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Joker (I) (2019)
One word...FANTASTIC
20 October 2019
One word to describe this movie is Fantastic! The cinematography, the music score, Joaquin Phoenix's performance. Just wow!!! If he doesn't win an Oscar for this there is something wrong. Highly recommended. Don't miss this one.
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I really enjoy this movie
16 October 2019
I don't get the bad reviews. This movie is downright creepy. That clown is horrifying and the short stories are gritty. The clown also appears in the movie The Terrifier. I didn't think the acting was all that bad either considering it's a low budget film. Give a try especially at Halloween.
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Terrifier (2016)
The clown is terrifying
16 October 2019
Yes it's low budget but that's what makes it so good. This movie is very brutal. The one killing I had to even turn away and I can handle just about anything. The clown is terrifying. He also appears in the movie All Hallows' Eve. If your into low budget horror you'll love this one. I read another is planned for 2020.
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Victim (I) (2010)
This is one little twisted horror film
6 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. When I saw the previews for this on my cable companies on demand I just had to rent it. I love horror films and will watch just about anything. I must say this was a very good movie. There was very little gore in it which is why I also thought it was so good. Basically this mad surgeon captures this man and turns him into his dead daughter. We watch how he is tortured and transformed into a woman. Now, I kept wondering throughout the film as to why he just wouldn't have captured a woman to replace his daughter. This is is the twist of the film which is answered at the end. I thought overall this is one creepy movie that keeps you interested the entire time.
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Saw 3D (2010)
Most awesome ending ever!
29 October 2010
I was so looking forward to seeing Saw 3D and I must say it did not disappoint! This was to me the greatest ending to a movies franchise ever. I don't believe I will ever see another series like Saw again. Everything was just perfect in this movie. The traps were amazing the story all tied together perfectly and I never saw the ending coming but let me tel you, it will blow you away. It was just perfect. I am sad to see it end but I think they ended it at the right time otherwise it just would have ended up the Friday the 13th and been crappy! My only complaint was the 3D. They did not need this in 3D. You only see a few body parts fly here and there. I would have rathered watched it without the glasses. Enjoy
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
Yo Stallone, You Did It!
24 December 2006
I must say I was skeptical when I first heard that another rocky movie was coming out. Especially when I heard Adrian wasn't going to be in it. I have loved the Rocky movies since I was a child and I can still watch them 100 times over and never get tired of them with the exception of Part 5. After reading some good reviews on the movie I went to the theater to watch it. I must say it is fabulous! It feels very close to the original. It it well written and a very heartwarming movie. I cried a few times during some parts. I actually forgot that this was a movie and not real life. I felt like I was experiencing what the characters felt. It's just wonderful. Stallone was great as well as Burt Young. If you are a fan of the Rocky movies you will love this, trust me, and if you don't then you really aren't a fan in the first place. I don't know how anyone can't like this movie. It is that good! Enjoy!
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May (2002)
Disturbing yet a very good movie
14 November 2006
I did not expect this movie to be as good as it was. I must say, it was quite disturbing. I even had a few creepy nightmares after viewing it and the only movie to ever give me nightmares was "The Exorcist". There was just something about this movie that really freaked me out. Angela Bettis was fabulous in her role as May. She really puts on one heck of a performance. I've always loved Jeremy Sisto and he was actually the reason I rented it in the first place. I'm surprised this movie does not get more credit. I never really heard much about it. What I really liked about the movie is at first you sort of feel sorry for May. You think of her as a girl who is just weird and lonely. Her character totally changes about 45 minutes into the movie and suddenly you don't feel so sorry for her anymore. The last scene in the movie was perfect. Very creepy! Definitely one to rent even if you don't like horror.
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Saw III (2006)
Get ready "Saw" fans, this movie is amazing!
28 October 2006
What more can I say that hasn't already been said. "Saw 3" is one amazing movie. All the "Saw" movies are. This one comes close to being the best one though I think the first is still my favorite. Still, usually sequels stink after the second one. "Saw 3" delivers with more traps, more twists, explanations of the first two, and definitely more gore. I have seen every horror movie under the sun. Gore has never bothered me and I have watched horror movies since I was a young child. "Saw 3" almost made me feel like puking. It is very gory. You must have a strong stomach and a love for these kinds of films to sit through it and keep your eyes on the screen. In the end, I can't imagine "Saw" fans not liking this movie. It does not get any better than this. In my opinion, "Saw 3" is one of the best horror movies in the past 20 years. Enjoy!
