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AEW: All Access: Life on the Ropes (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Excellent behind the scenes look at AEW
6 April 2023
Sometimes i get very suspicious about these types of shows which promise to offer an all access behind the scenes look at wrestling shows or other fighting promotions. The normal questions I ask, to what extent are the wrestlers being directed to "act" in a certain way and what is actually more genuine. I could see the show being used as a tool to help promote storylines etc but also I felt that there were definitely aspects that were genuine. I'm not really one for reality tv but this show was enjoyable and definitely a good watch for any AEW fan, who watches dynamites and rampage. I'll definitely be watching again in the future personally and perhaps other people will also.
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1899 (2022)
Excellent show but I have fears for it's future
27 November 2022
This show from beginning to end was an excellent showcase of how good story telling once alligned with amazing cinematography and acting, can produce a show that is capitivating for the viewer through the entirety of the 8 episodes. The premise of the show is that a ocean liner with an array of interesting characters from different parts of the world are heating towards america, mostly to escape certain things in their past or searching for something to renew their chances of life. While the ship is on this journey they come across another ocean liner that has been lost at sea. They capitain decides to go and search for the ship at the cooridinates. That's where the true fun intrigue, mystry and excitment begins. Although i really can't say much more without spoiling anything and I never like to do spoiler filled reviews as I believe such shows should be watchs with fresh eyes. Sometimes multiple trailers can give away to much.

The show probably will turn away certain types of people simply on the fact they don't like to read subtitles, the characters who speak array of other languages may be dubbed, but that truely ruins the premise of the show. So fewing numbers might be affect by this (hence the show could get cancelled) regardless of positive reviews. Also the show is a slow burn, the type of story that perhaps could have been told in a three hour long film, but honestly the tv series give the characters so much more depth and the arcs of characters are greater and more meaningful, stick with the show and you'll not be dissapointed. People compare it to Dark (which I've not watched) although it's made by the same production and creative team and that show got three seasons on netflix. So i'm a little nervous for the shows future but there is hope based on Dark getting multiple seasons and the fact it's got generally good reviews. One last point is that this show falls into the category of you either love it or you either hate it. Depending on what type of tv shows you like or if you can watched something with subtitles. I give this show a 10/10 and i highly urge people to give a go and don't give up on it because it might seem slow.
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Both excellent and somewhat lacking at the same time
14 May 2022
By this point of the marvel universe or should I now say multiverse, there have been upwards of two movies and dozens of characters introduced from the big to the small. On the big screen and the small screen. However I'm beginning to to feel that for the casual fan who is not deeply into the comics or movies its very easy to get lost in the plot as one needs to have watched and understood at least several of the previous tv shows, in order to fully understand everything that's happening. The Screen I was watching the movie in 3 teenagers left the movie half way through and never returned. I can only presume it was to do with the plot confusing them as the movie is excellent if you can understand it.......

Taking into consideration if you're a viewer who's watched all the comics and seen all the shows and movies and follows the hype on YouTube, this is a great movie. The movie explores the multiverse which was touched on only briefly in the previous Spiderman movie. The movie turns into a big multiverse battle between the Dr Strange and The Scarlett witch. It was extremely entertaining, amazing visuals, and at times very funny. I'd highly recommond it, again more so if you are familiar with the movie. My only take away is that I feel the multiverse is overly bloated and in any one or two films 3 hours or two hours is never enough to do justice character's who appear or have the potential to appear. So I'm pulled in two directions by this movie, you'll either love it or be a bit turned off perhaps. Anyway 7/10.
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Very eye opening documentary.
8 May 2022
It would be fair to say that the three mile nuclear disaster has been very much out of the consciousness of the general public, when a person associates a place with a nuclear disaster, they are much more likely to think of the disaster that occured in Chernobyl in northern Ukraine.

I had heard of three mile island prior to watching this documentary, but I knew very little about it, so a 4 part series on the disaster caught my eye when I was looking for something to watch on Netflix. I really didn't know what to expect. But ohhh boy, this show opened my conciousness to a whole range of things that I just didn't know that ocurred or was possible.

The first episode looks into the background of how and when the nuclear facility was built and how president Carter is very pro nuclear. It also showed how most people in general were completely unaware of the possible disasters that mismanaged nuclear power stations could pose to society.

The show isn't soo much about the nuclear disaster itself ,but rather the insidious handling of the disaster once it ocurred. The company that handled the nuclear power station were not very concerned about the possibility of a several thousand year exclusion zone being caused in Pennsylvania due to nuclear fallout. There main priority was to get profits back as soon as possible. Also the regulatory board to, were fearing for the future of the entire nuclear industry. Its a true story of the all mighty $ vs people and safety.

