all of the characters are hard to like, but to some degree it adds to the humor. Scream Queens definitely has a lot of different layers and it pays tribute to old school slasher movies and even college comedies. You have the typical stuck up sorority president, the college dean that is out to get them, and the underdog pledges who really shouldn't be trying to get into the sorority in the first place. And yet, it takes all of these things and adds some fun twists! I love Lea Michele's character who is not that innocent and very weird. In fact, each of the characters have secrets and darkness to them which keeps you guessing on trying to figure out who the killer is. I will definitely keep coming back to try to uncover all the mysteries going on. Can't wait for more!
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Ant-Man (2015)
Wow! I was blown away!
26 July 2015
Like many people reviewing this movie, I wasn't completely sure if I would like it or not. I didn't know much about the Ant-Man comic going into the theater and I was worried the trailers showed the best of the film. After the credits rolled I must say that it really did blow me away! It featured characters I actually cared about and I am eager to see more of Ant- man in the future in other movies and I will be checking out the comic books! The cast was phenomenal and Paul Rudd has now become one of my favorite actors. He can be funny, serious, and he has a way of making you care about the main character! Thanks Marvel for another great super hero film! Will definitely be adding this to my collection when it is released on blu-ray!
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Great Sequel! Lives up to the Hype!
5 May 2015
I have no clue why this movie is getting negative reviews! I don't know if comic nerds are slamming it because they feel like it wasn't following the comics or what, but I really enjoyed Age of Ultron. In fact, I believe it is as good or even slightly better than the first Avengers movie. Great action, special affects, and loved the introduction of the new characters the Scarlet witch and Quicksilver. Heck there is even a little romance in the movie along with the comedy. This is definitely the first block buster of the summer! I also will point out that it is one of those movies that you don't want to end because it is just so much fun to watch!!!
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The Odd Couple (2015–2017)
Great start to a series!
20 February 2015
I laughed quite a bit and really enjoyed the first episode of this television sitcom series! Matthew Perry and Thomas Lennon have great chemistry together and I truly believe their characters will be mentioned along with some of the other great TV bromances like: Larry and Balki (Perfect Strangers), Joey, Chandler, Ross (Friends), Cory and Shawn (Boy Meets World), Andy and Barney (Andy Griffith Show) etc..

As I look back at other sitcoms that I have enjoyed over the years, I don't ever remember laughing or enjoying the very first episode as much as I enjoyed watching "The Odd Couple!" Typically it takes a while to appreciate the characters, and to even understand the humor, and yet I found myself liking each and every actor and actress that was introduced. Can't wait to see where the writers go with this and I hope that Matthew Perry finally has another hit that will last for years to come!
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
Fun and entertaining!
22 September 2014
For a first episode of a series I thought this show really delivered! Had an interesting story, it kept me glued to my television set, and it even got my family talking about it after the show was over. The cast is fairly likable, with a very good lead character, and Katherine Mcphee did a great job connecting with my emotions as she did with connecting with the cast! Can't wait to see where they go with it! I can understand people not liking Scorpion if they take it too seriously, but if you open your mind for some fun, you can't help but enjoy the ride! I really hope that people give this show a chance and I hope that this baby doesn't get canceled!
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How a Superhero movie should be!
7 May 2013
First off, I am so surprised at all the negative comments! Especially the ones that say it is the worst super hero movie they have ever seen. Ummmm...I would say Batman and Robin falls into that category! Not this film! This movie falls in line with the Avengers!!!! One of the things people need to keep in mind is that this is a movie about a comic book character! If you are a comic lover, then you know they are supposed to be funny, over the top, great dialogue, action, and at times the things that happen are unbelievable! Iron Man 3 is all of those things and more.

This movie has everything going for it! Wonderful acting, amazing special effects, a great an entertaining story, spectacular humor, and a really cool twist! I actually think that this movie is better than Iron Man 2! The first one is my favorite because it is an origin film of how it all began! Please do not let the negative reviews deter you from going to see it! You will have a blast, you will laugh, and at the end of the movie you will be happy you saw it on the Big Screen!
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Smash (2012–2013)
Adorable, Amazing, and my new favorite show!
14 February 2012
I love musicals and grew up loving all the great Broadway hits like Phantom, Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Jeckyl and Hyde....It is so refreshing to watch a show that provides us with a kind of behind the scenes and making of the next big production! The cast members in this show are outstanding and the music is spectacular! I hope, hope, hope that this gets the ratings to stay on the air! Although I'm a fan of Glee, I feel that it is less story driven and more theme oriented around certain artists or genres. If you are looking for something fresh, if you love a good drama, if you like excellent writing, and if you enjoy listening to people sing songs that make you feel good then you owe it to yourself to check out SMASH!
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Pan Am (2011–2012)
A nice first voyage!
26 September 2011
You know you are watching a good show when afterward you can't stop thinking about it. I can't get it out of my mind for a variety of reasons....First of all, I was very impressed with the quality of the costumes. I don't know much about the 60s but the outfits everyone wore looked pretty authentic. The music went well and set the mood well! The props matched the outfits and made me believe I was back in that time period! I also believe the actors and actresses worked very well together and had great chemistry! Does it have flaws? Sure..what first episode is completely 100% perfect? It had some good twists and I can't wait to get to know the characters better. True some of the characters don't have much of a background yet...but they touched on a few....I'm definitely going to keep watching!!!!
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Ignore the negative comments!!!!
16 July 2011
Like many of the hardcore fans I believe the books in the Harry Potter series are better then the movies! Does that mean I haven't enjoyed watching the films these past 10 years? HECK NO!!!! They have been so much fun to watch and I have loved every single one, though I was disappointed a little with Half Blood Price because they left out the battle, keeping it for the final movie! The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is not only the best movie in the series it is probably also one of the best movies I have ever seen! I'm not quite sure if it was because I went on opening night at 12:15am and was engrossed with all the fans energy, but I have never had so much fun at the theatre! The movie is filled with emotion, great acting, a wonderful score (music), and it kept all the best parts from the book!!! The Deathly Hallows part 2 has found a place in my heart and it ranks in my top 10 favorite movies of all time! DON'T MISS IT!
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This is one Halloween movie you should not miss!!!!
8 October 2009
I am a huge fan of Holiday films! When October comes around my wife and I try to watch a scary movie every night to get in the Holiday mood and there are certain ones that we have to watch! Halloween, Friday the 13th, Amityville Horror, these are all on our list. Heck, we even enjoy watching Hocus Pocus because it is a fun movie! Trick R treat is now at the top of my list! No other film has made me so excited to celebrate Halloween! Trick R Treat has everything you could want in a Halloween movie. It has a great scary atmosphere, wonderful acting, creepy music, unexpected plot twists, and excellent acting! Although it didn't terrify me or keep me awake at night it did make me think more about the traditions of Halloween and I definitely want to watch it again before October 31st!
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Fun if not taken seriously!
7 March 2006
I went to see this movie despite all the negative feedback and rather enjoyed it. I expected to see a movie with a lot of action and was surprised to find some incredible action scenes and a decent story. If you keep in mind that the movie has a superhero/comic book feel to it, and just sit back and enjoy, you will have fun! Both my friend and I had a blast watching it and Milla is rather nice on the eyes.

I'm surprised that there are so many people who did not like this movie. Granted there are a few things that could have improved it. At times it felt like the film was rushed to get it out to the audiences and so the special effects are a mixed bag. Some of them are good: I liked the morphing and color changing of her hair, suits, guns, ammo, etc... The cityscapes and backgrounds could have been improved. Overall though the movie is pretty enjoyable and Milla rocks!
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