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Not as bad as stated by many
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Found this on YouTube and since I like Stephen King I decided to watch it and then I found out that I obviously saw it already years ago. I think it's a good movie, kept me on my seat until the end. When the wife found out that her husband was a killer I plotted with her what to do. Obviously once over the initial shock she decided to kill him so her kids wouldn't have to deal with the shame. I was with her all the way almost disappointed that she obviously got ready for a romantic evening but alas she pushed him over the upstairs railing. Unfortunately he survived the fall and I kept saying " get a pillow and suffocate him" and she did althought by stuffing a plastic bag into his mouth!

There was a moment I could see the police investigating because she also strangled him with his tie but he was buried without police intervention which I found a little strange. The kids were grieving not knowing anything about their father. She was finally found out by a retired detective but he understood her intentions and left it at that. Lucky for her! End of movie!

I enjoyed it and can recommend it !
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Cook Off! (2007)
Got stomach cramps and had to stop
6 June 2024
As mentioned above watching the credits in the beginning my stomach started revolting and I almost threw up! 5 minutes in I decided this was not for me. Even Melissa McCarthy couldn't save this unfunny disaster.

The food shown was absolutely disgusting and worthy of obese Americans.

I love Japanese food shows like " midnight dinner Tokyo" or " the sweet tooth salesman" showing beautiful food and no swearing.

This movie was streaming on Tubi but with the added commercials sometimes lasting forever I just couldn't stay connected. So, please do yourself a favour and watch something decent and enjoyable like " Midnight Diner Tokyo stories" streaming on Netflix along with many other enjoyable food films both reality and fiction!
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Atlas (2024)
It's bad!
24 May 2024
Big sci-fi fan here who tolerates even bad films just for the SFX but unfortunately this has such bad acting by Jennifer Lopez that I have to force myself to continue even under stress lol! The crying scenes are so fake and the whole movie centres around her so also bearable in the beginning the more it goes on it becomes unwatchable. Sorry Jennifer but I guess you don't really care, you're super rich and want to immortalize yourself as much as possible. The SFX are nice showing another planet far far away that she reaches almost instantly after lifting of earth. The villain is well known through the MU and I like him but he can't save the film.

There are a lot of movies coming out showing hate for AI and I don't get it. The beneficial applications outweigh the negative aspect and I think a scenario where AI is killing humans on their own is far fetched! I did like Jennifer Lopez in " the cell" so she is not a complete waste acting wise, just give her some good script and she would be fine! Recommend watching only for having the Poto form your own opinion!
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Feels almost like being there!
18 May 2024
I envy the people who were there. Such an amazing experience. Freddy's voice is at its peak at that time and spine chilling! Thanks to the people who restored this to perfection. The colours, the close ups and the quality of the music is out of this world! I'm a fairly new fan only for the past 10 years or so but I saw Queen in Toronto in 2016 with Adam Lambert which was amazing but I have to say seeing Freddy perform like this he's in a league of it's own! Compared to the music today ( Taylor Swift comes to mind) I can actually hear the words and there is melody I can remember! I'm going to put on my stereo earphones again and keep watching on my big screen!
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Ten stars is not enough!
30 April 2024
This is a highly entertaining production that never gets old. Watched it back when it came out and it's still on my favourite list. I watch it at least twice a year. The make up, scenery, special effects, storyline all engaging and bring you into the story! My favourite part is the village with the sheep competition where I was introduced to Queen's " we will rock you" for the first time ( I'm now a huge fan) and the love village. How cute is that. Plenty of evil doing too. No swear words and little violence adds to the wholesomeness of the film. It's available divided into 5 parts now on YouTube in excellent quality!
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Renegade Nell (2024– )
Incorrect history but fun to watch
28 April 2024
Im getting used to diversity where it doesn't belong for instance black nobility in 1700 England, a self assured loudmouth poor girl dressing up like a man and taking unheard off liberties with the upper class but..... It's a fantasy show with fairies so being in line with a famous 1800s German author Wilhelm Busch: What is popular is also allowed!

The acting is good, the characters believable especially the villain (Koodo) I like they used an average looks actress that actually gets messy and dirty at times.

Love the costumes and settings.

As a woman I get a weird sense of satisfaction from seeing guys beat up by a woman lol!

