
8 Reviews
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Ran (1985)
One of the greatest works of art I have ever seen...
14 August 2012
I recently saw this film for the first time last week because I had heard from many that this was one of Kurosawa's if not THE best. I sat down in front of my television and nearly three hours later my jaw was hanging down to the floor in amazement at the story that had just unfolded in front of my eyes. I was speechless. I knew Kurosawa was great having seen Seven Samurai many times and having adored Rashomon but this was something else entirely. To give away any plot points or any set pieces would just spoil it for you, the viewer, so I will refrain from going into a geek induced love letter but rest assured, those of you lucky few who have yet to experience this film for the first time, it will dazzle and dumbfound you with it's power, beauty and awe. Brilliant.

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The Grey (2011)
An incredible film! Thank you, Joe Carnahan!
28 January 2012
When I first heard Joe Carnahan was doing a movie about survivors from a plane crash being stalked by wolves I got excited. After all I liked The A-Team and Smokin' Aces very much. Then I heard he cast Liam Neeson in the lead and my interest REALLY jumped up a few notches. And finally came January 27th when I sat down and watched the film opening night with a sold out audience...and I walked out stunned. I adored this film. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. Everything from the directing, cinematography, musical score, writing, sound design and the acting was top notch. I have never seen an action/horror film that legitimately had me on the edge of my seat, praying that nothing bad would come to any of the characters on screen. The wolves here are played out for us as some of the most terrifying screen monsters ever to grace cinemaplexes. They are TERRIFYING. Every time you hear a wolf howl in the darkness your heart will skip a beat. Liam Neeson absolutely OWNED his role as John Ottway, the alpha of the group. Every single line he speaks is delivered with the utmost sincerity its easy to forget he's simply speaking written dialogue. The man is a true actor and I am glad he is finally getting the recognition and popularity he deserves. I cannot stress enough how much you MUST, absolutely MUST see this at the cinema with an audience. Everything from the wolf attacks, character deaths, the plane crash and the powerful monologues delivered by the characters will be that much more powerful, especially the last 5 minutes. Please go see this film. You will not regret it at all! P.S. Thank you, Joe Carnahan and co. for one hell of a film!
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Fincher's best since Fight Club
20 September 2010
I have been a fan of David Fincher ever since I saw Se7en when I was 13. I saw all of his films the following week and not one of them disappointed me. That was back in 2003. I loved Zodiac and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button as well, but he really knocked it out of the park with this one. I was fortunate enough to see The Social Network at a screening on 9/16/10 for my college. Eisenberg, Hammer and Sorkin were there and did a Q and A after the film. It was a GREAT experience. All of them seemed excited about the film and rightfully so. The film brilliantly tells the story of college students who go through hell with each other over the credit for Facebook and the damage that comes to all of them because of it. The acting and dialogue were flawless. Eisenberg, Garfield and even Timberlake churn out performances that should get them serious attention come award time. Fincher's direction is also perfect. you can always tell a Fincher film when you see it because his visual style is so striking and The Social Network is no exception. When this is released, please go see it and watch a film that defines a generation and what the world has become.
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An instant Classic!
22 February 2010
First of all I'm a huge Martin Scorsese fan. In my opinion he is in the top 3 best directors working today with David Fincher and Steven Spielberg. So when I found out he would be directing the film adaptation of Dennis Lehane's excellent novel SHUTTER ISLAND, I was thrilled. 1. Because he would be tackling a story and genre that he rarely gets around to, but one that he admires and respects and 2. Because the novel was a throwback to those great mystery/thriller films that Hitchcock made. Needless to say, Scorsese delivered. The film has many twist and turns and keeps you riveted all 138 minutes of the film and the soundtrack is amazing. The cinematography by Robert Richardson is also, quite possibly, the most atmospheric I've ever seen. I truly felt I was watching a film that was made in the 1950s and I really felt I was on that horrible island with Teddy and Chuck. And of course the performances. I've always thought DiCaprio was a great actor, but he nails the character of Teddy Daniels right out of the park. He truly gets better and better with each performance he gives and I believe this is his finest performance he has given yet. Michelle Williams was also great in her flashbacks as Teddy's wife Dolores with how much she is able to convey with few lines of dialogue and her facial expressions. There are just too many great things to say about this film. Don't ask anyone about the plot if you are unaware of it, just go. The less you know, the better the ride will be. Just sit back and enjoy being in the hands of a master.
