
51 Reviews
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Not terrible but...
26 February 2024
Logical thinking human beings will see right away that this show is completely unbelievable, so we can orbit a space station that homes thousands of people (although so far I'm not exactly sure how many people reside on the space station., but we've suddenly lost the ability to renter the Earth's atmosphere, also why the need to send actual people down couldn't they have just launched a unmanned craft to measure the surface's radiation levels, and so in a nut shell this is why this show makes no sense, it's basically a not believable si-fi. Soap opera. So be warned the characters are completely unpredictable and illogical, you never know what their real intentions are.
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A Zero if I could
11 February 2024
The real title I was going to use was I only made it through 17 minutes of this movie before I decided it was absolute cliche trash, written by someone who no concept of reality, I was waiting for a unicorn to pop up to really put a cherry on this dumpster fire. The angry one man army bad ass with the wild man beard, I'm so glad I stopped watching when I did because I can only wonder now much more garbage I would have to endure throughout the rest of this crap movie. I'm honestly having a hard time trying to even come up with enough characters to express my disappointment in this film, can't say I'm really surprised though given the amount of trash that's actually passed off as movies these days, ah I've actually reached my character minimum, so here's where I leave you, don't say I didn't warn you as did many others who also felt as I did.
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Revolver (2005)
A proper clever film
9 February 2024
Unlike the trash movie I watched yesterday @I See You@, this a proper film as I pointed out in my title, the writing , the pace, the acting, the action,, the plot, the entire concept is spot on, I've watched this movie multiple times, as it should be done to fully appreciate the intricate aspects of the plot. Complete locked in from start to finish, definitely one of the best gangster flicks I've seen, comparable to Rock N Rolla in my opinion, another film that needs to be viewed multiple times to fully appreciate once again this is just my opinion, but I don't think too many people will disagree.
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I See You (II) (2019)
Absolutely terrible
7 February 2024
Honestly I don't understand how anyone can think this was a good movie, it makes no sense at all, the concept is completely unrealistic, I completely shocked that someone could actually think this is plausible, the timeline doesn't match up at all, not even close, the girl basically sleeps for almost an entire day from a couple of crushed pills, I'm sorry but no absolutely impossible, someone actually wrote that this was clever writing, that person must not be too clever themselves, I'm actually amazed what people accept as good movies these days, has everyone lost their mind, shouldn't a movie make sense, I guess not.
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R.I.P.D. (2013)
Complete garbage
4 February 2024
I saw a few reviews that said this movie wasn't that bad, it's actually worse than bad, it makes no sense whatsoever, what is Jeff Bridges obsession with this old man cowboy character he seems to have portrayed in numerous movies now, it's not funny or entertaining by any means, and I can't believe how lazy the concept of this movie is, it honestly doesn't make any sense at all. Unfortunately it appears that this is the kind of drivel we're going to be forced to deal with moving forward because good movies are few and far between these days. I don't understand how these projects are given the green light. My theory of why the television and film quality is so poor is due to the insane amount of streaming services, this has led to a quantity over quality issue that I only see it getting worse. Years ago there was always a good selection of movies to go see in the theaters, now it's not shocking to see not a single movie worth watching in the theaters.
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Hard to please
2 July 2023
Personally I thought that the movie was pretty good, I'm curious why so many people were so harsh regarding the story, I thought it was just fine. The acting was great and the CGI was exceptional, combining for a overall good movie, the critics are hard to please these days which I find odd given how many garbage movies we have at our disposal in the past 20+ years. What exactly are people expecting, yes I've seen better movies but I've also seen movies that are much worse, I truly hope that this won't be a trend moving forward that each and every Marvel movie will be scrutinized to the fullest extent.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Terribly Underrated
30 May 2023
I'm honestly shocked by all the bad reviews, I guess people are hard to please. I personally thought that this was a great all round movie, the story was great and the acting was excellent, with a great line up of stars as well. I've seen this movie a number of times and I can't see why people are so critical of this film. It's well paced and nothing is really left to the imagination, I'm not really sure what people were expecting and didn't receive, it's a sci fi film that does a great job of leading up to its events, I'm not sure if people were expecting something different but I know that when I saw this for the first time I honestly had no idea where the film was going in the beginning and that alone is an accomplishment in my opinion. Who want to see a movie that is predictable, and this movie is definitely not predictable, I think that people who haven't seen this movie should definitely give it a go.
