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Kumari (2022)
Gets A Solid 6.5 Stars From Me
28 May 2024
Sorta went into this blind but Kumari turned out to be a great watch for me.

Let's talk plot.

Eons ago, a goddess that came to earth and found herself so fascinated by the world, she chose to remain on earth.

She subsequently falls in love with a human and gives birth to two children, Chathan and Gari Devan. The children were disfigured, looked nothing like humans or gods but had great powers. When their fighting began destroying earth, the goddess subdued them by limiting Chathan's presence to the mountainous forest, Gari Devan's to the underground and returned to her otherworldly home. Humans come to realize their powers and begin worshiping the demi-gods.

Kumari is a young woman who leaves home by way of arranged marriage. Her husband is the lonely, disappointing second born son of the village lord and 12th generation descendent of an evil lord who killed a forest child that Chathan was fond of. Chathan seeks revenge for the child's death by cursing the entire village. To rescue the village and more importantly, maintain his power, the evil lord calls upon Gari Devan to lift the curse. The price this salvation called for was the sacrificing of the lord's firstborn child and to maintain it every 12th generation would have to make the same sacrifice.

When the elder son fails to produce offspring and Kumari falls pregnant, the husband gets the future lordship and the power goes to his head. Kumari learns of the plans to sacrifice her baby and has to find a way to save her child.

So, yeah, I thought this was a good film. The pace was good, it held interest and the practical effects were well done. The second act of the film was lacking something. Maybe it was simply the dialogue but the story was a little muddled at times. Otherwise, no complaints here. I say give it a look if fantasy bordering on fairytales is your thing, check it out.
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6.5 Star Review
14 May 2024
A chance meeting on the way to an airport turns into a more inauspucious encounter.

It seems as though many people either really like this or they really hated it. While I can understand a few complaints, I'm grouped with the likes.

This is a psychological thriller that held my interest well. If a film can do that, it's already doing well with me. The characters are not overly interesting at first glance but the dialogue and actor portrayal manages to build steady intrigue. The gloomy, cold atmosphere and apprehensive tone creates subtle suspense that drives the pace forward nicely.

It won't be to everyone's taste but if you like a slow, steady thriller this may fit you.
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The Culprit (2019)
Decent Thriller
1 May 2024
South Korea has really carved out a place for themselves when it comes to making suspenseful thrillers and this film slides nicely into that niche.

After coming home to find his wife murdered and his best friend subsequently arrested for the crime, a man sets out to find out the truth of the matter. The best friend's wife is also on a mission to see her husband set free and is desperate for the man to speak up and clear her husband's name. The truth may set them all free from their torment or it could reveal things they'd rather not know.

The film is well constructed and moves along at a steady pace keeping the viewer engaged. The actors are all skilled and portray their characters with realistic emotion and drive. The plot is not a new but the ride is still interesting and thought provoking. The suspense builds nicely throughout.

I'd recommend this to people who like a decent whodunnit. It will have you guessing and trying to work things out and you may even figure things out before the reveal. I did but I still enjoyed the film.
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Disappeared (2009–2023)
This Show Should NEVER Be Canceled!
29 April 2024
Disappeared is one of, if not THE, best true crime shows out there. Too many people go missing leaving little to no trace behind them. It's hard to not leave a trace of yourself in our world today with the amount of technology we are exposed to and use on a daily basis. Dead or alive, the remains of these individuals are somewhere.

The heartbreak the families suffer from their loss is unthinkable. When someone passes, it's heartbreaking but you know what happened or how they passed and their remains are with you. All the questions and the not knowing must be torturous for those who never receive those answers.

There's no excuse to ever see this show canceled considering the number of people who go missing today. Every case is deserving of coverage and recognition. This show is a public service for the people left behind and should be offered to everyone. If it was your loved one, you'd want this coverage. NEVER CANCEL THIS SHOW!
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Unbelievable Disgrace and Undeserved Heartbreak
29 April 2024
This is a review of the first episode that focuses on Terrance Williams and this episode that focuses on both Terrance and Felipe Santos.