I think the quality of the production alone makes it well worth watching!
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Korea No.1 (2022– )
So sad it's finished
21 April 2024
I absolutely love this show! Binged it in 2 days! The protagonists are hilarious and lovable. I learned so much about Korean historical jobs and it was immensely interesting. The chemistry between the three young people is amazing and what I like is that they are not glamorous but very natural . A relief from all the superficiality we are swamped with nowadays!

I wondered why they kept wearing the same hot outfits even in extreme humidity and heat. There are so many interesting episodes but if I had to pick one it would be the fibre making and weaving one. While not as exhausting as some of the others it was very intriguing and strange but the outcome was beautiful!

Highly recommend watching and hope they're continuing this show as long as they find weird historical jobs!
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Such negative reviews, why?
7 April 2024
I watched this film again now on Netflix since it came out in the theatres. I was well entertained and absorbed in the action. Dino movies don't get old it's just we get spoiled and bored so fast and don't recognize the effort anymore that was needed to make this movie! The special effects are incredible just alone for that I'm watching. I cried when the brontosaurus was gobbled up by the volcano's.pyroclastic cloud. The scene with the glass ball plunging into the sea had me sitting on the edge of my seat. The actors are likeable and believable even in an unbelievable environment. I was torn between letting the dinosaurs live or die. Yes sometimes it's ridiculous how people survive such cataclysmic events and get away unscated but that's what we want to see isn't it? I can recommend this film for the pure ridiculous entertainment value! It's a blast!!
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Survive (2022)
Reviews suggest to skip
3 April 2024
Just started watching and I was hoping to enjoy the film. I like the main protagonist because I love the marvel universe and she's in the Xmen movies .

This film started out at a sanatorium which obviously was for rich kids showing all the "suffering" that was going on lol! I guess they never saw " most dangerous ways to school" series on YouTube!

I'm getting tired of privileged bored kids who don't appreciate what they have and think they're suffering because of lack of attention or whatever.

I'm glad I stopped and checked out IMBD and lo and behold my intuition was right. I'm so glad there is IMBD even though the movie companies throw in their 10/10 reviews but mainly I can trust that people's feelings and true opinions are reflected truthfully here.

Well since I have some saved time now it's going back to the drawing board and trying to find something worthwhile watching.

May I suggest 3 body problem, now there is something worth watching!
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Frida (2024)
Didn't know her until this film
22 March 2024
I knew the artist Frida Kahlo and the pain she endured but I didn't know her as a human! This film/documentary completed my knowledge about this human artist person. I found so many thoughts that she had that agreed with mine and I started to feel a strong bond with her and her suffering. She was a true woman, no ifs or buts! She saw the world through a curtain of pain and suffering and few shiny openings available to her. I never had the wish and urge to own one of her paintings but now I feel it would be the greatest honour to own one which of course will never happen because her paintings demand top prices so I have to succumb to having only copies of her works in my home. Frida saw through the superficiality and frivolosity of vain humans and thoroughly hated them. I wonder if those sentiments only existed because of her suffering . In any way her pain gave us wondrous artworks as mirrors into her soul and show through colour and animation that not all of her sentiments were born of hate and despair and that there was always a glimmer of hope to her desolate existence which in her last years seemed to have completely resolved into nothingness and the wish to finally leave this hurting world and to die! I am an atheist ever since I was a child as she was and believe there is nothing after death not even blackness and we return back to the smallest particles of the universe to create something new in an infinite cycle of life and death! Frida Kahlo managed to make herself immortal through her paintings and that is something few of us will achieve ! RIP Frida Kahlo!
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Standing out from regular fare
28 January 2024
I agree with the people who give this movie thumbs up! There are so many of those films now (2024) and almost impossible to see them all and judge them all. But many times I start an Asian SFX fantasy movie I quit after a short time because I find the actions repetitive and similar to what I have seen before. I started this film and was drawn into it maybe because of the actors, the costumes, the landscapes and fantasy creatures and realized that I wanted to see the whole film. For anyone who likes fairytales, sci-fi and fantasy films this is worth watching. I mean with all the negativity expressed here at least I would have to acknowledge the production that went into this. I like all kinds of movies, hate drug, war and explicit sex and foul language movies! I feel they don't serve any purpose but showing the lows we are capable off as a species. Therefore give me movies without f... words and beautiful scenery and I'll be a happy customer lol!
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Love love love this!
18 January 2024
I never knew you could say so much with so little! This family is so cute, I would almost say it represents a large portion of the global population! You find out that we're all the same, the dialogues could have been from a western production. The minimalist animation might throw you off at first but stick with it and you find out how delightful this family is.