Thankfully a whistleblower comes to the fore and just exposes how horrible the entire situation was being handled. The very fact he was in fear for his life and job shows the corrupted nature of the then nuclear industry. There is also the story of how a previous whistleblower was killed in suspicious cicumstances...... Before watching this show I was naive enought to believe everyone would 100% professional after nuclear disasters and that the idea that people's lives would be threatened to keep silent .. Yet I was wrong.

The show interviews the whistleblower who was the true hero of three mile island also residents around the island, legal team members and also a member from the nuclear company himself, who to this day seens to have a great great arrogance about everything that happened. A typical politician. If you deny it, it didn't happen. You'll identify him when he's talking. He jumps out of the screen like the stereotypical villain. And I doubt he's pretending to be one just for effect.

I really enjoyed this documentary. It wasn't too long. Perhaps it could have been told in 3 episodes but the entire story was told thoroughly and being to long is better than too short. Definitely watch it if you have a curiosity about Three mile island, nuclear disasters or simply the horrible nature of big buisness not caring for people or the environment.
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Outlaw King (2018)
Enjoyable Historical Film
7 May 2022
The one genre of film that is probably the arguably most difficult to get right is Historical films. As different people want different things from these movies, some people will want high levels historical accuracy, while others are more interested in having intrigue and drama, and others action. Unfortuantly history is already written and so 100% historical accuracy may not offer the action or dramatic intrigue that viewers desire, so there is a sometimes a deviation from historical accuracy to fulfill interest (Titanic did this in 1997 by placing an entirely fictional story while using the historical events as a background to the events)

Outlaw King is a film from what I gather after reading several reviews and seeing a few videos that look at historical accuracy. Does very well in this regard. The battles were true battle and the outcomes reflect what happened centuries ago. The Scottish Wars of independence are most known perhaps on cinema via the braveheart film, but the series of wars spanned much more than what occured in that one film. Its honestly nice to see a new part of the wars being looked at. For I could imagine that a modern remake of braveheart could have been tempting. This movie looks at King Robert the Bruce and his rise and his initial fight against the English, at the Battle of Loudoun Hill. The drama in the movie is the historical events itself and yes, this movie might seem like England as the bad army while The Scotts as the good side. Although this view might annoy some people I quite enjoyed it. As see it more of an invading army into a land that wishes for independence. Whether that's good or bad is up for the viewer to decide.

The cinematography in the movie was absolutely stunning. Its not a CGI fest like a marvel movie would be so its not breaking new grounds in that regard but I see this movie as how braveheart might have looked if it were made 30 years after it had been. Many small details makes this movie beautiful to watch, from the beginning viewers are witness to a massive trebuchet being fired by the English at a Scottish castle. It wasn't necessary as a plot piece or anything to put it in, but you get a sense of the power of England, through seeing it. Also the 4k views of Scotland from the sky and the lakes were truely breath taking. The music also was beautiful.

The acting in the film movie was good, I wouldn't say excellent or Oscar worthy but still very gold to the point it can push the movie along while mainting most viewers enjoyment.

I love my historical films and I've seen some great ones and some unfortunate bad ones. I honestly feel this is one of the better movies I've seen. Some people have been critical of the movie. What I would suggest is give it a watch for yourself and you'll know within 5-10 mins if this movie is for you.
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Another Excellent Netflix documentary detailing the history of a German cult in the heart of Chile.
3 May 2022
Wow It's rather difficult to know where to start reviewing this excellent 6 part documentary series that details the cult Paul Schäfer created in Post World War 2 Germany which he later brought to Chile to hide from the watchfull eyes of authorities who had been seeking him. For nearly 40 years he had practically put dozens and dozens of people into a state of mind control, the tools with which he does this aren't that unfamiliar if one looks at other cults.... He prayed upon vulnerable people and used his charisma (driven by a big ego), Christianity and the breaking down of any ego other adult individuals had.

The colony initially forms from a group of Germans who under the influence of Schäfer followed him to the other side of the world to Chile, were the recieved land from the Chilean government. A German community then grows with great rapidness, whose technological level fars outstrips local neighbouring communities.

New childrean over the years were brought into the camp through nefarious means, some very young children who were born in Germany, had been sent out to relatives at the colony to live, others were taken from the neighbouring communities and alas some born amongst the colonists themselves. The sad thing about the human mind is that we aren't born with an ability to think critically at a high level. So the young children at the camp were very easy targets of Schäfer's mode of brian washing..... And..... that brain washing led to children being sexually abuse. The children then believed it was normal behaviour. Not having been taught otherwise...

How could this have went on for so long, well Schäfer being the good strategist that he was. Brainwashed everyone close to him, helped the famous dictator Pinochet in horrendous crimes when he held power for a long time, then he lawyerd up when alligations of child sex abuse were eventually started to arise. Eventually justice caught up with him after fleeing to Argentina and he was forced to return to Chile to face the law. (some might say reciving mild justice considering what he did).