I first learned of this case while watching ID's Disappeared (Season 3 Episode 5 "Crime and Punishment" which originally aired on Jan 23, 2012.). Missing person cases have always drawn my interest and empathy so I've researched, watched many videos and listened to podcasts. I tend to be more interested in the cases that aren't well know because I see them as no less deserving despite the lack of coverage given to higher profiled cases. I am especially sensitive to the cases of people of color as they seem to be overlooked in many regards. I find it appalling.

Terrance and Felipe's cases are some of the most disturbing I've come across considering they vanished while in the company of a Deputy. My father was in law enforcement and I feel that when you swear an oath to serve and protect you place yourself in a position that demands the utmost integrity and diligence. When you fail to uphold these virtues, you tarnish more than yourself alone. You tarnish law enforcement as a whole and rob other officers of those virtues in the eyes of the public. Deputy Calkins exceeds being a prime example of such negligence by becoming someone the public should absolutely fear. It's my belief that he knows exactly what happened these men and is deserving of a life behind bars. He should never wear a badge again.

I am of the opinion that law enforcement recruits need to be better vetted. Prejudices have no place in the enforcement of the law. It doens't matter the color of your skin or the level of your income. Lady Justice is blind so if you are a human being, you deserve equal rights under the law. I'm sad to say that there is much work that needs to be done. I find myself in the awkward position of supporting both Black and Blue Lives Matter. What we lack is peace, understanding, compassion, empathy and equal entitlement.

I feel for the Williams and Santos families. Their heartbreak is unfathomable. Nothing could ever replace what they have lost in terms of their missing loved ones nor in terms of their respect, faith and security they've lost in law enforcement. It's such a shame because there are far more well intended officers than there are bad. It's like the saying "It takes 1000 'good job' attaboys to replace 1 'you failed miserably,' misdeed."

I believe it's fairly obvious these young men were victims of homicide and thoughtfully discarded. It's such a tragedy to keep the families from the closure they deserve. I pray they'll one day have the opportunity to lay their loved ones to rest properly and see justice served.
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Exhuma (2024)
Very Well Done
24 April 2024
Shamanistic rituals, curses, folklore, history, feng shui, omens, grave digging, ghosts, demonic beings and a built in sequel to the original story. This film has it all.

The initial plot of this film revolves around a group of spiritualists trying to save a baby from a curse that is plaguing the first born sons of a prosperous bloodline. This could be a stand alone storyline but just when you think the story has come full circle, we are introduced to a follow-up storyline that delves deeper into causation. It is quite a ride.

The film was a bit muddled for me as a lay person simply because I lack knowledge regarding some of it's Korean cultural and spiritualistic aspects. I would've liked things to have been slowed down a bit and better explained but the film is already a bit long. I would've liked it to been two movies so that would've been ample time to dive deeper and provide better insight for me.

That being said, the atmosphere is well constructed, dark and really compliments the story. It felt really foreboding at times. The actors were all well seasoned and the effects were immersive and captivating.

I really enjoyed it so if you like Asian horror, you should definitely check it out.
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Changes Must Be Made
6 April 2024
When black, indigenous, hispanic, asian and middle eastern women go missing they are not seen as a priority. This documentary takes a closer look at how prevalent the problem is among black women and girls who are seen as targets by predators and dismissive by law enforcement, media and larger community.

The statistics indicate that nearly 40% of women and girls reported missing are black. Studies into trafficking have revealed that predators feel more confident in grooming and/or abducting women of color because they are less likely to garner the attention of law enforcement and media, making their criminal activity easier and in turn, more profitable.

The missing women who aren't abducted or groomed into trafficking or prostitution turn out to be victims of homicide often at the hands of their partners. More than half of all black women report experience violence at the hands of their intimate partner.

There are movements being made and actions being taken to bring more attention and resources to this problem but in all honesty, it's still not good enough.

The following are just some of my thoughts on the matter.

I think that strong, beautiful black women are admirable. Many times they are women who struggle with issues like being a single parent and having to overcome the discrimination they face being both a woman and black in the workforce and society. This is something that should be celebrated but there are far too many negative labels being placed on them and these wonderful aspects of black women are often drowned out.

The label of an "angry black woman" has stolen from a black woman's loving, nurturing and compassionate nature. The degrading of black women in music and videos by labeling them as "THOT's", focusing on their sexuality, their bodies and making them seem expendable has stolen from their grace, beauty and value.

Society, as a whole, should stop placing such labels on black women so the perspective of their worth can shift. They do not deserve such degradation. No woman does.

