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One of the worst endings of any film I have ever seen.
20 April 2014
Don't believe a word of it. They all just pretend the ending doesn't exist

If you read these reviews and then watch this movie, you will know what I mean. I won't disclose the ending because that seems to be the parlor game for this film. Well, ask yourself this, if nobody wants to discuss the ending of a film, do you think the ending makes the film a "masterpiece" (not a chance) or the ending makes the film a mess? Even the IMDb summary is not true:

"A tragic accident causes an Elvis impersonator to reassess his priorities."

No it doesn't. No it doesn't. That is simply not true. There is no way to read that into the ending.

ps: up until the ending, it is pretty good, not great, but pretty good
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lousy character development, lousy character motivation, and lousy editing
9 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the Bottom Line: if you make a movie about the relationship between 2 people and one of the 2 people was a "mature, developed" person when the relationship began, then a) you have to explain who that person was, b) subsequent events cannot all be incongruous, & c) you cannot focus only on the relationship and completely ignore that one of the 2 people seems to have some life outside of the relationship.

Lousy character development, lousy character motivation, and lousy editing (though maybe some of you would call that plot development, I don't know).

Lousy character development: a) Eva was supposed to be a world-traveler who later (when? Not sure, but much later since her daughter was no longer a toddler. Why? Not sure of that either.) wrote a book about traveling the world (I guess that was the topic. We are not given any insight.). OK. We're shown nothing of this except a visit to a tomato festival in Spain and her desire to personalize her room by wallpapering it with maps. b) We're also clued in that she loves living "in the city", NYC to be exact, but we are also shown none of this. c) She then marries a chubby buffoon (Why? WTF knows or even seems to care.) who forces her to move to the burbs, and not just any burbs. These are likely the burbs of NYC, perhaps the most depressing burbs in the world.

All this happens but we're given no reason to believe in any of it. It just happens. She just does it. It may as well be a Nike commercial. She is like a sphinx or a deer-in-headlights.

Lousy character motivation: a) So, after Eva's non-existent character development, she's living with a devil-child in the deadly boring burbs. Great. Boy, to put up with this, she must really love that guy. Not. We're shown no spark or even a connection between the "happily" married couple. b) Well, maybe something else in the burbs fulfills her. Uh, no. For some # of years, she seems to be a stay-at-home housewife. But she is SO BUSY that she seems to make little attempt to have her devil-child properly assessed by the proper professionals, No Matter How Bad Things Get. c) She seems to get a job at some point. What is it? Who knows. Who cares. d) So, her life is about the exact opposite of what she would have probably envisioned, and there is no sign of offsetting, positive factor. So, what does she do? She sticks around and HAS A SECOND KID! Good one. e) Well, having a 2nd kid didn't improve the home-dynamic any, and now her loving 2nd kid is being terrorized by the devil-child. So, does she do anything about it? Snooooooooooooooooooore. Dems duh breaks lil girl.

Lousy Editing: a) What was this book supposed to be? The film is about the character EVA. We are shown almost nothing to understand her. Then, the 2nd most notable thing she does in her life is writing this book. (#1 being raising a psycho-killer and warning nobody about him) The film treats it like a throwaway. b) What was that job she was at when she heard about trouble at the high school? What? How long did she work there? Did they have a nanny? Huh? What? Here's one of the screwed-up things, she knew he was a devil-child, the husband wouldn't believe it, so one obvious thing to do is GET ANOTHER WITNESS. Hire a nanny, get out of the house, let the nanny deal with him, then get the nanny to back you up. c) When she is coming out of court, the lawyer says "You'll lose your business." Huh? WHAT BUSINESS!??! Huh?