The documentary interviews many people, those who were children from the time the Colony started, older people who have been arrested for being implicated in the horrendous crimes carried out at the colony during the Pinochet years..... Honestly for some of the people shown I feel some deal empathy for. Those who were truely brainwashed and knew no better from a young age. But older people who already had the faculty of critical thinking prior to even knowing Schäfer and then worked along side him to carry out criminal activities. I felt zero sympathy for, and I truely question if I believe half their statements of regret or ignorance...... then there was the vicitims who blew the bubble open and they are the true heros of the show. Being able to overcome their fears of possible death in order to flee and fight something that is so inherently wrong. Then there are a few people who I couldn't figure out if they knew or didn't know what happened at the camp or if they truely cared. Based on their statements throughout and body language.

Definitely worth watching for people who like, shows about about cults, crime, rat lines in south america or anything of that nature. It makes for a great converstion with someone who has watched it also. A solid 8/10.
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Another Great Netflix Serial Killer Documentary
24 April 2022
With most drama shows or even documentaries on Netflix, they can be rather hit or miss, but generally one thing that a viewer can always bank on is that Netflix delivers the goods with regards to documentaries concerning serial killers. The reason is perhaps society's morbid fascination behind the minds of the worst killers of the past century. The John Wayne Gacy tapes were fascinating to watch, I never heard of this case before watching this documentary. Perhaps due to the fact of my age as I was only a baby when he finally was executed much less caught earlier in the late 70s.

The documentary is spanned over 3 episodes, the first looks into the victim that opened then case and also into John Gacy's background as a young man, all very informative and you think of this killer as a person, not one you are empathetic towards but perhaps understanding towards how his sociopathy came to be. One thing of note. I have to say and perhaps the documentary could have been a little stronger at pointing out. Across the United States, sodomy was a criminal offence as was buggery. So homosexuality was unfortunately looked upon very negatively by many people in the United States. Which of course has much changed since. The second episode focuses on the case and the building of it. The third episode looks at conclusion of the case, the trial, the execution. Spread throughout the 3 part documentary you have interviews with people from all angles of the case. People who were almost victims, relatives of victims. The cops, prosecuters, defence attorny and indeed John Gacy via tapes from beyond the grave