The entire situation is unfair. More attention should be focused on this problem. Every woman matters.

Although the wheels of change are excruciatingly slow, I am glad to see that progress is being made. Check out this documentary and do your part in becoming more aware.
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Worth A Watch If You've Followed The Case.
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We all know that lie detector tests are not admissible in a court of law but IMO, they are a tool that can be used to indicate whether someone is uncomfortable with the questions posed and the answers they give due to the physiology behind fight or flight responses to perceived threats.

Casey Anthony is a known pathological liar. She was, in fact, charged and found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement. False information=lies.

The thing that most compels my belief that she is responsible for Caylee's death is her absent pursuit for justice. If her father was responsible, why has Casey not demanded justice for her baby?

The Anthony's willingness to go to great lengths to prove their integrity is commendable. These people have been run through the wringer all these years and the toll it has taken on their lives is undoubtedly tremendous.

There is a moment where George Anthony struggles with a question about whether he knew where Caylee was or if he took part in concealing her death. It makes him seem as though he was trying to hide something. It can easily be construed as a guilty conscience but I do not believe that it was due to him knowing where Caylee was or if he took part in concealing her death. I think it was due to a sense of guilt and blame he has placed on himself for not keeping Caylee safe and not being the one to have found her sooner. Just my opinion.

I feel sorry for these people.

I have no doubt that they loved Casey but they have suffered and lost their grandchild at her hands. They have also been defamed, used as a scapegoats and harassed due to her lies.

Everyone has the right to come to their own conclusions on the matter but I believe the Anthony's are innocent. I'd love to see Casey Anthony willingly submit to a lie detector test and see if she would do as well as her parents did.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Strange But Immersive Series
10 March 2024
If you're into creepy, supernatural conundrums, this is a show that may please your palate.

This is a review for the entire series and I, like many of the other reviewers, believe that it's a fairly decent watch with the exception of season 2 being less than impressive.

Plot Summary: A family is trapped in the throes of grief, guilt, delusion and enablement stemming from the accidental death of a baby while in the mother's care. The mom, who suffered a mental breakdown in the devastating aftermath, has blocked the memory and now believes that a creepy reborn doll is her child. Her husband and brother have chosen to enable this delusion out of fear for her mental health.

Dad is a successful consultant and experimental chef who works out of the home but when mom, a news field reporter, is ready to return to work, they decide to hire a live-in nanny to help care for the "baby". When the nanny arrives, she's not phased by the odd circumstances but instead embraces it and soon her presence changes the dynamics of the situation when the is doll miraculously transformed into a living baby.

The show does an excellent job of drawing you into the drama of the heartbreak and desire to understand the hows and whys of the situation. The overall atmosphere is gloomy. You automatically get the feeling that things just aren't right and soon everything feels downright sinister.

The pacing of the show is rather slow and somewhat frustrating. Just when you think an episode is going to reveal answers, it ends with a new cliffhanger but it makes you want to see the next one.

The four main actors are well seasoned and embody their characters making the watch that much more enjoyable.

I'd recommend this to people who enjoy a supernatural mystery but would express caution about the pacing and encourage patience that will allow the show to reveal itself. I think the show is a solid 6.5 star experience.
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Very Interesting
26 November 2023
I've watched countless documentaries on the JFK assassination but this one stands unique among them all.

I've never really chosen between the single shooter and second shooter theories because I've always felt that each argument was plausible. I've also never considered the Parkland doctors or how they assessed Kennedy when he arrived at the hospital. This has made me believe that there were two shooters and it has made me wonder why the handling of the body seems so shady.

If you have an interest in President Kennedy's assassination, you should check this out. It's mindful, well-made and will have you asking why the government made the decision to handle certain things the way they did. It's worth the watch.
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Milli Vanilli (2023)
Worth The Watch
26 October 2023
I really enjoyed this documentary. Milli Vanilli was part of my early teen years and I loved their music. The scandal that took them down has been one of the biggest controversies in music history. In all honesty, they were used to make a lot of wealthy people even more money and then they were used to cover and take all the heat off those same people. Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan could not have done all they did without approval from the higher ups being in on all of it.