And this is all before the "climax". What happens after the climax, just pathetic. WTF did she stay? WTF did she stay prior to having a 2nd child? WTF did she stay and keep the 2nd child exposed to such danger, exposed to such malignance and cruelty? WTF did she stay prior to the climax? And, most obviously, WTF did she stay after the climax? Perhaps she was a different sort of psychpath, or just ridiculously weak.
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Suicide Kings (1997)
amateurishly orchestrated exclamations
22 September 2007
Totally ridiculous plot overwhelms any positive aspects. Don't bother.

This movie exemplifies the praise a movie gets by virtue of film-school dropouts on Lake IMDBgone!! Elitist Hollywood nitwits call anything that stars someone they once saw walking down the street sensational!!! They even know how to turn a simple exclamation point into a lethal object!! Very ineffective and self-degrading!!! The list of other peculiarities in these comments epitomizes the superb acting required for them to exude false intellectualism!! The comment starts out with an amateurishly orchestrated exclamation attempt which is used as a defense strategy to abort the insight that the dropout has no clue!! It is proverbial adolescent convoluted logic to appear educated!! The bottom line on this whole charade is that there is little or no organ above the neck!! Mutilation of basic punctuation serve(s) as a cry for attention!! It really does not work, of course, not in real life!! The intensity of insecurities in this ... oh,, the humanity.
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another Lake IMDBgone dork dude special
15 September 2007
OK, there are 16 votes by guy dorks for every vote by a female. The guy dorks rate it a full point better than do females. Get it? It is a dork dude special. Like the dork who says the characters are "organic". If he means they seem like they were raised in a pile of manure, I guess I agree. The problem is the dorks assume those who don't praise this just find it "difficult to follow". It isn't difficult to follow, it is just not worth following. Having said that, I'm a Coen fan, but my recommendation is to see this only after you've seen Fargo, Lebowski, and even Arizona, at least a half-dozen times. The idea that people should watch twice or more because they don't like it the first time could only be proposed by a film-school dropout who tried that while failing Noir-101.
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Akira (1988)
Is your head hurting? An acting disaster protocol ...
11 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The truest words spoken in Akira are when Kaneda screams (Kaneda does nothing but scream) "Where the hell am I friggin going?". By that time this thing has gone off the deep end. I have to give it a few points for the fine animation and for having influenced other, future, better movies. But, beyond that, geeeeez. This thing consists of violence, screaming, violence, swearing, violence, some Blade Runneresque neighborhoods, violence, and more screaming. When the lead characters are punks with inferiority complexes who ride around trying to smack people on the head with lead pipes, well, who gives a ($*@$*#($!! It really does need some kind of theoretical physical framework, because all systems are definitely not nominal in Akira.
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The Matador (2005)
Lake IMDBgone strikes again. Watch Grosse Point Blank.
18 August 2007
I actually enjoyed this flick, for all of its faults. But, how in the world can anybody except Grannie Kinnear vote this above a 7? Brosnan was very good. His character was a jumble. The writers and directors obviously knew they were walking a fine line between making him strange, but almost likable/redeemable, and a total jerk. They fell off the line multiple times. Other problems? I'll repeat what one of the highly rated haters of this film wrote: "Early in the film we see Brosnan about to leave a hotel room having spent the night with a lovely lady. She is asleep in bed whilst. Before he leaves he decides to steal her nail polish and then goes to the bathroom to paint his toe nails. Why? We never see that girl again nor the toe nails and I don't see the point. Also throughout the film Brosnan hints at his characters supposed homosexuality and perverse sexual tastes, but nowhere does this get progressed in the film, and I was left thinking "why" "what" "where", and "when". It is obvious that he is a hit-man/ assassin in decline but do you really expect that he would tell Kinnears character what his job was within 5 minutes of meeting him in a bar in Mexico." There are more. I give it a 5 but I have to say I agree more with those who gave it a 1 than with those who gave it a 9 or 10. All in all, I recommend you just watch Grosse Point Blank.