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Very Surprised, Actually not really
18 May 2023
I've always enjoyed this movie, perhaps I enjoyed it because I never took it too seriously, how often does a Hollywood movie accurately represent anything, almost never, that's how often. I say this after reading a number of reviews here that absolutely despise this film, now given the fact that I'm not Russian I can never relate to how Russian people feel about this film, but let's just get this out of the way now, war no matter who is involved is a terrible thing so honestly you could tell the story as accurately as you want but at the end of the day it's still war. All countries/Governments tell lies so let's stop acting like our Governments are better than one another's, that's the whole damn problem that creates WAR in the first place, Lies, Greed, and Pride which all nations are guilty of. The Russians who are so greatly offended by this movie answer me this, if a movie 30 years from now is made about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, will you be offended by the brutal honesty that will be depicted in such a film? As an American I'm ashamed of the things my country has done to others around the globe and I have no problem admitting that. Everyone should have pride for their country and nationality but we all should be mindful that, for the most part, there is no innocent nation, we all play a part in being inhumane, instead of being prideful of how accurate our war efforts are being portrayed perhaps we should all be striving towards understanding that we're all human beings because as a whole we're all failing miserably at being humane to one another. It's time to change the way we've been living because the old ways aren't working, there should be only one race, the human race, I'll be the first to admit that my country, America has done terrible things to other nations, people like to say "typical Americans, they're all greedy and don't care about anyone but themselves", we'll I resent that because I care about all people, and for all people to have freedom and opportunities, no matter your race, country, gender, or religion. So how about it people, can we all learn to live together and make this a better planet for all to succeed, that's one thing that I believe is great about America, when it comes down to it America is a blend of all nations, that's why I laugh when people say they hate Americans, I get it because it's directed at the choices of our Government and not necessarily each individual, I know it sounds corny but I'd like to live in a world where we didn't have any differences that we hold against one another, a world where we're all pulling in the right direction, the direction of good, the direction of looking out for one another, the old way isn't working, it's time to try something new, how about it my fellow humans. If extraterrestrials were to invade OUR planet and waged war against us, I'll guarantee that we'd all get along pretty quickly, at least I hope that's what would happen.
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Ozark: The Beginning of the End (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
Odd comments
1 May 2023
I'm curious if the people, not all but many, actually read their comments before they send them through. I'm also wondering if these same people are actually paying attention to what they're watching, one person actually wrote that "the son Ben needs to go", um hello Ben is Wendy's brother and he died last season, where have you been, apparently not pay attention to this show. There was more than one person who was complaining about getting rid of Ben, honestly how could you comment when you're complaining about something that has already happened, these same people also have no concept of how the English language works, terrible grammar and incoherent sentences, if you're going to complain at least try to do it properly, I really don't care if you like the show or not because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you can't stand a particular character then I'd say that they're doing an excellent job to get such an emotional response from you. Personally I think that the show is excellent, the pace is right where it should be and the twists and turns are spot on.
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My rating -10
17 April 2023
What an absolute train wreck of a film, at no point can I understand the motivations of any of the characters in this film, hence the train wreck comment. How a movie like this is ever produced is beyond my comprehension, someone actually funded this disaster, whoever it was I hope that they never had the opportunity to ever approve another film in their life. I actually could literally feel myself losing intelligence as I continued to watch this trash, I knew there was a reason why I never watched this before and I should have listened to my instinct, I'm forever mentally scared from the experience now, I've seen better acting in porn.
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Outlast (2023– )
Enough Already
12 March 2023
This is why Alone worked, because you can't group people together, it just doesn't work. The people who actually select who will make the show need to be replaced, I think that it would be a much better show to have people out there who really know what they're doing, not evil morons looking to cheat and destroy one another, I immediately knew this show would be a train wreck, I honestly don't know what some people are thinking before they decide that they want to enter a contest like this, just imagine the harshest conditions possible, temperature, lack of food, and so on, right then and there you should know whether or not you have what it takes, never mind the fact that you don't get along with others, that alone should prevent you from even trying to do something like this.
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House of the Dragon: Driftmark (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
There should be a zero rating option
4 October 2022
I'm honestly baffled by the ridiculously high reviews of this show, every episode is moving at a snails pace, 50+ minutes and there are only 3 or 4 different backgrounds, extremely drawn out scenes that are absolutely nonessential, seriously what is all the rave about???? It's as if they're trying to set this up for some grand episode that honestly I could careless about because everything is so uninteresting, there isn't a single character that I give a hoot about, the Season 1 Episode 1 of the original GOT is better that every single episode of this trash so far and honestly I can't see any turn of events that will warrant saving this train wreck, so so disappointed by this show.