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I'm sorry but this movie is terrible.
18 September 2006
I had read some great reviews on this movie. I was excited to see my local Blockbuster finally get a copy of it in their store. I rushed to rent it. As I started to watch it, I almost thought the wrong movie ended up in the case. After all, the movie was listed in the horror section but what I was watching was no where near a horror film. It was like watching a really bad musical. I think this movie had the worst musical score ever. The plot wasn't even that good. The ending was a let down and there was just way to much singing and dancing. The only good thing about this movie is the Wicker Man at the end. That is it. I heard the re-make is terrible but I don't see how it can get any worse than this.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
I must say, this movie is quite good!
9 September 2006
I came across this movie at my local blockbuster. I had read some good reviews on it so I decided to rent it. I must say that it is a really good movie. Even though I figured out what was going on half way through the movie, it held my interest from beginning to end. I never took my eyes off the screen. There were times when I was totally creeped out and then there were times when I was laughing my butt off. The mother in this movie is so funny at times. She really puts on a good performance. For being a low-budget movie, I thought everyone in the film was quite convincing. If you like horror with a bit of comedy thrown in, you can't go wrong with this one. This is probably one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
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Super Boring, Super Bad, Super Mess
23 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First I must say that I have always been a huge fan of Superman. I even watch the "Smallville"series with Tom Welling and have for the last 5 years. I was so excited to hear about Superman returns. I thought how could I go wrong. About half way through the movie I was hoping it would end, but it only got worse. I can't believe what a mess they have made out of Superman. There were so many things wrong with the movie. First off, the actors. Brandon Routh & Kate Bosworth seemed to young for these roles. In my eyes, Louis Lane was in her early 30's. Although Kate did a good job in this role, she was just too young. Maybe I just miss Christopher Reeve but I did not think Brandon played a good Clark Kent/Superman. He didn't have that clumsiness and quirkiness to him that Reeve portrayed in the original Superman. Heck, Tom Welling from Smallville plays a much better part. Another thing I did not understand is from what I remember, Louis Lane did not remember that she loved Superman. In Superman II, Superman kissed Louis and made her forget everything. How did Louis suddenly remember that she was in love with him? Then it turns out they have a kid together? The time line does not even make sense. Then we have Lex Luthor wanted to destroy the United States to sell land? Come on! The worse part about this movie... Superman in the hospital. I can't even comment on this. Sadly, Superman has been destroyed. Even his suit was horrible. It looked like rubber. I will stick to watching the original Superman and the Smallville series. I'm really sorry I wasted my money on this movie and even more sorry that it was ever made.
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The Wanderers (1979)
One of the best!
15 July 2006
I came across this movie by accident. It showed up on Cinemax one day and I was hooked just by the first two minutes. This ranks up there as one of my favorite movies of all time. From the opening scenes of the Bronx in 1963 while The Four Seasons "Walk like a Man" is playing to the end when we hear Dion's "The Wanderers" this is truly a special movie. All the actors in this movie are wonderful too. How could you not love Ritchie (Ken Whal)? He is so handsome. I also loved Perry "Leave the kid alone". You have all the gangs like The Baldies, The Wongs, The Ducky Boys etc... and I crack up over Terror & Pee Wee (what a couple). If you like "The Bronx Tale", "The Outsiders", or "Grease", then you will love this even more. Don't pass this one up. It's one of the best!
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One Huge Mess
10 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie ranks up there as one of the worst movies I've ever seen. First off, it's just one huge mess. It goes between trying to be funny, then trying to be serious, and then trying to be sad. I loved Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex & the City but I'm sorry, she was terrible in this role and couldn't act at all. Her character was so stiff. She reminded me of a robot. Her words didn't flow from her mouth and even her hair style was terrible. I didn't really like any of the other characters either. Getting to the plot, you would not even think that Meredith and Everett were a couple. They showed no emotion or spark between them. The thing that really got me was when Meredith calls her sister Julie for support. Julie arrives and Meredith says like 5 sentences to her the entire film. Then, Everett falls in love with her the same day he was supposed to propose to Meredith? Then Meredith falls for his brother? What the heck? I also did not understand the significance of the mother having breast cancer either. It was like there were too many different things going on in this movie that just didn't tie together. This movie actually made me mad. It made me mad that movies like this are actually made, actors get paid for doing them, then us as the viewer have to suffer through garbage like this because we don't know any better. The only good thing about this movie? Claire Danes. She looked beautiful and at least she could act. Other than that, stay far, far away from this one.