I love all Ghibli films but this one and princess Kaguya are now my favourites! We fantasize that the grass is always greener somewhere else but we find out that in the end we all want the same. Family, security and love!

I always envied the Japanese, they seem to have it all! Kindness, honesty, amazing landscapes and fantastic healthy food! Well since I cannot live in Japan I started eating like the Japanese, threw out all my junk and now live with minimalist decorating and I have become kinder with people. I'm creating my Japan around me here in Canada! Please do yourself a favour and watch the Yamadas! A sheer delight!
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Slow burning drama about high strung chefs
15 January 2024
Binge watched all 10 episodes. I honestly don't know why. I guess I got to know the characters, all of them young and beautiful. The main character is a mathematician who gives up because he thinks he's not good enough. He's looking for something else to do trying to hide his change of thought from his supporting father. He meets a mysterious chef and is persuaded to work for him at a great restaurant applying somehow his mathematical skills to creating superior cuisine. And that is what all the 10 episodes are about, creating new and exiting dishes but it seems they're never good enough and therefore ending up in friction between the 2 main characters and the work crew at the restaurant! I will never understand the crazy passion behind these designer dishes that give you a huge plate with little food arranged artistically on the plate. There is a lot of passion here and a lot of talking philosophical and other. The dialogues just seem endless at times and repeating themselves. Besides seeing fancy dishes created there is mostly personal drama and dense interaction between the protagonists. What kept me watching was the actors ability to somehow keep me interested in all this.

It was not nearly as endearing as Tokyo Midnight diner which I sorely miss or even gourmet samurai. Compared to these shows this one is very slow burning and at times tiring in their dialogue! Nevertheless the show kept me watching for the entire 10 episodes so something must have been done right!
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Cranford (2007–2009)
Charming and unassuming!
9 January 2024
Just found this on Tubi and finished season 1 and started season 2. If you ask me what I like about it I have to say the first thing is the Quietness in which conversations are executed. Second there is no forced adversity, what a relief!

You also get the feeling that there is no excuse or condemnation needed for rules that were silly and had comic or tragic consequences. Those were the times and its history , period!

It takes time to correct wrongs and learn rights which we still havens managed to master in this day and time.

The cast is superb and a pleasure to watch. You completely forget you're watching a production, it feels so real. The surrounding landscapes and setting are incredibly beautiful and charming except for the poor peoples dwellings of course!

There is much love and pain here, this films deals with all aspects of life!

After watching this and any other true period piece one realizes how shallow our modern world has become. There are things though in our world that could have been enormously beneficial if they existed earlier for instance cutting off a man's leg without anesthesia! Terrible!

I only realized how old I am after seeing a weed carpet beater that my mother still had for the longest time until she got a vacuum cleaner lol!

I'm going back now to enjoy the second part of this beautiful production!
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Foe (2023)
Slow burn
8 January 2024
I gave it 4 stars because I love Soirse Ronan. I'm very disappointed because I love scifi movies but this was more of a 60% sex in the dark movie. First of all you have to note that we have an advanced space station but still drive 70 style cars. I could live with that but to have to watch 111 minutes of people talking and having sex without ever lifting off is boring! I fast forwarded the film stopping as soon as I saw some daylight but still nothing that holds my interest. I really don't care about the personal relation ship unless it's well done like in " Interstellar"! I probably missed a lot of " important" talk that explains the movie but right now I'm sick in bed with a terrible flu for the past 5 days and I couldn't be more disinterested in a personal relation ship film. For the people who like it they are probably more inclined towards artsy and IF productions but I have to agree with most people here that this is a flop!
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Wanted to see it but.....
22 December 2023
Really wanted to see this. There were quite a few sci-fi movies and series coming out recently and as a big sci-fi fan I'm slowly getting saturated with films that are mere clones of popular blockbusters. After reading the reviews and watching for a while I decided to fast forward to see these "amazing worlds" people were mentioning here but was disappointed because even fast forward all I could see was people talking most of the time. Also I'm all for diversity because like every sci-fi fan I'm used to a great diversity of characters and am all for making this world so mixed that nobody will be able to ask where you're coming from lol! One thing that bothers me though ( I'm originally German born after the war) that the villains have to look like nazis, ridiculous!

Come up with original ideas like Disney's " a murder at the end of the world" which just finished and I was waiting eagerly for every Monday for 7 weeks to see the next instalment or " Monarch" that handled an old concept of Godzilla but was surprisingly fresh and watchable!

