
14 Reviews
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Brilliant, Captivating, Creative Doc about an Incredible Artist
5 May 2024
This truly was such an intriguing, artistic, heart-felt, creative documentary that captivated my interest the entire time. This documentary was so well put together, with a wonderful balance of showing and telling and some cool, artsy special effects, stop motion/animation added such a satisfying pop. I loved learning about Scooter LaForge as an artist and person. Along with his art being fascinating in all its many forms, it was also fascinating to learn about his journey, struggles, process, philosophies, artistic achievements, and contributions to society. This documentary was also very inspiring. I haven't created art in a while and it motivated me to pick it back up. What an awesome human Scooter LaForge is, I'm so glad I got to know him through this.
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Fated (2024)
Intriguing, Suspenseful Thriller
4 May 2024
I just finished watching this awesome thriller and enjoyed the storytelling from beginning to end so much. The main actor did such an incredible, believable job that I'm surprised I haven't seen him in more things. There was a level of mystery that was engaging and intriguing and kept me very curious all the way to the end. I thought the pacing was good too, I never felt bored, and felt the suspense. My only critique is that although there were other strong actors in this film, like the lady with mental health issues, some of the acting performances left more to be desired, but I think the story and writing is so strong it doesn't really take away from enjoying the film. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a solid suspenseful, mysterious thriller.
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Incredible, Suspenseful Drama Worth Watching
13 March 2024
Wow what an amazing, emotionally moving, at times heart wrenching, spiritually fulfilling, suspenseful film that had me caring about characters, crying, cheering, and at the edge of my seat. This was a long film, but every second mattered. The story was so well written and edited and pretty much every single acting performance was truly incredible and believable. I could not turn my eyes. My husband called while I was watching and I had to rewind that part. I was just so deeply involved. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a suspenseful, dramatic film with lots of feels and action and great characters.
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Interesting and Engaging
5 March 2024
This was an interesting film led by great acting performances from the entire cast. The main actress did a spectacular job bringing the character, Kesha, to life and making her believable. There were moments where her character took unexpected turns, but her performance combined with strongly written dialogue helped things make sense. I found myself caring about Kesha and Aiden's journey, which kept me engaged the entire film. I was also curious how all the characters and circumstances would end up tying together. I was left with a few questions, but appreciated the ride. Overall this was a well shot, well done independent film.
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Surrealistic, Intriguing Work of Art
22 February 2024
Watching this film was like watching a surreal dream through beautiful shots, interesting close ups, a perfectly matched classical score, and enigmatic characters. There were unexpected, strange happenings that raised my eyebrows and made me feel like there was a cerebral meaning that was over my head. It reminded me of when I watched Mulhulland Drive by David Lynch and had to watch it again to try to figure out what I just watched. I think I'll need to watch this film again, which is great, because it was masterfully done. I also love how it has a vintage vibe and style and wonder if it was shot on actual film. Even though this had me thinking about a David Lynch film, the types of shots, editing, and style reminded me of Hitchcock, but was still unique.
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Gorgeous Work of Art
20 February 2024
Each frame of this film was so beautiful and cool, I felt like I was watching a masterful work of art. The sleek style, actors, makeup, set design, futuristic concepts, cinematography, color, lighting, editing and score all came together to create a gorgeous, cold, surreal world that was truly captivating. There were also some innovative, creative concepts in the story that I appreciated and the use of visual effects to tell these were so well done. There was quite a bit of government tech talk that would go over my head sometimes, but the visuals were so stunning, I continued to be enthralled. One of most beautiful looking films I've seen, like Darren Aronofsky level looks.
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Butterfly (VI) (2022)
Great, Heartfelt Story
16 February 2024
This was a well written indie film that actually made me feel good! What a great story! I loved the main character, Rhee; She was so believable and perfectly cast. I cared about her, was cheering for her the whole film, and thoroughly engaged watching her journey play out. I enjoyed a lot of the other characters as well and thought they were cast well and the actors did a good job embodying them. The film definitely sends a message of hope to people trying climb out of a tough place and how values can play into that. If you're looking for an uplifting film about overcoming struggles, I highly recommend this one, it won't disappoint.