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Better than the original
30 June 2006
I never thought it could or would happen. Having a remake that is actually better than the original. The Hills have Eyes remake IS much better than the original. I hated the original. This version however is terrific. I have read some reviews where people thought this movie was to brutal and graphic. I'm not sure what they watched. This is no worse than any other slasher movie. Heck, movies like Texas Chainsaw, I Spit on your Grave, Last House on the Left, Evil Dead, Friday the 13th have more gore and rape in them than The Hills have Eyes. I thought the mutants were much more scary and more realistic looking in this than the original. I thought the actors were better too. For being a slasher film I did not feel like I was watching actors. I really felt this family being terrorized by the crazed killers. This time I feel like we got some kind of ending. The original had the worst ending in movie history in my opinion. The Hills have Eyes is a must for any horror fan. If your not a fan of horror, then you should be watching these kinds of movies in the first place. Enjoy!
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Not sure what all the fuss is about?
13 June 2006
I came across this movie in my local Blockbuster store. I had never heard of it but before renting it I checked out the reviews and it seemed like a great one to rent. Now that I've seen it, I don't understand why so many think this was so scary. The movie seemed very slow at times. Also, there really was not much blood, gore, or killings. I did think that the phone calls were very creepy. I hated the end of this movie. There was no explanation for anything that happened. I felt like I watched the movie and I'm still waiting for it to end. Just horrible. Probably the worst ending ever. I did enjoy a young John Saxon though. I guess this movie is worth a viewing but that's about it. I also don't understand why some are comparing this to Halloween? There are no similarities and Halloween is a million times better than this.
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Why does everyone think this movie is so scary?
12 June 2006
This movie was recommended to me by Blockbuster Online. I am a major horror fan and I am always looking for one I have not seen. I had not ever heard of "The Changeling". I looked up the reviews and all were terrific. I decided to go ahead and just buy the movie. I found it for a cheap $6.99 so I figured why not. Now I'm wishing I didn't pay that much for it. I can't understand what was so scary about this movie. Sure there are some parts that creep you out but a ball falling down some steps just isn't that terrifying to me. Also I did not understand what significance of the wife and daughter getting killed in the beginning had to do with any other part of the story. Stick to movies like "The Exorcist, The Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre" they don't disappoint.
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Braindead (1992)
Words can't begin to describe this movie
25 May 2006
I recently rented Dead-Alive. I had never heard of this movie before until I happened to come across it on the internet while looking for horror movies. This has to be one the sickest/funniest zombie movies I've ever seen. I laughed so hard while watching this movie that my stomach hurt. It is an all out blood fest. As sick as this movie is, it does have a storyline to it and you will just smile through the entire film. I would have never thought this was made in 1992. It feels like an early 80's type of flick. From the rat monkey, to the mom, to the zombie baby, to the priest, it is terrific. The lawnmower scene and the mother at the end is the best. This is a must see for any fan of gore.
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Tourist Trap (1979)
Loved this movie as a kid
16 May 2006
I saw this movie when I was 7 years old. It always scared the crap out of me. I could never handle those mannequins moving and talking. I can remember raving about this movie to my friends when I was kid. Now, 25 years later, I recently watched it again. Surprisingly, it wasn't so scary now. I actually think it is quite humorous. Don't get me wrong, I still love this movie and I think it is a classic. Some scenes can be a little creepy and the very last scene of the movie always freaked me out. Chuck Connors does a good acting job in this and I really liked the girl who played Molly. If you like 70's horror flicks and talking mannequins, you will like this. Just don't expect to be frightened to much.
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Session 9 (2001)
Very Good but.... Not Extremely Great.
13 May 2006
I was recommended this movie by blockbuster online. I read all the great reviews on it and rushed to my local blockbuster to pick up a copy. I will say that this was a very good movie but the best and most scary? Hardly. The creepiest thing in this movie to me was the taped sessions with Mary. They made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. To think there are people out there with that kind of disorder is disturbing. I really enjoyed the cast even David Caruso who I have never liked. I thought he was terrific in this movie. The one complaint that I have about this movie is that it was shot mostly in the daytime with the sun shining bright into the asylum. If this would have been filmed near dark or even with cloud cover I think it would have added to the eeriness of the location. I will admit, I did not figure out who the killer was until the end. I never saw it coming and I was really confused as to what was really going on during the entire film. As for the ending, it was nothing really new. I can think of one other movie that was just like this but I won't spoil it for other viewers who have not seen this. Overall this is worth seeing. 7 out of 10 stars.