I'm seriously considering getting rid of Netflix and just keep Apple, Disney (for now) and Prime!
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Fun romp not worth negative reviews
14 December 2023
So I saw all the reviews, a lot of negativity. At least acknowledge the effort made to create this fantasy world! The acting was nice, sometimes a bit overtop but I didn't mind, it's a different mentality and culture like so many more in this world! There are so many beautiful scenes and landscapes and the there's no lack of action that's for sure! I really don't care sometimes if the storyline is weak because I just want to be entertained and not educated! All the people are beautiful and most are good hearted, a dream for the real world. I found it also inspiring regarding not to give up in the face of horrible danger. I loved the death scene of Linglong , even though she was mortally wounded she had the energy to deliver a speech up to when she died, which happens frequently in movies. I was moved.

I think this film is worth watching, didn't see the series but did see the first one.
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Swan Song (I) (2021)
Just beautiful and though provoking!
3 December 2023
Just finished this film and absolutely love it. Near future we could actually imagine happening, a man finds out he is terminally ill and decides to sign up for a fairly new concept which means cloning his body and transferring all memories into the new him so that his family can go on having a loving father and husband.

As a viewer we're torn between agreeing and rejecting this concept. Glen Close is marvellous as usual and the main character played by Mahershala Ali is totally believable and shows that a man can cry too.

The original player is called Cameron and the copy is called Jack.

Cameron is going in and out with his approval and rejection of his decision and we are taken on a rollercoaster ride of mixed emotions thinking what we would do if we were in his shoes. Supposedly his case is only #3 so it is a very new process. Throughout the movie we are constantly thinking that something might go wrong and wait for a catastrophe to happen. You have to watch to see the result.

The settings are beautiful and serene, I love the architecture and minimalist design of the clinic in the forest. The futuristic effects are basically already here in some way due to VR Head sets. Here we just get to see them without having to put on a heavy headpiece.

There is no violence and the language is calm and relaxing most of the time. This film really makes us think about life and death and even though I'm not sure I would approve of this cloning concept I believe it could be something that is totally possible in the future. I put this film right up there with Spielberg's "AI" and totally recommend watching it. It's truly beautiful!
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Better than the low reviews here!
13 November 2023
I think the series of these films is done very nicely. Let aside from being a bit confusing, the landscapes and creatures make up for it! People mention bad acting which I don't agree with ! The actors are likeable and able and have to do a hell of a lot of stunting. The movies keep me watching because of the sheer beauty of the landscapes, the beautiful people , the humour and pain and the fantasy aspect of it all. I watch in Chinese with English subtitles, a habit I have with all international films. I like the authenticity! Since I'm not a person who picks and dissects films apart like many do ( thinking they're experts) I simply take the movie as it is and I like it or don't like it for whatever reasons! I like these Chinese films and think that they're worth watching!
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Feels forced!
7 November 2023
This review is from a 74 year old who has loved those actresses for a long time! I'm sorry gals but this movie is a circus! The get together greetings feel forced and it seems the actresses are aware of their looks and try hard to smile in a certain way. Jane Fonda and Mary Steenburgen look so much alike because of plastic surgery while the other 2 seem to have aged more naturally! No woman their age acts like this, I'm still a kid inside and love to stay away from the old woman stereotype but this is ridiculous! What bothered me the most I think was the feeling of forced acting just trying to get this over with ! I don't even think they do it for money but for just staying in the limelight. Well it's time to either take on some roles fitting your age or quitting acting! It's as disappointing as Netflix taking iconic women and their accomplishments and turning them into lesbian movies totally ignoring their accomplishments, so annoying! Still love you though ladies!
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Compulsion (I) (2013)
Just loved it!
30 August 2023
Started watching and continued because I enjoyed the cinematography and colours! The dresses of Amy are gorgeous and so is she! The cooking is also beautiful until you realize what the heck she's cooking! Heather Graham's character is just so much over the top but she is basically carrying the movie! There are only a few actors involved and the main protagonists are only 4!

Still this film works because it's beautiful and macabre! A great combination! It reminds me a bit of Beetlejuice and as a matter of fact the famous line of Winona Ryder when she discovers the ghosts in the attic " I myself am strange and unusual" applies to everyone who loves this film😅!

So I definitely recommend this movie to everyone who likes macabre comedies with a bit of drama added!
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
10 stars not enough!
27 August 2023
My background is Norse on my mothers side and I look it having fair skin and reddish hair still at 74!