I've always thought the ill treatment shown to Rob and Fab was a bit misplaced. We've seen how other artists have been treated by producers, managers and labels. They live to make money off of the talent of others. Their contracts, decisions and exploitation can be criminal.

I don't doubt that Rob and Fab wanted to sing their own music but the contract made with their producer was signed before it was revealed that they would be lip syncing. Breach of contract and financial debt was the threat they faced for not complying with the producers plan. I understand why they did it and I understand that the intoxicating effects of fame, adoration and money kept them from coming clean.

The powers that be did the musicians, backup singers, lead vocalists, Rob, Fab and the fans dirty.

If you think you know the story or are just interested in learning about what happened, watch this. It is so worth the time. While Rob's death was tragic, I'm glad to see that Fab is still involved in music. Very good documentary.
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Ballerina (III) (2023)
Right Up My Alley
15 October 2023
Personally, I loved this film.

When Okju finds her friend deceased along side a note begging for her to seek revenge on those who caused her suicidal mindset, she sets out on a course to honor the request.

If you like movies like Kill Bill, John Wick, Equalizer or Nobody, this is a film that slides into the same genre of fast paced action films. The choreography is well done and the actors portrayed their roles well.

I did think that it slowed a bit in the middle of the film and it had a lot of flashback scenes that I believe would've played out better as real-time experiences simply for the fact that it would gave a better sense of who the characters were. I also thought that we were given a bit too many vague generalities that could've used better descriptions and aided in character development.

Despite my few quirks, I still enjoyed this badass girl-power movie. I don't know if they were teasing it or not but I hope they make a sequel.
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Just Wonderful
2 October 2023
Watching this after Betty's passing has made it all the more touching for me. She had such a brilliant career, was admired for her friendliness and work ethic and unashamedly adored animals.

While enjoyable, the documentary was short. I would've loved to have heard more about her personal life and just got to know her a little better in that regard. Since I am a HUGE Golden Girls fan and see it as a crowning achievement in comedy, I would've also loved to heard her, along with the rest of the cast, take on their time together. It would've also been nice to known more about her work with animals since she seemed to hold them so close to her heart and they were so very special to her.

The compiled archive of Betty's professional accomplishments is vast, undeniable, speaks volumes of her talent, charm and wit and this documentary gave us a short look directly at it. While I suppose one should expect such a direct focus considering the title is "Betty White: FIRST LADY OF TELEVISION" (i.e. Betty White: Her Lifelong Profession), I won't deny that I'm slightly disappointed that we didn't get to see more about Betty White: The Woman. She was so much more than her career and I would've simply loved to have seen more about that aspect of her life.

Thanks to Betty for leaving us with the body of work she left behind allowing us to always find something to laugh about. It was quite the mark she left on this world and the world is a better place because of it.

Much Love Betty RIP.
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Pumpkinhead (1988)
Underrated Horror From 1988
2 October 2023
A film about a monster that can be called upon when backwoods folk feel they need vengeance after having been grievously wronged, Pumpkinhead has never got the acknowledgement that it truly deserves.

The story is simplistic and easy enough to understand which is a bit cookie cutter but great nonetheless. It's not drawn out and everything moves at a great pace. The actors are absolutely decent with Lance Henriksen playing Ed Harley the distraught father and best known for his role as the artificial human/robot, Bishop, in Aliens (1986). What is super great IMO are the practical effects that, while dated, still look really good today.

It's understandable that this film was overlooked seeing as how 1988 was a pretty big year for horror. Michael Myers made a comeback, we got our first introduction to Chucky and Jason made his 7th appearance. Hellraiser II, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Poltergeist III all came out with Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master being the highest grossing film in the genre. (Unless you count Bettlejuice as horror rather than comedy.) It really was up against some tough competition.

If you're a horror fan, Pumpkinhead should be on your watched list. The franchise went on to produce three additional films but they were only so-so and couldn't match the original. I don't mind suggesting this to friends or giving my fellow horror fans that have yet to add it to their watched list a hard time about it. It's simply a monster must watch.
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Great Start That Could've Delivered More
23 September 2023
A socially anxious and seemingly outcast girl lives alone and experiences an alien home invasion.

I had such hopes for this after seeing the trailer. It looked like it was going to be a creepy alien horror film. It had some creepy moments but I won't deny that I feel let down and little "Catfished" by the trailer.

