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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Utterly awful
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In 335 B. C. the 3 act structure was created and 2357 years later aftersun completely defaecates all over that idea presumably it knows best! At first you think it's just messing with the formula and that instead of the 1st act being the shortest one of a movie of which is the tried and tested formula, the first act will take up more than half the movie but then it will confirm it it is to tell any kind of story. But no, it turns out the there is no acts and there is no narrative either. I only watched till the end as I'd heard some veiled comments that something (hopefully interesting) might happen but I can honestly say it didn't and if I missed something then it's absurd because that level of subtlety is not going to get you anywhere. For ther record I'm and artistic person not the most in the world but I would say amount the top 10% as in I bother to go to galleries and look have an open mind... but showing prolonged scenes where the viewer can't tell what's going on visually is not good cinema!
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Past Lives (2023)
Too artsy fot the subject matter
7 March 2024
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It could be considered unfair to review a film without getting to the end of it, so far I'm only 2\3 of the way through. However, the reason for this is related to the film itself unfortunately the person I was watching with repeatedly fell asleep which dragged out the process of watching it. The Movie is painfully slow, lots of beautiful lingering shots but also many lasting moments staring at something anodyne. In the first 45 minutes next to nothing happens in terms of character development a very basic plot is outlined but that is it. We see characters meet but most of the interesting action seems to of happened off screen. From where I am at the moment the film will clearly end one of two ways (stick or twist) knowing which one is not really enough of a hook to keep me on the edge of my seat as both have been done before so many time before, either will feel derivative. The story is a bit like arthouse does Nicholas Sparks novel, but the difference is that when the latter is done well the dialogue has more of a hook. This is one of those films that's so obsessed with integrity above all else, no one can tell it it's unrealistic or 'too hollywood' but in the end that's all its got; integrity. If I want something so plain it reminds me of real life I will live it instead I watch a movie to experience something different or to reveal an inner truths.

Rant over, having said all that the film is not terrible I have certainly seen worse but I just had much higher hopes due to the IMDB score.
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Alice & Jack (2023–2024)
Hit and Miss
29 February 2024
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I'm not sure it's any secret to state that dragging a 'will they won't they get together' for a whole tv series is a bit of a cheap shot. As it requires a clumsy plot device to explain why these characters that are oh so perfect for eachother can't just get together and live a nice life happily ever after like lost normal people who meet their souls mate. I'm not sure what Jack saw in Alice to begin with her insulting, pretentious first impression was awful and I'd hoped he was going to turn around straight away and walk right out of the bar, but instead we're supposed to believe this smarmy cocky dialogue of hers had sucked him in. Then she turns out to be emotionally unavailable yet another off putting trait.

Maybe it isn't surprising Jack went for this as he made multiple awful decisions throughout the show, he ended his marriage for no reason even though he seemingly loved his wife. Then he seems to push away anyone and everyone else even though it's obvious the situation with Alice is doomed. His relationship with Alice seemed to be almost more of a plutonic friendship anyway maybe he should have stayed married throughout and just had her as a friend.

With the timing of release it's hard not to mention One Day, a show that brought me much closer to the characters than this did in fact a show that was all about the characters, the dynamic between them was just something that happened naturally around wonderful character development where as in this it was the other way around we only learnt anything about the characters from what we saw with them interacting between eachother.

Some of the episodes in the middle were good especially the oil shorting one although it may have been better and possibly more realistic if the trade had gone wrong as her character went through life doing exactly what she wanted constantly and she didn't learn anything or grow at all. I also liked the Celia growing up story but I feel they could have done more with it and with ex wife.

I think by then end I wasn't rooting for Alice and Jack to get together or live happily ever neither wa very likeable the ending was especially dull with barely any new story and mainly flashbacks to scenes we'd already seen.

Both actors did really well with the story they were given.
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Misanthropic nonsense
19 December 2023
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Why are some writers so obsessed with the idea that humans facing life without home comforts will quickly deteriorate into apocalypse? We did manage to build civilisation out of nothing it wasn't forced upon us by someone else.

The film made that classic mistake of doing loads of weird scenes but then never tying them together with a narrative reveal at the end. It managed to produce tension at some points but that all turned out to be completely hollow. It's a sign of how poor the film is that when you think who would watch it a second time? You know the answer is no one.

