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It feels as if something is missing...
14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, now I will admit, this movie made me laugh. Do not get me wrong on that. However, what I have mostly decided that this movie lacks compares the other two is the quality that allows it to be funny again, and again, and again.

Instead, this is more of a Wow. That Was Funny...but then it fades, and doesn't really stick out to you after a little while.

For me the two biggest problems with the plot, was -There were several scenes that tried to create a message, a nice warm touchy feely message. Now, many will argue that the first two had that as well...only instead of subtly figuring out what the message is, it gives it to you. It makes it feel forced and cuts off the flow of the movie.

-Unlike the other ones that have a fully contained plot, wrapped up nicely with a bow, this one has some tangents.

**MINOR SPOILERS** For example, it is never revealed why the fairytale characters shun one of the step sisters and charming. They just do.

There is no development made with Charming's sudden marriage. It is sort of just...there....

Certain things like Ooo...this is my cousin's boat, are just thrown at you, and you simply must accept it.

**END OF MINOR SPOILERS** But really, don't let me discourage you. If you genuinely liked the other two, go ahead, see it, laugh, but don't expect quite as much as the other two
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Fun Ride...Most of the Time...
5 May 2007
So. There are a few things in this movie that don't end up adding up, but in the end, its alright.

Its what you come to the movies expecting- and I got exactly what I came for, a fun ride, with some intrigue along the way. I enjoyed watching this movie similar to riding a roller coaster, you are not sorry you did it, but you are not sure you would do it more then once.

Now, let me add that as a girl who happens to action films, the fight scenes were amazing. The only parts that got to be a bit tedious were some of the interactions between the characters. Some of these scenes were necessary, some were not.

The acting was pretty top notch, the special effects were fabulous.

For me the worse part was the senseless way to end it- If you have seen it you know what I am talking about. I saw strong potential for a storyline that could have gone somewhere...But never mind. Watch the movie, just come to the theater expecting what you'll get- a bit of sappy romance, a bit of corny lines, some great action fight scenes...and you wont be sorry
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Eragon (2006)
Can you spell Melo-dramatic?
4 January 2007
because that is about what this movie spells if it is even able to spell out anything at all. basically, the movie is an all around mess, and I am a lover of the books- which are well written. watching this movie gave me the impression that they had neither talked to the author or read the book. almost the entire movie was completely different then I had imagined, they left out a ton of things but made up scene and after scene, destroyed the timeline of the books, and took the characters from the book out of character- ie saphira calling eragon "stupid boy". every thing seemed to over dramatized and drawn out, but it was so badly preformed it was poorly wasted.

worse my friends and family that hadnt read the book had no idea what was happening, as it jumped around and had so many plot wholes. the dialog was stiff and not real at all...we jokingly decided it was written by the same people as starwars III(the remake) for its cheesiness and stiffness. the acting wasn't great but I blame it on writing more then anything else. the guy who played eragon had some potential talent but it was sorely sorely wasted on this movie. all around splattered mess.
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She's the Man (2006)
12th night is refresing and one of the best comedies in a while (possible spoilers)
24 March 2006
i just got back from seeing 12th night, and i must say i have not seen such an enjoyable comedy in awhile. The whole entire theater i was watching with could not stop laughing, the whole theater was literally shaking with laughter.

As someone who just read 12th night, although the main plot from the book is well-known, those who know the play will pick up on subtle sub-plots included.

The use of turning characters from the play to characters in the movie is done GREAT. They really translated everyone very realistic characters.

acting was great...amanda does a great job. although sometimes we were all thinking "exactly how clueless is everyone to NOT realize this??" but that is all part of the fun.

over all a fun comedy that has refreshing laughs, truly funny scenes and truly takes 12th night to a new age. all and all amazing movie. go and see it, laugh and enjoy!!!
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Eight Below (2006)
AMAZING STORY....one of the best of the year
27 February 2006
Just getting back from seeing 8 below, i am completely blown away by several elements. Firstly, right away you get glimpes of STUNNING scenery that continue throughout the whole film. Beautiful artic landscapes frame the main story line and on the big screen, it really takes your breath away. The movie also is really able to give anyone an idea of what its like to be in the artic, and really gave a clear picture of what being an explorer was like. This added to the appeal of the movie, because its not something most of us get to experience. Although the acting has been in some cases been criticized, I believe the actors fulfilled their purpose within the movie. They were able to play their roles, without distracting from the dogs, which of course, is the most important part. Paul Walker clearly comes across as a strong animal lover, and displays this well. He becomes relatable to any animal lovers, who will utimatly love this movie. As for the others, the fulfilled their jobs, which is what matters. The character of "Cooper" gave great comic relief, and "Katie" acted out the predicable love story line well. But of course, the most important aspect of this movie was the dogs. I can hardly even begin to describe what a wonderful job they did. The tricks preformed (as a dog lover and trainer) were some with great difficulty. Ultimately, the way the dogs interact with each other and are so compassionate, you really connect with them. The only way to really experience this is to GO. the movie is AMAZING and a wonderful family film. Although a part or two may be slightly scary, its still an amazing picture for ALL to enjoy, it completely blew all of us a way.
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