
107 Reviews
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2101 (2014)
Incredibly bad
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Usually when I read bad reviews some of the movies are mild;y entertaining in a dumb way. This movie went far, far beyond my wildest expectations of being bad. Nothing in this movie made any sense whatsoever.

The writing is so bad, high school students could do better. The acting so laughable. The "bad guy?" with the earring(LOL), good God. So pathetic. Where did they find him, his acting skills were awful. Cringe every time he was on.

Fixing a Corvette in an abandoned warehouse, owned by the state, what???? And why do they have him eating junk food every scene. A pretty girl wants to sleep over your place and you tell her no? She's your friend, are you an idiot? So you don't care about her? Then the next day you're showing feelings for her? Who wrote this garbage?

There is a scene in the beginning where the two main characters are hiding in what looks like the second floor in some warehouse and some bad guys come in with guns to check the place out. The two make some noise and a flash with the object they are holding. The bad guys see the flash and argue about one going up to see what's up there, then the guy says "We'll come back later" LOL. Just beyond dumb writing.

I wish I could get my wasted hour back.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Decent show, but not amazing
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As one reviewer put it well - "Good but not great" I'm sure the book series is amazing, I never read it so I am basing the show solely on the viewpoint of someone coming at it from never reading the books.

Some areas feel rushed, as if they needed to push some narratives to get things moving. Not sure why because this type of show I think needed to be developed.

I absolutely can't stand Auggie's character. Her character is the epitome of today's generation. Selfish, instant gratification, doesn't care about the future, not forward thinking at all, doesn't care about the big picture, etc. She literally brings the quality of the show down.

Some things don't make sense though. If the Sophon's are so omnipresent I don't understand how humanity is allowed to do things. But, it's something I can look aside at for the show's sake.

One thing I will say after watching season one - If by the end of season 2 it's shown humanity keeps losing the small "battles" I won't watch anymore. I'm sick of watching shows where the bad guys are always winning. That seems to be the trend these days. Sorry, I see enough bad stuff in reality. I turn to shows for non-reality, fantasy, good stuff feelings.
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Enjoyable 90s King Horror Flick
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this movie many times and it's recently been playing a lot on TV. I can here and was kind of surprised by some of the reviews.

"The people look like they didn't shower for days when they filmed this." "The set looked so grimy and disgusting." "The constant scenes of rats just staring got tiresome."

Jesus Christ, are people that stupid today? First, based on King's short story, in the short story the rats underneath mill have their own ecosystem and many have mutated. The main "monster" is quite different from the movie. But I have no problem with the divergence from the short story to the movie. My only gripe is the character development, there is barely none and second the acting was sub-par.

Other than that this is an enjoyable B-movie horror from the 90s. No stupid CGI you see today. The rats are real. The main monster looks pretty good. The fear the actors feel looks pretty genuine.

Now I will talk about the best aspect of this film - the atmosphere. The place is portrayed as a textile mill in a dead heat of the summer around July 4th. It's super hot and humid. Everyone is sweating profusely. It's a textile mill. Do people expect it to be polished clean? It's grimy and dirty, and it shows! You can honestly feel how dirty these people are and it totally adds to the atmosphere of the film.

Some of the characters are so sleazy you don't mind when they meet their ends - just like a horror movie should be.
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The Covenant (2006)
Sorcerers/Witches of Cringe
10 April 2024
The dialog in this movie is some of the cringiest I have ever had to deal with in a movie. I've seen cheesy teen B-movies, but this one could take the cake. Just awful.

Having everyone super handsome and gorgeous does not help. Even some B-movies can be guilty pleasures. This one can't do it. Read my fellow bad reviews, some of them are spot on.

I'm so sad because this movie takes place in my area, Massachusetts. It doesn't do it justice, we deserved better. Don't judge us on this movie. LOL

I wonder if if they made this movie an R rating if it could have saved it. Gore, sex, that can sometimes push a bad movie to a funny-bad guilty pleasure.