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Hard Boiled (1992)
Hard-boiled, as in cooked too long.
16 August 2007
It is quite good, until they get to the hospital. Then, it turns into the most mindless mess of misanthropy this side of mindless slasher flicks that would never rate over a 1. How could it go south so quickly? What were they thinking? Was it so they could add the asinine and annoying "Save the Babies" subplot. Oh ... my ... gawd. That ... was ... lame. Yup, "No babies were hurt in the making of this film". Of course, about 68 nurses were mowed down and 17 elderly people on crutches and in wheelchairs were whacked. But hey, that's action. So, my advice? Watch until he says "tell her to meet me at the hospital". Then hit the STOP button.
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Red Beard (1965)
A word of advice
16 August 2007
Have 3 hours to kill. This is another one of the "classics" by a "great" director that has 13 male votes for every female vote. Obviously, the film-school dropout dorks are out in force making sure it gets rated 8+. In the last week, I've seen both Sanjuro and this for the first time, and I now know why I had never seen them before, They're OK, but not in league with Kurosawa's great flicks. Contrary to the comment that this "sometimes admittedly veers close to sappiness but never indulges", BOY does it INDULGE. It feels like they were getting paid for drama per minute. And at 3 hrs long, that is a lot of drama. In fact, there are so many "tragic" characters and subplots introduced that this actually veers into melodrama. How could it be worth 8+? Explain why Mifune is a minor character for the first 90 minutes. Better yet, lose most of the first hour, including the entire subplot of the mantis woman. Better yet, since she was a stimulating character and the scene where she stalks and attacks is great, put this entire subplot in a separate movie. It'd probably be a classic and Akahige would be improved. Then, lose most of the Chigusa subplot, including all of "oh, I had a baby and now you need to marry myyounger, nicer sister so my pop can save face and hug his grandkid at the same time." And, maybe lose one of the two patients that die, or at least kill them pronto. If you don't have 3 hours to kill? You're going to be reading subtitles anyway, right? You can play a DVD on 2x speed and still see the subtitles. So, whenever Mifune isn't in a scene (WHICH IS OFTEN), put the DVD into 2x speed. You'll find that many of the scenes look more real at 2x. That is how slow the pacing is in this. OK, now the dorks can flame me.
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Hello? editing? A little help?
16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Likable but surprisingly weak. Yes, of course, the basic concept is comic, and there are many funny scenes, but it really does jump back and forth between comedy and drama, and that isn't usually a problem, except that here, it is done poorly in many ways. A big part of the problem is editing I'd say. First, the initial romancing of Lara is way too long. SOme people think the movie itself is too long, but I find that hard to say, since I think there were things that needed to be added ... and other things that needed to be removed ... and a lot of things that needed to be one or the other. In general, the latter part of the movie was full of dubious choices and sloppy editing. Why was the father reintroduced into the scene? To show us that the mom is a moron? Great. There was NO reason to bring him back. Maybe it added the concept that families were torn apart by the wall, but DUH! The result was a deep dive back into drama from the shallow end of comedy. Then, why did the daughter run from the father after she had read his letters and knew the truth. It makes no sense, and is totally unexplored. Next, we see Lara tell the mother something about the border being gone. But the mother never asks her son what the $@#^$* his gal is talking about, and then when they show her the wall coming down on the fake news that night, the mother doesn't ask "Gee, how did Lara know that before it happened." Very weak all around. But there is more. Next we see Berlin's fireworks display to celebrate the anniversary. But, just a few minutes before, the son tore pages off the calendar and said they were holding their anniversary party on the 2nd, not the 7th. So, if this family was celebrating on a day other than the actual anniversary, why is there a city fireworks display on that night. Very weak.
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not Best in Show, nor even Drop Dead Gorgeous