There are two plot lines going on here. One is the alien invasion and the second has to do with the guilt she feels and her separation from society due to the untimely death of a friend. I wished they would've stuck to the alien invasion alone because the subplot became tedious.

Some of the special effects were decent and others were fairly obvious CGI work and lacked realism. There was little to no dialogue and felt a little like watching a low budget version of "A Quiet Place". You have to pay attention.

The film takes a strange turn towards the ending and made me look at the screen sideways. While I think I get it, I can't be sure I understand the meaning of the ending and, as a horror buff, I just wasn't very impressed.

It started out so good though. I'd give the first 45-60 minutes 7 Stars and the second 45-30 minutes nose-dived to 3 Stars. That's where my 5 Star rating comes from.
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Til Death Do Us Part (II) (2023)
19 September 2023
A runaway bride has to fight off the groomsmen that come chasing after her.

The problem with this film is a lack of detail regarding the sub plot for bride and groom. We don't understand their relationship, the relationship they share with their "friends" or the relationship with their employer. You've watched nearly the entire film before things have started to come together well.

I will give the film credit for the stunt/action scenes, the poster art (even though it bugs me that the dress on the poster isn't the dress worn in the film (Don't ask me why it bothers me. It just does! OK.)) and the soundtrack. Some of the special effects were questionable and the supporting characters didn't bring much to the table. For me, I just couldn't get into caring about what was happening to the characters. They were bland, uninteresting and simply fodder for the kill scenes.

I had higher hopes coming into this so I'm a bit bummed out. I'm not sure that I'd suggest it to friends or even watch it again. If I had to choose between this and Ready or Not, I would choose Ready or Not over and over again.
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Monster Icon
31 August 2023
I love a good gothic film and this film delivers with a hauntingly beautiful carrack, a damsel in distress found as a stowaway, nightmares, awful weather, suspense, the company of death, a conflicted male protagonist and the cursed one, Dracula. It checks off every requirement in the gothic handbook.

While it has all the elements needed and I did enjoy the film, it isn't without faults. The acting was good but the characters portrayed lacked depth. We just don't know much about any of the characters and I would've liked to have known more. Being able to invest in the characters helps create anxiety about their well being.

I was also a bit bummed out because there wasn't much discussion about who Dracula is. Its sorta skimmed over and for me, that was a mistake. Scare me with stories of his atrocities. I thought his "creature" design was a great reference of homage to the classic Nosferatu with a few extra touches thrown in.

Overall, I had a good time watching this and I hope they choose to make a sequel.
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Not Again
29 August 2023
Why is it so hard to get a decent movie on Lifetime?

This is a movie like Enough with Jennifer Lopez and that's not saying much but this isn't even as good as that. It is a below tier, below tier movie. Not a B movie more like a C or D movie.

I used to love watching Lifetime movies. They used to have movies covering stories that were ripped from the headlines and they even had a few noteworthy actors play parts in them. These days it's just all a lot of really bad acting in really crappy movies. There's no real suspense or even a reason to be interested in the characters. They are literally movies that you just turn on in the background and not pay any attention to them.

It's sad.

I wish they'd bring back something worth watching.
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It's Not Epic But I Wouldn't Say It's Garbage
27 August 2023
Wow. People are really going after this, huh?

Look The Meg was no blockbuster and sorta ended up a bit of a disappointment. People who choose to watch this should've already known that and gone into it with the idea that this wouldn't be much better. At least, that was my mindset going into it.

Was it pure gold? No. It wasn't. However, I actually ended up liking this film better than the first. I thought the story was much more interesting and I was a bit more invested.

I wouldn't mind suggesting it but as I said, keep your expectations in check. You know what the first movie had to offer. This is more of the same. If you were frustrated with the first film, your likely be frustrated with this. If you found the first film tolerable, you might be like me and like this better.
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Great Watch For Me
24 August 2023
I just happened to stumble across this film and I found it impressive.

I won't deny that I was extremely hesitant about watching it because while I'm a thriller/horror junkie, the hurdles of cultural and decades of social divide were enough to make me think that it might not bring the same punch as a film with closer cultural relevance made in a more modern time. I was wrong.