I love all Norse sagas and history and I'm drawn to the legends of Thor, Loki and Odin!

The MU Thor movies are good but this is on a whole other level! You are slowly witnessing the change the main protagonist is experiencing and while most of the backgrounds in the Marvel movies are cgi here we have fantastic real landscapes in Norway and one wants to travel there to see them!

I saw the first season in 2020 and loved it but then with all kinds of other shows coming up through the years I kind of forgot about it and just now realized that there are 2 more seasons! I had to start all over again to recapture what was happening! I'm just finishing the second season and reading the comments I'm wondering what people are saying about the unsatisfactory ending! I have to experience it myself I guess!

I'm watching in the original language which also gives more realism to the show and being a fan of the MU Thor movies I can definitely recommend this to any Thor lover!

The saga told in a completely different way with actors who actually live in the country of the Norse!
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Renfield (2023)
Bloody bloody bloody but fun
24 August 2023
I love both Nicolas cage and Nicholas Hoult so this film is a pleasure to watch! It's very bloody but in a comics and fantasy way therefore it's just extreme comics violence! Nicholas Hoult is a funny and versatile actor and has proven it already many times! It's your typical narrated horror comedy lol! A fun and entertaining romp on the Dracula narrative!

I'm a 74 year young grandma and if I can watch this bloody concoction so can you!

Nicolas cage is such a versatile actor ( my favourite is "Knowing") that I watch almost any movie he's in, note I said almost, not all of them! He had to take on non successful roles in order to replenish his dwindling bank account! I'm glad he's back even though I believe he could do better!

Still as I said this is a fun watch and I recommend it!
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Mask Girl (2023– )
Looks are everything!
20 August 2023
Yesterday I finished " Kingdom" and was pretty disturbed by it and next thing I know I'm watching another Korean thriller equally dark and disturbing! I've come to the conclusion that the Koreans are masters in dark thrillers and comedies!

Mask Girl will draw in all the people who ever suffered bullying and wished they could fight back but don't!

It also shows that no matter what , even getting plastic surgery to be more beautiful doesn't take away your troubles because your mind is still unchanged!

In these social media times we are in now the pursuit of perfection it relentless and destroying our young people!

The first episode is the starting point that leads into others becoming darker and darker ( and bloodier) while we are emphasizing with the characters. At times I'm having troubles telling the protagonists apart because they look so alike which is also a reminder to me of how alike and monotonous beauty images are on line and in the media nowadays!

The actors are very good in portraying pain, fear and misery ! Many of us have been in that dark place including me and therefore I understand the premise of this story ( to a certain extent of course but the violence and payback makes it more fun)!

I'm watching with original audio and English subtitles which makes it more authentic! I've become so good at doing this that I rarely Miss anything!

Highly recommend this series! A word of caution: the assault scenes are not for the faint of heart but are portrayed very truthfully!
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The Chosen One (2023– )
Good watch even for non believer
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing that so far all miracle occurrences have been demystified and proven fraudulent I still like this film, the desire of people to believe in something bigger than them, that there is a Devine being that can save us all! We are shown the mass hysteria resulting from the supposed miracle worker ( Jodie aka messiah ) . He is shown as a human being finding out he has powers, that he and his mother have been on the run for years trying to escape persecution by people who want to take him away from his mother. The film includes the miracles of the bible where water turns to wine, fish a plenty are fed to the people, miraculous healings and the stigmata on the hands and chest! As an atheist I despise the belief that there is some divine entity that impregnates a woman and she has a Jesus like child with super powers while knowing the science of it all that we are just beings bound to evolution and chance and that we have no divine rights to special treatment among all living things on earth! We cannot control weather or the bodies of others unless it is done through science! On the other hand I'm not disputing that there are unknown forces in the universe we don't understand! Being an atheist I don't understand myself why I'm drawn to ghost and religious films like that! Is it the desire to believe in something bigger than us? Is believing in Science only not enough? The acting by the young protégés is pretty amazing and I'm sure some of them will go on acting in the future. The film has not a lot of special effects which is sort of refreshing because lately everything is drowned in SFX! I found the series intriguing enough to keep me watching until the end! So, from a non believer, the verdict is, yes I can recommend this series to either believers or non believers. Believers might be reinforced in their fate or question it. Non believers like me will just watch for the pleasure of wishing that it all would be true but ultimately knowing that divinity doesn't exist, only truly exceptional beings that are selfless, kind and loving!
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