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Mann's best since HEAT
1 July 2009
3 years after the underwhelming Miami Vice, Michael Mann returns with Public Enemies. To say it is a great movie is an understatement. This is why movies are made, so stories like these can be told by artists like Mann. The performances, especially Bale's, are great and restrained as many people are probably wondering. Depp shows that he is an actual actor who doesn't just put on makeup and appear in Tim Burton films and makes Dillinger incredibly human and likable just like the real man himself was and also shows his violent side with subtlety instead of being over the top. The HD cinematography by Dante Spinotti was also incredible and probably the highlight of the movie since it brought so many dull things and dark rooms come to life with color and light. The sound design is of course amazing as is the case with every Mann film and Elliot Goldenthal's score brings so much emotion and ambiance to every scene it is used in. Go see this film, it truly is a great film and one that you will not regret that you saw at the cinema.
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Simply Beautiful
25 December 2008
I am, like many film fans, a worshiper of David Fincher. The man's films have a perfect quality to them that very few director's can manage to say about their work. Here, with this film, he manages to come as close to perfect as I've ever seen. The experience of watching a man's life and all the experiences and people he meets across the way was beautiful and very moving. When Brad Pitt and David Fincher get together to make a film, pure awesomeness comes out. I am not going to tell you what happens in the film or why I am so speechless about the artistry of it, but I just want to say that this film is worth your time. If you love movies in general or just a beautifully well-told story you must see this. If no one involved in the film gets nominated for any Oscars, it just proves that there is no God. :) Just enjoy the experience.
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18 July 2008
This is Batman as we've never seen it on the screen. To be honest, I never thought we would ever see a Batman movie as great as this was or as complex as this was. Whats to be said that hasn't been said already? If you can find an IMAX theater that's not sold out, definitely go there. The scenes that they filmed in the IMAX format are spectacular and are truly worth of admission alone. The acting, directing, the music, and especially the writing are all top of the line. Heath, Christian, and Aaron give some of the greatest performances of their careers and even though Heath is gone, he will forever be a legend because of his defining role as the Dark Knight's arch nemesis: the Joker. all the supporting people like Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Maggie Gyllenhaal and even Eric Roberts do great in their parts, Oldman my favorite among them. If you're thinking of taking your kid or kids to the movie, don't. they couldn't handle or comprehend it. just go see it, and revel at one of the best sequels ever made and one of the greatest movies ever made. Christopher Nolan has outdone himself.

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Zodiac (2007)
Fincher is back and taking names
3 March 2007
5 years since Fincher's last film. 5 years too long. He picked up projects and then dropped them. Finally he found a script that satisfied him. ZODIAC by James Vanderbilt. 2 years after I found out that he would direct ZODIAC and THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON back to back I walk in to see the first mentioned. It was fantastic. The cinematography on the Thompson viper camera was beautiful. The colors were great and the camera movements fluid. The acting from everyone is great. Gyllenhaal, Ruffalo, Downey Jr., Edwards, Carrol Lynch, and even Brian Cox and Philip Baker Hall were great with the screen time they had. The movie had old school Paramount and Warner bros. logos in the opening which made me smile, and the choices of music were spot on. Everybody on this movie did 110%. The detail to all the Zodiac's murders and clues was a major plus. This is definitely Fincher's most mature and well made film. Fight Club and Se7en are still preferred by me because I have seen both dozens of times and will continue to watch them. Se7en is my second favorite film ever made. the only thing i have a rough spot for is the length. it was incredibly long. I'm sure it could have been shortened a bit, but then again, I'm glad it wasn't. That is what happens when you have a director with final cut over his movie. Anyway, all Fincher fans should go see ZODIAC. All people who don't want to because of Graysmith's opinion on the case should see it too. This is truly a great film and worthy of your time. I can't wait to go see it again.
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