Oh yah and, the villain here is a complete laughable LOSER, which also makes this movie suck. Just stay away from this one.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Amazing show
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Truth be told, I hated the videogame and delayed watching this show for a long time BECAUSE I hated the videogame. But, so many people told me I had to watch it that I decided to give it a shot. I love apocalyptic/zombie type shows/movies so that's another reason I wanted to give this show a chance.

I binged this first season in 1 day. I couldn't stop watching the show, so I have taken in all episodes and am writing this one day after binging the first season. While many shows/movies are different from their book/videogame counter-parts I can understand that and sometimes respect why. I believe the game's creators were involved with these episodes.

The problem with being so attached and loving a book or videogame is you expect those same feelings when you see it in a movie or tv show. It's almost impossible to reproduce this. You must take it for what it is, another form of the subject matter.

Taken in that context, The Last of Us is truly an amazing show. From the beginning we see the disconnect of Ellie and Joel, the distrust, zero emotional connection. By the end, he views her as a daughter and she views him as a father. The scene in the last episode before the enter hospital where she tells him she will follow him anywhere and how he tried to commit suicide but because of her he truly found purpose in life. THIS was possibly the best scene in the season for me and brought some tears to my eyes. Because by this time in the season you are emotionally connected to Joel and Ellie. THEY are now emotionally connected to each other.

The chemistry between these two actors is nothing less than amazing.

I won't speak of other aspects of the show that many others have said in more details- the other actors, pace, etc. Just don't go in thinking you will get an exact copy of the videogame you will be let down. Try to go in from the viewpoint of not ever played the game. I think your stance on the show may be better.
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Halo: Sword (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
7 March 2024
For the love of God get rid of this awful character Kwan Ha

She absolutely adds no value to the show and is an awful actress. It's really to a point where it's irritating to watch her scenes and I just turn away while she is on the screen.

For an otherwise amazing show that I really love they are ruining it with putting in just awful characters.

Season 2 is starting off good otherwise, first episode was really good and this second good as well. I played all the games so I am enjoying this story.

By the way this new guy running the show, Ackerson is a real prick wow. Let's hope a real dose of reality eventually slaps him in the face.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Only Season 1, maybe 2, is worth watching
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a review for all 4 seasons and first half of Season 5, 8 episodes.

Everything is fresh in my mind as I flew through the series in about 1.5 weeks.

Season 1 is pretty good and gives a good intro to the characters. The plot throughout season 1 was good and the characters were not overdone, as they did in further seasons.

In later seasons they just ruined everything. Plots became outrageous. Acting was terrible. The female CEOs were incredibly unbelievable.

Beth became so rude and vicious you almost rooted against the ranch.

Monica was so irritating you almost couldn't understand how Kayce stayed married to her.

They ruined Jamie's character. In the first season he comes off as an intelligent lawyer but they turned his character into a stupid, weak adolescent. They made him completely pathetic.

The later seasons just had repeated scenes of cowboys doing cowboy things of roping, drinking beer, cards, and more roping. We get it. It's a cowboy show. But when you keep throwing that stuff in there as filler over content it looks terrible.

Don't even get me started with the emotionless Sarah Atwood. Is she supposed to be some gorgeous femme fatale for Jamie? She is not gorgeous and should not have been picked for that role.

I could go on, but there are many, many reviews which point out all the flaws in this show. I would only recommend the first season, maybe the second at most.
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Reacher (2022– )
Binged 1st season in one night, pulled an all nighter
7 January 2024
Normally, when I start a new series I like to set time aside to watch a few episodes. For Reacher, I ended up pulling an all nighter, binging the first season and even watching the first episode of season 2.

When I first saw the trailers I didn't think I would like it but boy was I wrong. I've read the books, and although Cruise doesn't LOOK like Reacher in the books I enjoyed Cruise as Reacher- only the first movie. The second movie was complete garbage.

This Reacher is exactly how the book depicts him. I really enjoyed the show a lot, as you can tell since I binged. Don't watch if you don't like violence, as like the books, it's pretty violent.

I love the show because we have strong male characters and strong female characters. The show doesn't BS around that which is really refreshing.

I hope they continue this great formula for more seasons.
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Decent flick, ignore the bad reviews
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the bad reviews and just SMH.