Of course the quality of the film is dated but the subject matter and atmosphere quickly pulled at my interests. A sense of oppression is felt at the onset and the atmosphere it creates permeates the entire film making one feel anxious. The cast of actors did an amazing job in their roles making each relatable. The story is loosely inspired by a real life situation that took place in the 60's.

If you like thrillers you might find this an enjoyable watch. My only advice would be to watch the film before researching anything on the true life events so that you might feel the heaviness of uncertainty.
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Asoka (2001)
There's A Lot To Like Here
14 August 2023
Being an American, I am not well versed in the history of India but I've always been intrigued by world history. I came across stories of King Asoka that sent me down a rabbit hole that includes this film. I was impressed.

My understanding is that there was some creative liberties taken when crafting the film (mostly in the romantic aspects) and that it isn't an exact retelling of King Asoka's early rise to power. It was still a very enthralling film with great acting, sets and costume designs.

My complaints are few but I wished the film would've went into further detail about his life after his enlightenment. We saw the great warrior. I just feel that the more interesting aspect of Asoka is how he left the warrior behind and grasp a new way of thinking. There was mention of the edicts he had erected but it was merely a passing comment without much depth.

The film felt epic but I do believe that it could've gone even further into halls of greatness had they chosen to lengthen the runtime and included his enlightenment. I wouldn't have had a problem setting a watching a couple more hours to have learned more about Asoka's fascinating life and the lives of his children.

It is worth the watch.
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Ugram (2023)
Okay For Me
24 June 2023
Shiva loves his wife and daughter but often leaves them feeling neglected due to the long hours and how committed he is in his chosen profession as a police officer. After suffering a head injury and undergoing surgery, he learns that his wife and daughter are missing. Their disappearances are among many other cases of missing persons. Despite concerns of worsening the effects of his head injury, he is determined to find his wife and daughter and begins a no holds barred quest to find them.

I see that many reviewers haven't praised this film but I thought it was a decent watch. From my western perspective, it seemed long since I am a still a novice when it comes to watching Bollywood movies. Not that they are bad. They're just different.

The story was good for me. I guess people will just have to watch find out if they liked it or not.
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Where Has This Been The Past Fourteen Years!!
5 June 2023
So, my husband and I just came across this and my goodness, Will Ferrell's out of control and we loved it!

You either like Ferrell or you don't. His style of comedy is goofy, crude, obnoxious and physical. He holds no punches in this special and really tackles Bush's humorous flaws, fumbles and mannerisms. He talks about the Bush family, his college years, his administration and track record.

Was Bush the best president? NO. However, he was our leader during a trying time in American history and since I'm writing this review in 2023 and hindsight is notoriously 20/20, I can say we've had worse presidents.

I enjoyed it and saw it for the comedic parody it is. If you're gonna scrutinize it any deeper than that, it's probably not going to be a funny watch for you.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
That's IT???
1 June 2023
Influencer is a slow burn that doesn't deliver.

Madison is an influencer rooted in the travel genre. She makes a solo trip to Thailand when her boyfriend flakes. While there, she sees amazing sites, relaxes in the comfort of her accommodations, posts videos and pushes products against the beautiful settings and feels totally alone until she meets a young woman who has sinister intentions.

I'm not sure if the plot was supposed to be about identity theft, the need to feel powerful, haters, jealousy or something else. It never really gave a motivation. I thought it was good great until we got to the the end. The ending was lackluster and uninspired. It could've been so much better.
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(O_O)_/¯ Good To See Dane But Not His Best Performance
29 May 2023
I'm not sure when I last saw Dane Cook, be it a stand up or movie/tv project, but its been a while. So, we've aged, lost some of that youthful gusto, physical comedy and perhaps lost touch with our demographic a bit.

In this special, Dane has set up a gathering in his backyard. It's a modern setting in which he is trying to go for a very comfortable, laid back environment. However, it seemed a strange venue. What we see of his home was nice though.

He discusses an encounter with a stalker, his much younger girlfriend and performing one of his earlier gigs. It was chucklesome but it's not Vicious Circle. I don't want to say it was bad because I didn't think it was awful but it felt like watching "dad jokes" attempting to be current and falling short.

I like Dane Cook. I hate this wasn't better. I REALLY wanted it to be because I think he's a funny guy. This isn't his best work. However, as I said, it was chucklesome. If you're okay with that, check it out but don't expect to be rolling with laughter.
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