Eventually in the modern era with the advancement of DNA technology, bodies that just had numbers attached to their names were identified years after being buried. All in all, one of the beat serial killer documentaries out there. You'll not be disappointed if you enjoy watching them.
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Excellent movie that follow on from an excellent tv series.
22 March 2022
The tv series of People Just Do Nothing, was a mockumentary show that follows the lives of several young men in the late 20s early 30s who run a Pirate Radio Station from a tower block in Brentford, London. All the characters of the show were played amazingly by the cast and there were so many story arcs and heart warming moments on top of the comedy that made it very special. Watching it you can feel that they're your friend and your sitting there watching from a POV perspective. The ironic thing however is that although people just do nothing is a mockumentary, the guys in the TV show are incredibly talented at being DJs and MCs. Having released some amazing music. Which means they were able to capture authenticity of the underground pirate radio station scene. Like all good however it came to an end. It went on hiatus for several years. But then to the joy of many fans including myself, it returned with a movie People Just Do Nothing: Big In Japan. People familiar with the show might wonder if Tokyo was strange setting for the show as oppoded to perhaps making it big in London, the city the grew up in. But actually Tokyo is an amazing location. It creates opportunities for so many unique comedic moments perhaps not possible. I'm not going go spoil anything because its the type of movie that one should see without knowing too much. The boys all to Japan in hopes of record deal since their track became famous on a tv show. The film then basically is a story of friendship and how it can come under great strain in the face of such apparant opportunities. Also watching the boys interact with Japanese culture is soooo fun. Not many TV shows are able to make go transitions to the big screen as they often change in nature. Less funny, the characters change in order to appeal to a wider audience. Thats not the case here. If your a fan of the show and haven't watched the movie. Definitely watch it. If you haven't seen the series. Watch it first and then the movie as you'll appreciate the movie so much more. I give it a 9/10. I perhaps 1 star away since I didn't see one or two story arcs of the show progress like I would have. But other than that. One of the most enjoyable funny and heart warming movies I've seen over the last year.
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Black Crab (2022)
Good movie with perhaps too little exposition.
21 March 2022
Some movies are often criticized for their over the top exposition of the plot. This movie however does the opposite. It puts you in the middle of a civil war taking place in Sweden, with no background as to how it started or who the two sides are, what the motivations are etc. The civil war almost seems like nothing less than a weak anchor to create the opportunity to tell the story of 6 soldiers heading across 100 miles of ice to deliver a weapon. I guess the audience will want the soldiers to succeed but the constant question is.... why is there a war to begin with, are we watching the good guys or the bad guys. The question gets more complicated as the story proceeds. The movie does succeed in other areas, the characters are well acted, distinctive, the cinematography is very nice and perhaps the nicest thing about the movie. Not to mention the sound editing with the ice etc. The movie at points can be very tense. But alas it feels like this is the sequel movie to a movie that doesn't exist. I.e a movie that explains why the war exists. While this feels more like a sequel based in the war. Its still enjoyable and I'll give it 7. However there are better movies out there.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Revenge and Redemption
30 November 2021
The two main elements in this movien which are revenge and redemption are often explored in cinema, sometimes such explorations do well and othertimes and 3not so well. Man on Fire falls far on the positive side of the scales, for many reasons which I will elaborate upon. Man on Fire sees an ex US military office named Creasy (Denzel Washington) who's personal deamons include being an alcoholic, albeit a functioning one. Rayburn (Christopher Walken) his friend finds him a job in Mexico City as a bodyguard for a small girl of rich family due to the fact that kidnappings for randsoms are becoming very common in Mexico. The small girl called Pita played by a young and charismatic Dakota Fanning initially tries to get Creasy to warm to her but fails in her attempts. However as he starts to slowly warm up towards her. She is kidnapped by criminals looking for a large randsom sum. This leads ultimately for Casey to go seeking revenge for the kidnapping whose journey is entertaining to see. The movie stars great actors and actresses and it has very structured character arcs which are pleasurable to see. Character arcs are sometimes left out in such movies. A sad aspect about this movie after reading deeper into it. Is that people workkng on the movie where robbed in mexico, although none were hurt. It shows how vulnerable people are in mexico to falling victims of kidnappings, especially women. The movie deserves a 9/10 . The one main negative of the movie I disliked was the disorientating grainy cinematography at times. Making the movie a slight struggle to watch. Besides I can't fault the movie.
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Not as good as it could have been....
26 November 2021
The premise of the film is that of a boy with high functionality autism specifically geared towards being able to carry out amazing feats in mathematics. However his social skills are severely impared and is bullied for that. Therefore a stereotpical military dad sees that he and his brother is trained in all manner of martial arts around the world........ As he grows older he works as a genius accountant for many shady groups and companies being able to do so because he has the survival skills to not get hurt in doing so....... The main plot of the movie is fun and entertaining and at times actually quite touching (if not a little predictable) Christian Wolff the accountant (Ben Affleck) is brought into a robotics company to uncover shady dealings with the companies books and as he gets close to finding that out everything spirals out of control and its fun to watch.

The B plot of this movie is almost pointless, it just seems to exist in order to give background information to plot A. It sees Marybeth an agent in the IRS goes about trying to find out his background and location....... again if this who part of the movie was stripped and plot A was added to. It would have made for a more exciting movie.

Overall this movie deserves only a 6, if it had jist the A plot that was given a little extra time from the absent B plot. The movie could have easily been an 8. But alas its not. I'd only recommend watching it if you really can't find anything else to watch.
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Hellbound (2021– )
Another Excellent Korean Series
25 November 2021
When you think of the billions of people in the world and how they all came to believe the same religions based quite often on books and hear say from prophets both old and new. Its quite astounding the investment in money, time and space in their thoughts that people give over to something that technically isn't provable. Christianity etc. This show looks at what happens if events in the modern age were to occur, supernatural/relgious and with the wide use of photography and video, how would the world react. Should people with proof via video and proof from their own eyes simply bow down to new religious orders that pop up? Or should they ignore their doctrines and stand against any religion or supernatural entities judgement on their lives? This questions asks a lot of interesting hypotheticals and plays with them in an amazing fashion. Not to give much away of the plot, apart from saying that 3 creatures start coming into the world and bringing death upon apparent sinners who have been warned of their death prior to it occuring via the prophecies of supposed angels. It stirs up amazing questions of free will, the god question, separation of church and state and how the media should be neutral to hardline religious values and doctrine

The show has a great pace over 6 episodes and it feels longer than it was, but in a good sense as nothing felt rushed and there were excellent payoffs. I would recommend it for anyone who likes science fiction or perhaps a bit of philosophy in their shows. The acting was very good as was the special effects. Another great show from Netflix so soon after Squid Game from South Korea. 10/10. Couldn't recommend it any higher.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Excellent series that got better with each season.
21 November 2021
I heard a lot of people get rather upset that Narcos: México came to an end after 3 seasons. But like Narcos show that was set in Colombia I feel this was more than sufficent to tell many stories and give an insight to the Cartels within Mexico. Now within a dramatization of true events, certain aspects are twisted for entertainment purposes. Timelines are condensed to make a better show and characters who didn't exist take to the fore.