"Sailors acting stupid..." Oh you mean like scientists/biologists acting stupid in movies? Show me a Hollywood movie today that doesn't do that? They ALL do that now.

This was a decent popcorn horror movie. People were bored with this? Good grief. Maybe Fast and Furious will have a little more action and smarter people in the movie for you.

People say everything has been done, but I don't know there were some vampire stuff in here different from other Dracula movies.

People complaining how Dracula looked. His look is based on Nosferatu. Again, something different.

I felt creepy throughout the movie. The creeps started in the beginning and didn't stop. The only time you will feel pretty safe is during the day. Even then, when you are inside the boat, the dark boat, it's very creepy.

Ignore the bad reviews if you like Dracula movies, this was a good one.
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CSI: Miami: No Man's Land (2007)
Season 5, Episode 14
Awful acting by Gonzalo Menendez
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gonzalo Menendez ruins every episode he is in.

Otherwise a semi-decent episode with some problems that would have had higher rating by me but wow does Gonzalo Menendez play a terrible Clavo.

"And hey get me a mojito while you're in there" CRINGE. Every line by this loser is cringe in every episode he is in.

Also, Wolfe tells a kid you don't go to jail for accidents. Ummm, wrong! Yes you can! Another strike on this episode.

The other issue with this episode, loser Menendez locks his kidnapped victim in the trunk of a Mercedes and tells Horatio she only has 5 minutes of air left. Highly unlikely as most car trunks still allow air to pass in and out.

Finally, in a wide open parking lot Caine and Eric get shot at and Caine scots free. This is the famous episode where Eric gets shot and miraculously survives, miraculously.
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CSI: Miami: Spring Breakdown (2010)
Season 8, Episode 19
Good episode, don't miss it.
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some useless reviews here. This is a good CSI episode to watch. In an age with cyber-bullying is still present this episode is still relevant.

In the episode the girl said she pressed charges, some time ago, on her bullies, exactly what charges I'm not sure. No doubt the 3 bullies were complete losers and scumbags. Of course they didn't deserve to die but when Horatio asks the murderer -"was it worth spending the rest of your life in prison" She relishes in answering yes.

Of course she does. She's been planning to kill them for years. The poor girl really didn't think everything through, her rage and revenge obsessed her the years following her bullying. That is pretty sad. It's also a good lesson the show displays here.

The ending is excellent because it shows her smug smile walking out of the police station handcuffed off to jail, where the scene continues with her smiling right into her jail cell but her smile quickly fades to sadness and she sits and we see she has turned back into the girl who got bullied.

I think the show is trying to tell us you are always the same person inside no matter what you look like on the outside. Clearly this girl is realizing she made a grave mistake, which she will be paying for and reflecting on the rest of her life.

Great, emotional episode when you look at it from a whole.
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CSI: Miami: Cop Killer (2005)
Season 3, Episode 13
Great episode
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode and not sure why no one else has posted a review so I'll post one.

After a routine traffic stop a Miami police officer is shot. The driver gets away and the officer's passenger, a young wanna-be officer, is taken hostage.

We come to find out there were two passengers in the car a male and his 16yo "girlfriend". All is not what it seems in who you think shot the cop.

The mother of the daughter thinks her daughter is innocent of course. God forbid your daughter isn't innocent. We come to find out she is far, far, far from innocent. And then, even after we see everything the mother blames it all on the boyfriend saying the boyfriend caused her daughter to do all this. Haha, so laughable.

We also see the DA and what her motives are. She'd rather win a case than care about a cop being killed.

Great episode.
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CSI: Miami: Permanent Vacation (2007)
Season 6, Episode 8
A family of morons...
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the other reviewers when they describe the family here. Literally a family of morons.

As a family is about to leave their hotel to head home one of their sons goes back in the hotel and gets shot in the elevator. We find out it's gang-related, supposedly some initiation. Horatio and team to the rescue.

Dean Cain plays the family's father, who of course is super pissed. He causes problems for Horatio instead of letting Horatio do his job. They get a suspect but not enough evidence points to the guy, but to the father he "looks" like a gang-banger. "He definitely looks like a gang-banger" LOL.