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House of the Dragon: We Light the Way (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Glad I'm not alone
20 September 2022
The people who desperately want this to be good please stop already, this show is boring to no end. At the pace we're moving this show will never come close to what GOT was, there's nothing happening, in GOT there we're countless characters and stories happening all at once, characters and plots that were captivating. If I have to listen to one more crying baby I'm going to go mad, there's no action and nothing worth looking forward too on this show. Only fan boys are raving about this show, some people couldn't give a authentic review if they were paid to do so, actually I think some people are being paid to say that this garbage is worth watching, I'll have more fun watching the original GOT over again, way more fun.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Relax yourselves, seriously!
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lol, to give this episode a 1of 10 is absurd, people need to relax themselves and stop with the bandwagon reviews. There's no way possible this episode could be given 1 star, honestly what exactly were you expecting, you can't honestly tell me that having Arya kill the Night King was expected because I guarantee that most people thought it would be either John or Daenerys. I thought that it was very fitting that Arya ended the battle considering how far she came as a character, the battle was amazing and to say otherwise is just downright knit picking. Season 8 could have definitely been better, especially after episode #3, but to knock The Long Night is just a knee jerk reaction if you ask me, the same people who whined about this episode are the same people who gave episode #1 of House of the Dragon a 10 of 10, claiming that it's a instant masterpiece when nothing have even happened yet.
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Some People........
3 March 2022
I'm absolutely convinced that there are people who can watch a video of a kitten playing with a puppy and find some reason to complain about it, those are the people who found ways to gripe about this movie. If you don't take yourself too seriously or yell at playing children because they're making too much noise then there's a good chance you'll like this film, if not I suggest chewing on some glass to make sure you're still alive.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
I Know Why
20 February 2022
You want to know why this movie wasn't received as well as it deserved to be received, it's because people today are lacking imagination plain and simple. Personally I thought it was a great movie that was entertaining and extremely relevant to the world we currently live in. With endless outlets to watch movies and television shows we're currently (and have been for some time) being saturated with repetitive garbage, when I was growing up there was always at least 2 or 3 movies in the theaters that was worthy of being seen, now I couldn't even tell you a single movie that's currently in theaters. Hopefully creativity will peak once again like it has in the past, fresh ideas and new perspectives or perhaps we've already hit that peak and down is the only way to go, only time will tell.
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Skin (V) (2018)
Under the radar
27 January 2022
Extremely moving, solid acting all around, definitely deserves more attention. Why I never heard of this movie and I'm certain that many other people haven't either is a shame, a movie like this should be front and center for the powerful message it's trying to deliver, a tremendously sad story but a story that needs to be told. There's only one race on the planet Earth, and that's the human race.
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3 January 2022
Talk about try hard , absolute garbage, the writing, the acting, they've completed wasted one of the most appealing characters and turned him into a clown, and they actually convinced Tom Hardy to be that clown. So disappointed because I'm a big Tom Hardy fan, damn he must have got paid ridiculous to attach his name to this crap.
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The Guilty (2021)
4 October 2021
If this is the kind of movie we're going to get post Covid then we're doomed, this movie was so obviously filmed with Covid protocols in place, maybe we're to expect CGI to actually put two actors next to each other. This movie was filmed in a box and honestly I thought it was boring as hell, not sure what movie other people were watching giving this good reviews.
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Backdraft (1991)
15 September 2021
If you don't like this movie then I honestly don't know what to say, it's a all time classic hands down no question about it.
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Alone (2015– )
Season 8 Disaster
20 June 2021
If you're a fan of this show then I'm certain that it goes without saying how terrible the contestants are on season 8 so far, honestly I'm completely baffled how these people were selected to be on this show.
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Relax People
27 May 2021
I'm honestly shocked by the amount of negative reviews of this movie, not because some people didn't like it but the by the over the top exaggeration of their expectations of how this series should end. You'd think it was the worst movie ever made and it's no where near that, everyone is entitled to their opinion but I'm not buying the absolute disgust that many are expressing, it had to end there's no way around it but don't bash it because you were expecting something different, the good guys won, you couldn't be surprised by that could you.
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Two Ends of the Spectrum
23 May 2021
Either you believe or you don't, the reviews prove that to be true, for those who don't believe I'm curious why because the evidence is obvious, and now that the government/military has completely done a 180* with their stance on the phenomena I think that it's time that the non believers take a closer look at the facts.
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Top Boy (2011–2023)
Top of its Game
29 April 2021
The entire series is brilliant dating back to the original, can't wait to see what the future holds, WAGWAN!
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Joking Aces
25 April 2021
This movie is the definition of a "Try Hard", it tried too hard to be the original film and completely failed to try and be its own film. The acting was forced and painful to sit through, every aspect of this movie was a failure, from top to bottom this movie was a absolute train wreck, I wouldn't mind another Smokin' Aces movie but if so it needs a complete overhaul to be successful.
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