The core of the shows looks at the attempts to brings down the different cartels in Mexico, Guadalajara, Tijuana, and the later rise of newer cartels the Sinaloa cartel to name but a few. These huge violent tectonic shifts of power are showen in all their violent reality. With decapitations and hangings being shown. This isn't simply because the creators of the show wanted to bloody things up, this is how things were and still are in Mexico. To portray it otherwise wouldn't be truthful.

What I really loved about Narcos besides the great acting the telling of the story of the Cartels in the early 90s. It was how we got a glimpse of this world from the perspective of several people. Be it the news reporter Luisa Rubina (Andrea Nuñez), trying desperately to uncover government corruption with grit and determination. (she also is the narrator) The NSA agent Walt Breslin (Scoot McNairy) who throws away his relationship to go after the catels. Perhaps for me the most interesting side story, is something that is still very prominent in modern day Mexico unfortuantly, Its the disappearances of young women, often murdered and raped. A semi corrupt cop named Amado Carillo (Jose Yazpik) makes it his mission to stop this from happening, while learning such an effort is like trying to stop the tide coming in. A sad story to follow but perhaps more poignant than the central cartel storylines.

The the cinematography is very nice but I've read that one of the location scouts for the show was killed in Mexico by a supposed cartel member. An ironic and sad thing to have occured. Which goes to show that violence is still occurring in 2021 in Mexico as much as it was in the early 90s when the show is set.

The story had good closure and although I guess you could continue tell the story of Narcos Mexico into the 00s continuing on from the 90s. I believe a new country would perhaps make for a good show. So definitively 10/10 one of the best shows that Netflix has produced.
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A good prison film but not on the same level as The Green Mile or The Shawshank Redemption
19 November 2021
This film is a hard one for me to review because I am very tempted to hold it to the same high standards set by well renowned prison films such as The Great Escape, The Shawshank Redemption etc.

The movie tells the true story of the escape of anti aparhied activists during the 70. Daniel Radcliff heads up the cast acting as Tim Jenkin. While Mark Leonard Winter and Daniel Webber act as fellow escapies. The story follows the story from the cause of incarceration through to the escape. (Saying they escaped isn't a spoiler seeing as its a true story). As interesting as the story is and may have made for a good documentary. I just don't feel it made that good of a film. The characters lacked charisma or much intrigue and the plot was rather predictable with a few moments of tension added to make things more interesting. True stories can sometimes make for amazing films but sometimes they make for better documentaries. I would have rather seen this as a documentary. The movie is by no means bad. The acting was good. The story made sense. The sets were good. The music was ok. So overall 7/10. Not a bad film but definitively not in my top 100 film list.
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A real pleasure to watch.
19 November 2021
I was very lucky to have had the oppprtunity to watch this movie with a good friend of mine, both of us laughed throughout the film and we are both in our early 30s. The movie may be orientated towards children but honestly anyone can enjoy it. The movie tells the story of Count Dracula and his daughter Mavis. Its a coming of age story that sees Mavis wanting to out into the world for the first time while her farther due bad events of the past goes to extreme lengths to stop her from doing so. The story is set during Mavis' 118 birthday and all kinds of monsters and creatures appear at the hotel for the celebration. They are amazingly animated and full of distinct vibrant personalities, some of the monsters include Frankensteins' monster, The Yeti and Werewolves to name but a few..... During the party a young human named Jonathan arrives who shakes things with Mavis and the Monsters. Its pleasure to watch it all play out even though coming of age stories generally play out the same way. However this one is unique due to its setting.

The voice acting amazing. Dracula played by Adam Sandler, I didn't even recognize his voice. When I think of his voice in other movies. Selena Gomez done a great job as Mavis. Voice acting isn't as easy you might think. Dubbing in a lot of foreign films tends to be very bad. So I'm glad such a good animated film chose talented actors and actresses. Much praise has to go to the animators for a viusally beautiful film to look at.

So overall 9/10. You'd be hardpressed to find a better animated film.
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Sicario (2015)
Grear War on Drugs movie.
17 November 2021
There have been many TV shows and films in recent years that look at the history of America's battle with drug cartels in foreign countries, be that Mexico or Colombia for example. Sicario looks at the darker side of the fight against drugs, when the United States government decides to fight back dirty, because sometimes when you are fighting a strong enemy that has zero regard for criminal law, then you have to stoop down to their level.

The main character in the film is FBI agent Kate Macer played by Emily Blunt. After a shocking discovery she made while on an FBI mission she is requested by her superiors to join a task force to go into Mexico and extract a cartle member back to the United States. Joing her are the mysterious figure of Alejandro (Benicio del Toro) and task force leader Matt (Josh Brolin) along side several others who basically act as the firepower.