SO of course the suspect gets beat up bad and everyone points to the dad but it was actually the OTHER son who looked up the dead brother. The father must have told the younger son. Dad = MORON #1 of the family. Then when the younger brother is being interrogated by Calleigh and Eric he seems completely oblivious to the fact that he committed a crime, like intent to commit murder. The moron doesn't realize he is being arrested and will probably be going to jail. MORON #2!

This leaves the mother. At the end the get the real "gang-banger" who is a complete loser and as he's being walked out of the station in cuffs the mother talks with Calleigh about how she "needs to talk to her son's killer" and Calleigh says I don't think that's a good idea.

The mother goes up and says you killed my son and shoots the gang banger. MORON #3 of the family!

Now the son who got killed we find out he was flirting with some blond who invited to her room but got broken up when her older boyfriend showed up. The reason the son went BACK into the hotel was because the boyfriend texted messaged him as the girlfriend saying she wanted to say bye. WHY would you honestly go back to that room after the boyfriend was apeshit at you for being there? And that brings us to the last moron of the family, the son who got killed, MORON #4. Every member of the family are MORONS.

Other than that the episode was pretty entertaining. Horatio shoots down a gangbanger who was about to shoot Delko.
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Decent episode, ruined by Sara
18 September 2023
Always fun to re-watch these episodes years later to see how they have aged. When I first started watching CSI the original was my favorite but then I moved on to liking NY and Miami much more, Miami being my favorite. Yes I know the acting and everything about it was outrageous. But that's what I personally was looking for in a show.

In this episode we are dealing with a brutal and visceral rape. IMO, the other investigation is very secondary and kind of boring. The rape case is so much more interesting. Although Sara does a great job in her role, in the end it's pathetic. These officers should know in their line of work you must leave your emotions, especially personally emotions at home. I would even argue it's a good advice to take with any job you have in any line of work.

I never liked Sara's character because of this. She just puts her emotions into too much of her work and it ultimately interferes with her life. This is a bad recipe and Grissom repeatedly tells her this in one form or another throughout the series. This is season 1 and he's already telling her.

At the end he tells her she needs to let go and she says she wishes she could feel nothing like he does. This is the WRONG interpretation of what Grissom is trying to tell her. Just because Grissom doesn't show emotion for a case doesn't mean he has no feelings! He doesn't let those feelings dominate his job, which Sara does! This is the difference.

Of course I am not blaming Sara, I almost cried for the woman to got raped and zero justice. Sara complained the criminal would be out in 48 months. Well if Sara is so upset about then FIGHT to try and make the rape laws MORE strict. Rape is a disgusting and truly violent crime that should be SEVERELY punished. That is what Sara's ultimately goal should be. Not to go home, cry and wait for the next rape victim where she can let her emotions run amok again.
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CSI: Miami: Bad Seed (2009)
Season 8, Episode 5
Illegal episode and far reaching for sure
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
HUGE fan of the show and love re-watching the episodes, but I had to write a review of this episode. Horatio claims his team "reverse engineers" the bacteria in the corn. LOL you got to be kidding. At the very end he says he contacted the FDA, they would have been involved way early on if E. Coli breakout had occurred.

But what really got me upset about episode occurred at the end when Horatio is talking with the Executive in the station about what he has done and the Exec basically spills the beans. Then Horatio claims the family will be bringing a civil suit against the company. The Executive rightly claims it would never go to trial and Horatio pulls out a recorder saying they now have a full admission. Horatio recorded that whole conversation. Unfortunately, the state of Florida is a "two-party" consent state with regard to audio recordings.

With a few exceptions, all parties involved in a private conversation must consent to the recording of that conversation. Actually recording law is a 3rd-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Horatio actually committed a crime LOL.

And none of the exceptions applied in this situation. So Horatio's recording would never be allowed in court.

BUT, this is CSI Miami and Horatio must be the savior so I guess we all have to look the other way. I will always love the show but just wanted to point that out for all the great fans of this awesome show :-)
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What a pathetic episode
24 July 2023
Good grief. This first part of the episode was despicable. Beyond dumb. Why the need to throw in political correct BS? Stupid. It wasn't even scary. The horror was in Joe HORRIBLE an episode it was. Horribly written. Horrible plot. Horrible message.