I couldn't tell if all the CRT stuff was supposed to be a satire or if it really was that clumsy, it certainly didn't change any minds if it was genuine. The GH character was completely likeable and human, while the daughter was angry, negative and entitled and everything she accused others of being.
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Strange film
24 July 2023
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This movie is objetively bad but I still gave it a 5 because I have a soft spot for this type of movie from this era.

For a start the voice Perez puts on makes it hard to watch any scenes she's in, before anything much has even happened you're already wondering what Cages character is doing with her they clearly are complete opposites. That's just the first in a long list of very unlikely things that happen in the movie. Another is the fact he gave Fonda half the money, I mean he could of just given her a much smaller portion say $50,000 she'd still be ridiculously grateful. Then there's the ending no court would rule that it was 100% Perez lottery ticket if Cage bought it with his money, also they were married so he would be entitled to half anyway. I think it might have worked better if Cage was single because he was basically flirting with Fonda when he promised her half the winnings, hard to take the moral high ground. I know its a fable so doesn't have to be the most realistic in every detail but you still want to see characters make reasonable decisions.
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No chemistry
6 April 2023
It started well, light hearted and entertaining the characters seemed enjoyable. But after a while it got a bit tiresome the murders didn't really fit the rest of the feel of the film, I know it was supposed to be a comedy but you need some level of grounding otherwise you're in scary movie level of slapstick and to pull off that level of silliness the jokes need to come thick and fast which they don't here.

Sandler plays the same character he always does likeable enough and wisecracking. Aniston seems to have pulled the short straw her character seems to be written as the ex wife yet somehow they're still married. She's bitter entitled and seems to blame it all on Sandler these days if things are that bad and you look like Aniston does you'd be divorced by now. The couple needed to come across as in love and a team that we were rooting for but it didn't really feel that way, that affected the authenticity and buy in of the plot.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Sadly I do feel they dropped the ball with this episode
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this series until this episode but I think they've now changed it irrevocably, it can still be a good solid show going forward but I dont think it can ever be a great one now.

The fact Joel murdered all those people and stopped the progress of a cure to the virus has changed the character too much for me.

It seemed uneccessarily cruel to create the scenario where he had to choose between humanity and Ellie but it also didnt feel very realistic it pushed me to the edge of my disbelief, much more likely he'd let them do it then feel awful afterwards, the whole situation also seemed very unrealistic to begin with, a clumsy plot device. Why would they have to kill Ellie to harvest the cells, surely would at least try to keep her alive.
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The Menu (2022)
Promising start but dissappointing
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start by saying this is a very complex film to review. The score is almost irrelevant. I think it's probably the only film I could ever give only a 5 out of 10 yet it left me thinking about it for such a long time afterwards unpicking the different parts of it.

The first act of the film is superb the comedy is brilliant and the story and setting seem very original. Unfortunately, as the second act gets underway it becomes clear where the film is going the viewer is then left hoping for a surprise but ultimately left disappointed the 3rd act is dull a bit like watching a movie of a book you didn't enjoy. The comedy also dries up unfortunately.

There are a lot of glowing reviews hailing the movie as a great satire, I feel if satire was the aim a better ending may of been if the whole film it looked as if the rich guests were going to be slaughtered but it ended that they got away clean and moved on to the next big thing in the food world.

I also wasn't sure of the purpose of the ATJ character surviving, the girlfriend who is happy to go to a-list events as long as someone else is paying? Inequality would be solved if we all ate cheeseburgers? Maybe there is no meaning to any of it, in that case the predictable nature of the ending was more than a little disappointing.
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Wahl Street (2021–2022)
Very dull
1 December 2022
I'm not really into the Kardashians style shows but I really like Wahlberg and he's always seemed like a nice guy who really does not take himself too seriously. So I assumed this would have something more to offer, it did not. It was actually even more dull than the shows I hate.

It didnt give any interesting insights into that world and yet it carried on that same trope that all these shows philospohise: 'hes a rich multimillionaire because he's so talented and works so hard.' When we all know the truth is that these people are all just very lucky and shock when you're already loaded its quite easy to get even more loaded (especially when your country is printing trillions, but lets not get into that).