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ClearMind (2024)
Innovative Dark Comedy
5 February 2024
I was immediately drawn into this story with the onset of emotionally grabbing drama and innovative psychological-sci-fi. Also, the overall cast was phenomenal with stellar performances as they tackled comedy and drama at the same time. As I watched this film, eager to see how everything played out, I saw how it was very much a dark comedy and enjoyed that aspect of it. There were also some suspense, thrills, and twists. What a ride! There were some scenes with heavy dialogue as we got to know some of the characters, but a majority of the film was grabbing and entertaining. I recommend this film to people who like dark comedies, psychological thrillers, and Sci-Fi related to psychology.
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Hemisphere (2023)
Realistic Futuristic Space Drama
27 January 2024
Each piece of this film excelled, resulting in a high quality indie space drama. The score had this minimalist, spooky vibe that was the perfect set up for the eerie isolation of being in a mystery in space. The main actresses were such naturals, they pull you in and never miss a beat. The well written dialogue probably helped set them up for such great performances. The sets, effects, and cinematography were on point, and made it seem higher budget. Even though it's sci-fi and takes place in the future the premise and experiences seemed believable and realistic in a way. Although there is a lot of talking, there is also some action, suspense, and twists. Overall a solid sci-fi film.
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Captivating and Beautiful Historical Film
26 January 2024
I love films about real people and learning about Madame Blavatsky and the formation of the Theosophical society in the late 19th century was truly intriguing and mesmerizing. The actress who played Madame Blavatsky was phenomenal and brought her to life. The topic was so captivating I had to look into this more after the film was over. There were moments where I felt like a fly on a wall getting to see and learn special things that I wouldn't normally be able to know and see. There were quite a bit of scenes of people talking in rooms, so I had to really focus to try to take in what they were saying and at times the intellectual content lost me, while as other times it grabbed me and taught me things. The costumes and sets were next level, just gorgeous, and so true to the time period, I was so impressed with these throughout the entire film. The end of the film gave me chills. I would recommend this film to anyone who likes historical or biopic films.
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Demon Fighter (2022)
Interesting, tasteful horror
25 January 2024
I thought this film had an interesting, creative, unique story and the actors performed it well. So many horror films these days have so much blood, guts, and gore, so I was pleasantly surprised this wasn't super gory and more about the story and characters. The priest character had depth and was somewhat of a super hero in his own right. I could see this being a cool comic book series. You get to enjoy some cool kung-fu action from a kung-fu master, but it is short lived. This was overall a solid indie horror film. I enjoyed watching it play out and would recommend to fans of possession films.
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Broken City (2023)
Suspenseful, Twisty and Turny
24 January 2024
When I first started watching this film, I did not expect the suspenseful, twisty-turny direction it was going to take! I was on the edge of my seat, holding my breath with shockers taking my breath away. Now I can breathe and say wow, that was intense and cool! Even though there were moments where I could tell things weren't perfect, they were few and far between and didn't take away from the story and intrigue. The casting and acting performances were good overall and the characters and their dialogue were pretty believable. I ended up feeling for a lot of the characters. If you like suspense, the crime/heist genre, and you're okay with some violence then I recommend watching this film.
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A Great Film
21 January 2024
This was such a beautiful, touching film that pulled on my heart strings and gave me so many feels. So much of the acting was so well done and the writing and cinematography were intriguing. It's amazing the writing, cinematography and directing were by the same individual. Very talented. I was pulled in, caring about the main character, and her journey through pain and homelessness. The main character and some of her experiences were very believable, so I kept wondering if part of this was based on a true story. This is one of those films where you want to know what happens. I highly recommend watching this film, especially if you like dramas and tearjerkers, it's well worth the ride.
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Intriguing, Eye Opening, and Educational
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary gave such a thorough, well-explained education on the issues of anxiety and depression facing American culture. It also provided an examination of various treatment methods and gave a sense of hope for healing. As someone who has dealt with Dysthymia (persistent depression) and Anxiety when I was younger, I could relate to so many things that were addressed. And as someone who has a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy I appreciated the thorough and thoughtful educational aspect. And as someone who has family members dealing with depression and anxiety, I gained a new understanding and perspective of what they're going through, since we all experience things differently. I highly recommend this documentary especially to people who maybe be battling with their mental health or have someone they love who is battling with it. I also recommend it to professionals in the field to expand their understanding.
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