As others have stated this season has been up and down with episodes but I had to comment on this particular episode because of how BAD the first part of this episode was. Just so pathetic.

And what's with this new minimum character amount for reviews, it sucks! IMDB is getting worse and worse by the day. I miss the old days of having forums and no char limit on reviews.
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1899 (2022)
Amazing slow burn of a show, so sad it got canceled
15 July 2023
Why the eff was this canceled when trash shows get more seasons added? Are you kidding me????

I went into this show with no spoilers and knowing very little about the show. At first I found the slow burn a little irritating but the great acting, creepy atmosphere, and good writing kept me watching. With each episode you're given just a little more to keep you wondering could this be what's happening?

Then at the season finale, when you THINK you know pretty much what's going on you're thrown a BEAUTIFUL curveball. THIS is what makes for a great TV show.

I am PISSED they cancelled this series. I can't believe a trash show like The Rain got 3 seasons while this got only 1. That is a travesty. If this was Netflix's decision then SHAME on you Netflix, SHAME ON YOU!

Amazing show!
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14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Why did he take the virus?" "He thought you were dead. You jumped"

That's right Simone YOU COMMITTED SUICIDE. YOU caused as much suffering on the show as Rasmus.

Good riddance to the last episode of an awful show.

Rasmus spending the last few episodes hacking is kind of funny. I think I laughed more in the last season with how awful it was. Who rates this show so high?

I see the clown who was rating every show stopped rating somewhere near the end of season 2 LMAO.

In this last episode all I kept think was Flower Power LOL. Then you got the A-Team setting up shop to prepare for Ras and his crew to come in and wreak havoc. This is just too much.

Time to watch a better show, I'm out, have a good one everyone -Peace!
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The Rain: Stay in Control (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Romeo and Juliet?
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good grief. Sarah says to Ras we are like Romeo and Juliet? Oh my God who writes for this show? And who is the idiot with the awful reviews for every episode? Your reviews suck buddy. Yoh aren't funny. Simone is acting so irrational it's unbelievable. She thinks SHE can find the cure LMAO. She can find the cure to the virus. Ok! At least the writers have kept consistency with the stupidity of all the characters. So the virus has mutated to now protect itself. Better watch out. Make Ras angry and he will zap you with the virus LOL.

Ras can't control it but big sis comes right next to him and she doesn't get it and it's A-OK. Simone revealing her lying and stupidity. All dumb dumb characters.
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The Rain: Don't Talk to Strangers (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
DUMB Ras still hasn't learned a thing...
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
7 episodes in and how many years later and little boy Ramsus STILL acting stupid as ever, STILL putting the people around him at danger of dying and he STILL stays as arrogant as ever. Just amazing, absolutely amazing.

The girl you just slept with dies in a virus-laiden world, and you walk her to where you sister and others are. You walk right in and demand they help you. When they don't you start yelling and crying? Jesus. What kind of writers are writing for this show?

Who the hell is giving this show 8 stars or more? Amazing how all logic and science is thrown out the window. Just pathetic.
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Irritating and stupid characters...
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
12 minutes into the first episode and I'm extremely turned off by the absolute stupidity and ignorance of this little kid. Flying down the highway in an emergency, your sister and mother are yelling at you to keep your seatbelt on, your dad swerving in and out of lanes and you refuse to keep your seatbelt fastened? What kind of asshole kid are you? So what happens? You cause both your parents to turn and not look and cause a highway accident blocking traffic. No doubt killing all those people from the virus rain coming. GREAT job kid.

Then your father is running with you to a bunker the whole time telling you it will be safe here, don't go out, etc. He leaves and not 5 minutes there is a banging and what does the dumb sister, who knows the rain is a virus, do? Her and dipshit brother go and OPEN the bunker! Of course it's not the dad it's some guy infected. He grabs the boy. The sister is trying to pull him in. The mother starts going psycho and runs upstairs and pushes the guy away but inadvertently falls outside herself. Ooooops! Your infected mom!