From there everything is chaotic and we see the grey nature of fighting a war where there aren't two traditional armies standing off, but rather a war where underhand tactics and shortcuts and needes and the is a hinderence. To this end the character of Kate acts like the moral compass but weirdly I couldn't relate to her as much as I could to the idea of underhand tactics for a underhanded enemy. In an ideal world everyone should receive a trail etc but not every corner of the world is ideal which is the journey kate takes.

The story of Alejandro was very interesting as it shows what can happen to a person who has been shaped by the drug cartels and has decided to fight them. I felt much more empathy towards him throughout the course of the film than perhaps I did Kate.

I watched this film not long after having Narcos Mexico and the only reason why I wouldn't rate Sicario as highly would be that Narcos had a better opportunity to show the war on drugs in Mexico from the view of many different types of people but alas one is a film and another is a tv show so maybe its not a fair comparison. Again I just didn't care for Kate. As maybe other people might have so that could have lowered my interest in the film.

Other aspects of the film such as the cinematography and soundtrack were excellent. Some of the tracks having been added to my Spotify playlist. 7/10.
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6Degrees (2012–2015)
Northern Ireland's Inbetweenrers
16 November 2021
This show came out 9 years ago and lasted 3 seasons (at time of writing), and since then this show has had a very very underground feel to it. I don't know anybody who watched it besides myself which is a shame since this is a very good show. It has cast members from the now world famous Derry Girls. Having Jamie-Lee O'Donnell (Michelle in Derry girls) as one of the four central characters. It also has Jayne Wisner as one of the main four cast who acted in the very popular tv show Inbetweeners, albeit as in a supporting role for one episode. Another of the main for 4 actors Ryan McParland acted in Derry girl for one episode as the traveller. So the cast is full of recognizable cast members, all of whom bring their skills to bear in order to create this three season long coming of age show.

This show takes place in a fictional University in Belfast, the filming of which took place Belfast City Metropolitan College in the Titanic Quarter of Belfast. A place where I studied for a time. The location is very nice and probably was much easier to film at, compared to the actual main universities of Belfast, Queens and Ulster.

The show delves into a plethora of issues that young people deal with while coming of age. Be it learning ahout their sexuality. Trying to fit in certain groups. Learning to say goodbye. Amongst others. I myself appreciated this kind of show. As I believe I was studying at this very college while the show was being made and I was dealing with growing pains into adulhood. Unlike The Inbetweeners and Derry Girls which I love. I think it the fact it was a little more drama based as opposed to being comedy focused. Helped with dealing with issues. I believe Derry Girls, having humour as it's core feature was a point to sure that even during the troubles children were still children. 6 Degrees takes places long after the troubles ended in the late 90s. Probably around 2011 -2014

I highly recommend this show for fans of coming of age shows, teenage dramas. Fans of Derry girls. Etc 9/10 I loved every episode.
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Better than most Marvel movies in recent years.
13 November 2021
I've been asking myself, why is it that I didn't really like the avenger movie's? I realized it's because that though the movies can be split up into nearly 5 hours. Each individual character starts to get less and less time as the roster of different characters builds over the years. Therefore watching an origin story movie for me is much more interesting. Focus is on just a few characters and they can shine as the writing aims to let them bloom. Rather tham play second fiddle to more established characters.

With that being said, what is Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings movie all about and is this movie worth seeing? The movie at its core is about Shang Chi (Simu Liu), a young man living in San Francisco working at a hotel parking cars with his friend Katy (Awkwafina) very normal one would think until one day while heading home one the bus with his friend Katy, Shang Chi is attacked by a man with a sword for an arm and several other fighters....

After the fight there is exposition given to Katy of what happened and that Shang needs to go to Macau in China to rescue his sister Xialing. From there the story begins to open up. The movie itself has amazing and seamless cgi, that bring alternate dimensions to life. The colouring is so beautiful and the design of all the creatures is impeccable. The movie has many comedic moments and isn't super serious, many of these comedic moment come from the excellent Ben Kingsley as the almost random chatacter of Trevor and also Katy who is an excellent charismatic sidekick.

Overall this is a great and I like these single character focused movies rather than avenger movies where although the stakes might be higher. Personalities drown each other out and nobody gets over as much as they should.
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Why does this movie even exist??
13 November 2021
The original two Home Alone movies that starred the charismatic Macaulay Culkin and the legendary Joe Pesci have been staples of Christmas movies now for more than a generation of children and adults alike. The central concept of a child being left at home and enjoying the freedom while at the same time having to stop his house from being robbed by two wannabe thieves trying to hit it big in the very nice neighbourhood. The second movie takes the core concept and twists it and has Kevin McCallister alone in New York City, the stakes are raised and the bumbling theives are back to exact there revenge on Kevin. The films are also peppered with feel good moments and interesting side characters and lessons about caring for your family.