I couldn't even get through the first episode, once i saw the 'hotel room gym scene', I'd seen enough. He's staying in a hotel that will already have a huge gym that barely anyone uses yet he bothers to get one put into his huge suite. He probably has anxiety issues like most celebrities, so doesn't want to workout with the gen pop, well fine, thats not his fault and its obviously sad but dont try to make it look like its great that he forces everyone to fit in around this.

I would of rather seen a show about a hollywood A-lister who stays in a hotel and then actually enjoys things in the real world like having a beer and has fun.
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Trying (2020–2024)
The only modern comedy drama that actually works
16 September 2022
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It's very hard to make family comedy that works these days especially series. When you try to add some serious or emotive elements its even harder, so this is even more impressive that it manages to do it so well. It is also funny aswell. The tone and quality reminds me of shows like Friends or Cold Feet which were very rare at the time and extinct now. Most sitcoms these days are terrible they arent funny and dont have anything interesting to say, somehow this manages both. One small negative, the freddy character started off well but since getting divorced they seem to of had only one joke with his scenes, it all seems a little out of place in the show almost like a fast show sketch or something. I think the characters are established enough that developing certain ones a little more wouldn't hurt. We the audience are grown ups, we can take it.
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Trying: What a Banker (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Writers on another planet
16 September 2022
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I generally love this show and this is in no way a review of the whole series just this episode.

The idea that that anyone would choose not to pubish a book where they stand to make a lot of money just becuase it is being pitched as a comedy is categorically insane. If he wanted to write another book and be taken seriously he would still be more likely to get that published having already sold one book. Just completely lost me on that plot point also found it frustrating for all of us doing menial jobs for not that much money that anyone out there would be so irritating as to act like this. I know the character so not a very serious one but still, there has to be a limit.
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The Boys (2019– )
The best thing on Amazon, but that isn't saying much.
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start with the good first, this is better than any other show on amazon and much better than any other original titles. It feels very original at the start like nothing else on tv.

Now onto the more complicated; the gross out gore does generate a response from viewers I was more of a fan of it at the start but I think its becoming overused in subsequent series. Also its subtle but there is a way to do it and still remain on the right side of taste most of the time. Using it in cruel way can be helpful in establishing characters but doing that too much I started to feel detached from the show like I was watching an 18 rated cartoon. Also the octopus scene was too much I dont think it was believable the deep would do that.

I worry where the series might go long term I think maybe homelander should of died at the end of series 2, as that was a great series ending. They've established a clear formula of making the viewer hate homelander and teasing them all the way through of will the boys finally get him. They shouldn't milk this too long as it will put viewers off, by the time it finally happens people may not care either way. I think they have a lack of faith in other good elements of the show like all the other characters plus the comedy and story etc. They've created a decent universe it wont be hard to think of new storylines if HL was gone.

I haven't read the graphic novels but elements of the show seem to have lost something in translation from book to screen. The deeps' whole story arc feels completly out of place compared to the other things going on, also unrelated to the main storyline which is very odd. I find butcher likeable but im not sure about the other 'boys' they are not very relatable and mostly seem like characatures. Butcher is supposed to be the crazy hot head but he often seems the most human of them.
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The Batman (2022)
A Batman film that has nothing to do with batman
9 September 2022
It may be called the Batman but this film is trying to be original in all the wrong ways: Bruce is apparently rich but it's almost a formality there's nothing about him that's comfortable with this fact, he also has the character of a teenage boy. Both elements that are completely at odds with the traditional character of Bruce Wayne. Pattinson is chronically miscast he looks too young as well as too emo. Wayne is supposed to be a boring but suave business man on the surface, that's what makes the fact he's batman so cool! Pattinson plays Wayne as exactly the sort of introverted loner you'd imagine having a secret alter ego they dress up as at weekends.

Then there are the ways it's unoriginal and cliched: the narration is cheesy, the whole film is way to serious. Not sure I counted a single joke in the whole film. People don't have dead pan conversations all the time even those deal in g with grim subject matter. Makes the whole thing seem unrealistic.

Just to round up despite all this the story is fairly gripping and the styling is above average when it's not cheesy which why I've given it a 6.
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Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
20 May 2022
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Very poor, the animation and character style wasn't to my taste. The sound flipped between awful sounds that were and an affront to the ears and silence which made the previous sounds even more painful. I also didn't understand the point of the story, a siren commits genocide, deaf man tries to take her gold but then dies anyway...? Doesn't seem to be any point to it. Best to avoid.
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