Nice job brat kid! You just killed you mom! What's your body count up to now? Are you still NOT going to listen to adults?

So as dipshit is in tears, sister is crying trying to console him while the hot cocoa hasn't even cooled. This is all in the first 12 minutes. If you think I'll be watching this trash show forget it. I trust all the negative reviews here after watching the first episode. They were 100% correct.

Some reviewer put it well, we must we raising a dumb society because these writers are just writing dumb people into these stories.

Too bad because the premise was cool.

EDIT: I've now completed the series. I can't safely say with 100% confidence the show IS terrible, the show HAS bad writing, SIMONE the MAIN actress acts the stupidest and most arrogant of anyone in the show. It's truly amazing how you actually root against the main actress. Everyone, and I mean everyone acts stupid and is irritating in this show. Is this a mirror of society today? Let's hope not.

What's amazing is the writers did a SUPERB job of taking an absolute brat of a kid Rasmus and literally turned him into the adult form. Honestly, I'd say that is the BEST part of the show. This kid has the uncanny ability to make everyone around him die, by the virus or even without the virus! Amazing!

We never did find out why the virus stopped being harmful in the rain after awhile. Plot hole? Well, the writers need something to keep the series going.

If there was ever a show where you wanted the plant life on Earth to survive over the humans THIS SHOW IS IT.
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The Guardians (2017)
One of the worst movies I've seen...
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My goodness what did I just watch? First let's talk about the dubbing. BAD. Who wrote these lines? Some of the most cringe-worthy lines I have ever heard in a movie EVER. I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe.

The villain is one of the most pathetic characters wearing tech suspenders throughout the film. He's just completely invincible and has the worst lines. The Guardians are all pretty pathetic in and of themselves. The scene where they get their new "suits", CRINGE. Now that they have new suits, NOW they are going to be able to take down the evil villain with tech suspenders. Yes! Bad, bad, bad! They end it with a stupid teaser that they found "more" Guardians. Oh yes, please make a sequel with more Guardians so I can NOT watch it!
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Black Mirror: Demon 79 (2023)
Season 6, Episode 5
Rubbish and not Black Mirror
20 June 2023
Just finished watching the episode of the last season. What was this rubbish I just watched? This was NOT Black Mirror. Are these the same writers? Explain to me how the last episode was a take on technology like the previous seasons have done. It wasn't and neither were the previous episodes, except maybe the first episode.

I actually liked the paparazzi episode of it was not in the Black Mirror. It seems like the writers this season forgot what Black Mirror was about and turned it into a creepy horror show. Sorry, that's not what this show is about.

If I had to rank the episodes from best to worst they would be 4,1,2,3,5.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Could have been so much more...
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show could have been so much more because it had so much potential. Every single aspect of the show it seems the writers threw a curveball that made me dislike the show. The saving grace is Orlando Bloom who puts in a great performance and I do enjoy his character. But everyone else I feel zero for. It's not until near the end of season 1 where I start to like Vignette and the Chancelor.

The Black Ravens have to be the dumbest plot device added into the show. The leader is a complete loser.

Season 2 gets even more bad

Amazing that EVERY decision that Vignette makes is the WRONG decision. Does this far ever learn anything????

The writing, direction and plot lines are just a mess. Luckily the show only went two seasons so my guess is it wasn't very popular to warrant further seasons. The accents on some of these actors is so bad at times I had to mute the screen and read the close captioning. Awful

Ultimately this is a show of Misandry. Misandrists abound in this show.
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L.A.'s Finest (2019–2020)
So awful
19 April 2023
One of the dumbest shows I have ever seen. Absolutely ridiculous plots. Unrealistic scenes and gunfights all over the place. The dialog is some of the most immature, stupid, social media written diatribe I have ever watched. Inside a shop 3 undercover cops pull out their guns on a criminal and what does he do? He runs out the back door where another cop punches him. Umm yah like that would really happen.

Of course, the show was canceled after two seasons- SHOCKERRRR.

As usual, the high ratings were way off. No surprise. Poor Jessica Alba. She can't pick a winning movie or tv show. Better off this show got off the air. Maybe the cast can find better work. There is only so much diarrhea your ears can take.
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