So why make another movie??? What made the original movies so good was that the stories were unique and special at thr time. Also they had many excellent actresses and actors that brought the idea to life.... The story has been told. Nothing unique to the core story comes from this new movie. The only original characrer it has is Buzz who was a minor character before (and he was good)..... One can say that yes this movie uses new tricks that Kevin wouldn't have had in 1990. Yet just changing up that alone doesn't warrant a new movie and the story is nowhere near as good as the original two. You would wonder why Disney doesn't try to create something new and special for new generations of kids to hold on to. Instead of recycled ideas that weren't requested by annyone. So 1 out of 10... I don't blame the actors and actresses here. They're ok at their portrayal of the characters. But regardless the story underneath is like a thinly gold plated copper ring while the true 24 carat gold movie came out in 1990. Just avoid this movie, watch the amazing originals like I do each year or see some amazing content from elsewhere.
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Excellent Russian made war movie.
6 November 2021
I am an avid fan of ww2 history and I enjoy reading as much as I can about it, so inevitably I'm a big fan of ww2 movies. What drew me to The Last Frontier was that unlike other movies made by hollywood depicting an eastern front battle. "Enemy at The Gates." comes to mind. All the actors and actresses here are Russian and speak Russian, which gives this movie a level of authenticity that Hollywood doesn't aim for that often... This movie portrays the Battle of Moscow at its most desperate hour. Operation Barbarossa is well underway and the majoity of the frontline Soviet armies have been surrounded and destroyed. Time is everything. The Soviet top generals need more time so they can raise new and fresh armies from the interior of Russia and to movie them to front. All the while holding the Germans back from taking Moscow at all costs. The situation being so desperate that very young trainee cadets from the artillary and infantry school of Podolsk are called to the front to hold back the German's seemingly unstoppable advance. From Podolsk we meet several of the students there, both male and female. The time spent engaging with them prior to battle really allows the viewer to care for them when everything goes downhill.

There is a love triangle where two boys fall for one girl but she only cares for one in a romantic way, while the other is like a brother. But it doesn't feel like cheap emotion. I watched it thinking that the movie feels extremely genuine in that regard. I came away from the movie feeling asking myself a hypothetical, what would have happened if one day in my very small college where I studied. We were asked to fend off an invasion and were handed weapons and death could happen to yourself or your closest of friends at any moment. I was transported into this movie by this thought.

I watched the movie in the Russian and not dubbed. I'm not a fan of dubbed movies so I can't speak for how good or bad the dubbing was. But the genuine emotion I felt from the original actors talking, I didn't feel the need the dubbing. The action scenes were excellent for a war movie. My heart strings were pulled more than a few times. I just wish more Russian ww2 films of this quality existed, that would explore other aspects of tbe war. 9/10 I really can't fault this movie.
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Avengement (I) (2019)
Incredible under the radar movie
3 November 2021
I had never heard of this movie until 2021 even though it had been released in 2019. It wasn't until Netflix recommended it to me that I came across it and then watched it. Where to start with this review. The UK has many gems of low budget movies that don't require much money to absolutely excel. (One that comes to mind is "Attack The Block"). The theme of this movie is a simple one, revenge. The method of that revenge is also simple, lots of bloody violence. There is simple coherent story that lays the groundwork for why all this takes place and it's not complicate, doesn't need to be and I'm happy with that. The flashbacks explained the story well. The movie also has humour which gives this movie a good tone. It's not a trying to be a serious action movie like Die Hard etc. It's having fun.

I'm going to guess this movie's budget was not very high, but I for one would absolutely love to watch 10 low budget movies of this quality than watch one high budget Marvel blockbuster which are getting long in the tooth and repetitive..

The action scenes were excellent, not super releastic, but they were violent and bloody enough to get your adrenaline pumping. One or two made me look away. But I'll not spoil anything.