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Great movie for the true horror fan
7 May 2006
Only certain people can appreciate a movie like this. This was better than Rob's "House of 1000 Corpes". It was sleazy, gruesome, and actually funny at times. Otis, Baby, and Captain Spaulding really do make this movie. The crazy thing is that I was actually rooting for them in the end. Maybe this is sick but this is how the movie portrayed them. Come on, Baby likes tooty fruity ice cream. You can't help but to root for her. This movie also had the feeling to it that it was filmed in the 70's. It's hard to explain but it had that Texas Chainsaw, Friday the 13th, The Hills Have Eyes feel to it. All around a great flick for the horror fan who can appreciate it.
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Did I see the same "The Hills Have Eyes" as everyone else?
6 May 2006
I am a huge horror fan but never saw "The Hills Have Eyes". My video store never carried it but I happened to come across it in my local Circuit City and decided to spend the $10 bucks on the DVD since I heard it was a classic horror flick by Wes Craven. I don't understand some of the other reviews that I read on this movie. There really is no gore, brutality, rape or anything really scary about this film. I actually found the cannibals funny at times. I was rooting for Beast (the dog)throughout the entire film. He was quite smart at times. Too bad Beauty wasn't. I enjoyed seeing a young Dee Wallace in this film and I enjoyed the overall setting and story of the movie. However, this was not in the least bit scary. The worst part about the movie... the end. I felt like I was in the middle of the movie and it just ended. Too many unanswered questions. I felt the need to see more. It was like Wes Craven didn't know how to end the movie so he just picked a scene and said "The End". That was the most disappointed thing. Overall, a classic movie but nothing to rave over. 5 out of 10.
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Hostel (2005)
Complete Garbage
30 April 2006
I am a major fan of horror. My friend lent me this movie to watch (thank god I didn't waste my money renting it). This has to be the worst horror or whatever you want to call this kind of movie that I have ever seen. The first 40 minutes was like watching a comedy filled with sex & boobs. I thought to myself how the heck is this a horror movie? Even when the movie shifted I think it got worse. Yes there a a few gross parts and some looked really fake but that is about it. The storyline was terrible, the acting was terrible. I actually skipped through some parts cause I just couldn't take it anymore. I loved Cabin Fever but I don't understand how anyone can make a movie as bad as this. I know some people out there loved this movie but it seems the majority agrees. It's garbage!
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Stay (I) (2005)
Fabulous, Beautiful Movie
29 April 2006
Every so often a movie comes along that doesn't get much recognition or credit. You just happen to stumble across it at the video store, rent it and hope its worth your time & money. I rented this because I love Ryan Gosling and Naomi Watts so I thought it might be good. I read some reviews on the internet before watching and most people seemed confused about the movie. Let me just say this movie is fabulous. It is so different than other movies. I will admit I was confused about what was happening during the first half of the movie. But in the end, it all makes sense. I actually felt sad at the end of this movie. When it was over, I actually watched it again because I knew I had missed many little details. I loved it even more the second time around. It actually sent chills through my body. For those who hated this movie, they just don't appreciate what they saw which is fine. For those who can appreciate it, it is one of the best!
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Derailed (I) (2005)
One of the worst movies I've ever seen
22 April 2006
I rented this movie because I read some reviews that said it was pretty good and I love Jennifer Aniston. "The Good Girl" is one of my favorite movies with her. After about 45 minutes into the movie I felt the movie had derailed. This movie was predictable, silly, and boring. The main guy has to be the dumbest person ever. He put the the woman who he was having an affair with ahead of his own child's needs. The things that happened in this movie were just so ridiculous. No other way to describe it. I figured out the twist early in the movie and I could swear this same plot has been done in a dozen other movies. What a waste of time.
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Mother's Day (1980)
Great film for the true horror fan
20 April 2006
I saw this movie when I was just a kid. I am a true horror fan and these kinds of movies never bothered me even at a young age. I have been telling people about this movie for the past 20 years but I have never seen it at my local video store. It is a classic. It mixes horror with comedy. It's sleazy, scary, and humorous all at the same time. Some people would probably think this movie is sick because some of the scenes can be a bit disturbing such as the rape scene but the true horror fan will love it. It really deserves a lot more credit than it has received. I am glad to finally see it come out on DVD. I will be certain to pick this one up.
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