The two highlights of the acting was the lead Scott Adkins and secondary character Tune played by Thomas Turgoose (who was quite funny) The director Jesse v Johnson, brought it all together and made the movie into a very watchable film. Overall this movie deserves a 9/10. And more low budget films like this need to be made and or get the credit they are due.
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Excellent documentary 9/10
2 November 2021
I'm going to go out on a limb and call this documentary excellent for a number of reasons which I considered while watching the documentary. Most WW2 documentaries made in the recent past have been very sensationalized in order to to perhaps appeal to the masses rather than a narrow base who like world war two in a deep sense, learning facts and figures and small stories etc (youtubers have taken up this rolls) . Documentaries that allow veterans of the war to tell their own story are now almost impossible to make because the majority of them have died because of old age. So having a documentary that has two veterans tell the tale of their unique experience during WW2 is so pleasing but also a bit sad because it will be one of the last such documentaries. This documentary isn't the typical Battle of Normandy or Pearl Harbour documentary thats reasonably common. It looks at a smaller piece of a war that lasted almost a decade (if one includes Japan's early exploits). The story here is the how young Jewish soldiers were made to interrogate while also welcome, potentially useful scientists. I had no idea this occured. It reminded me of a Mark Felton who is a youtuber who makes small videos about the more obscure tales of World War 2. Yet its brought to life, some ww2 footage but mostly with nice animation. Which I found looked quite nice.

Thinking about the strategy of having jews trying to be handlers and interrogators, seems counter productive, but alas it happened. Anyway 9/10 for me as a great ww2 and Netflix documentary. Watch if you enjoy ww2.
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A prequel that actually improves upon the original.
1 November 2021
Many people out there will not like the type of film that Army of Thieves is. Yet many people like myself love it. So, much like the previous film, scores will will either be very low or quite high.... A super serious drama Army of Thieves is not. What it is however is 2 hours, of light drama laced with comedy that is very enjoyable. It tells a prequel story of how the master safe cracker Sebastian, comes to be involved in the world of crime. Joining with a crew that include Gwendoline (Nathalie Emmanuel) as the master thief, Brad Cage (Stuart Martin) as the muscle, Beatrix (Noémie Nakai) as the hacker and finally Rolph (Guz Khan) as the Driver. All the actors and actresses were very good. Its not the type of script/film that one of them could show a 10/10 performance, however they brought to life the good script at hand

One of the criticisms I imagine is that this movie will be called cliched due to its "cliche" moments. However, this movie isn't trying to be super serious and accidently putting in cliches while trying to make a 10/10 film. This film does it in a self aware funny manner. Another nice little feature of this movie was learning about classic music and german mythology via "cliche" exposition. But I enjoyed the movie all the more for it. I loved this movie being all breaking into safes and Interpol being in pursuit. Rather than Zombies. But only by a little. So 8 out of 10. If you liked the original movie watch this one and if you haven't watched either. Watch the original movie first, then this one if possible.
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Amazing film. 10/10
1 November 2021
Last Night in Soho is a film that is, visually beautiful, it has very interesting and well executed plot points that reminded me of flowers blooming in the spring, also it manages to strike a more genuine sense of fear in a way that a simplisitic slasher movie can't. As you feel for the characters in this movie deeply due to great character building in the time allowed. It has to be said that this is the type of movie that you really don't want to watch having read much about it. You have to be unaware as you can be of the plot in order to enjoy the movie fully, as it moves along at a very nice pace taking you on a type of journey that is rare for horror movies. The story sees Eloise , a young women who moves to London in order to Study at the school of fashion, however she brings with her several things. Her deep desire and almost innocent desire to succeed but also an abiltiy to see spirits or ghosts which is not explained at the beginning of the movie. As she moves to London interesting things begin to happen and there begins one of the best horror movies I've watched. The actresses and actors are great, the cinematography excellent. Great directing. Watch it for sure and if possible, avoid any spoilers. 10/10.
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Dune (2021)
Excellent movie for complex story
23 October 2021
Some stories are a lot easier to put onto the big screen than others. So much so, that some movie makers will just avoid attempting to make the movie in question due to likelyhood of failure. In the case of Dune: Part One however, directed by Denise Villeneuve everyone involved gives it their best shot and In fact, end up coming out with an excellent movie. The creaters of this movie from the outset, had the option of making a movie that tries to condence what is a very complex story into probably 3 hours, which would have resulted in a claustrophobic movie, albeit, perhaps an easier to follow movie, A to B to C style. Yet to my surprise and a positive surprise. It feels like only part A of the story has been told. The background to the universe, and world building was the focus. Beautiful cinematography, a rich soundtrack, provided by the ever talented Hans Zimmer is focused on. The CGI isn't the draw of the film but rather it is just implemented when needed. To show off an alien world, large and epic in scope. Careful and talented use of CGI is just fine. The actors and actresses in the movie did a good to pull you into the world. Timothée Chalamet was great in his role as Paul. The only downside the film is not in the quality itself but rather in its inability to be longer and give more. If you are a Science Fiction fan go see this movie, Same if you are a fan of beautiful cinema and are interested in complex narratives. However if you like your films with simplistic and common beginning/middle/end. You might be let down by your expectations. Several people I know called the movie confusing. Overall 8/10 from me however as I see great potential in this franchise. Hopefully a sequal is on the way.
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