15 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love these Guest/Levy put-ons, and Willard is always great. So is O'hara in this. But come on, this is not in the same league as their others. It isn't even nearly as good as Drop Dead Gorgeous. I know that is by a different troupe, but it is a great comparable. The part leading up to the show is good. The show is interminable. It kills the movie. After the show ends, things get better again, but that huge dead-spot in the middle makes it impossible to give this more than a five. Once again, the people who give these mediocre movies a "10" seem to be missing an oar. Take this comment: "the character of Corky ... at first glance he can seem like an annoying gay stereotype. But good ol' Christopher Guest has a trick up his sleeve...listen VERY carefully and you'll hear him mention his wife (just once in the whole movie). I don't actually think for a minute Corky is homosexual, he just acts exceedingly camp. ... We should realise that Christopher Guest is one step ahead of us!" Hello!?!? Guest is two steps ahead of this guy I'd say. Corky CLAIMS to have a wife. Somebody else in the flick, maybe it is Mrs. Pearl, says nobody has ever seen her. Hello!? That is the joke. Get it now?
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Tokyo Story (1953)
Sho-ga-nai wane or Shikata-ganai ??
13 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The daughter says "Sho-ga-nai wane" when she is making the bed for her drunk ota-san. I don't think anyone says the more formal and more despairing "Shikata-ganai". That says a lot, and it means that the reviews that take Tokyo Story as damnation of the ungrateful devils in the younger generation or as damnation of a "western society" (as one reviewer fantasizes) are off base. "Sho-ga-nai wane" simply means "that's the way it is". My wife says it fairly often. "Shikata-ganai" seem to be more like "life sux and then you die". My wife doesn't say that and nobody says that in Tokyo Story. This movie is a dilemma, sort of like the dilemma discussed while they're drinking ... how it is tough to live with your kid but tough for them to be gone. This movie? As oka-san says about her kids "certainly better than average". And in Lake IMDBgone, average is about a 6.5, so I give this an 8. The problem? Tokyo Story is both literally and figuratively BLACK & WHITE. It is a simple movie. Even the dialogue is simple. How simple? I speak Japanese worse than kindergarten level, but I could understand most of what the older generation said. They talked slowly. They used simple grammar, polite forms, and simple words. So, I empathize with the commentator who panned it. Yeah, I also knew everything that would happen after 20 minutes of viewing. If I hadn't spent a lot of time in Japan and have Japanese in-laws, i.e. If I had little to no interest in Japan, I might feel similar and not even have watched the whole thing. (In this way, it is almost like Lost in Translation.) I mean, if you have little to no interest in Japan, it is neither very entertaining nor very revealing. Come on, you have to be pretty baka to not understand generational gaps and the damage done to family life by modern society. Well, duh! Having said all that, the message is well-done, it is universal, and who knows, maybe seeing it in a different time and place will add something for you even if all you know about Japan is Sony and Toyota. If it weren't set in Japan, I'd probably give it a 6.
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Sanjuro (1962)
To answer the question: See Yojimbo
11 August 2007
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Sanjuro is good, but not even close to Yojimbo's league. Sanjuro probably isn't even one of his top 6 movies. Mifune and Nakadai are fine, but the women are irritating (in a way and to a degree that perhaps Japanese women have perfected, speaking as someone who knows Japanese women). There just really isn't that much to this. I believe those who say he was forced to make this movie and made it as a bit of a joke. It is that far below his standard of excellence. I've seen Yojimbo 3x. This once. I'd watch Yojimbo again before this. My question is; can some film school dropout explain the supposed point of the fountain of blood in the final scene?
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Fireworks (1997)
an existential ode to violence
9 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So, it has come to this. In the top-rated comment on this flick, somebody says "Nishi is an honorable man". Really? This is a guy who mainly kills and maims people in the movie. He takes a short break to rob a bank. Honorable? How would you like your kids to go to school with the kids of someone who calls that honorable? Wait, there's more! The person also says "we can tell he's constantly thinking." How can we do that? Well, do you know that joke "How can you tell when a CEO/politician/lawyer is lying?" ... "His/her lips move." Well, Nishi's lips never move, so I guess that means he is thinking.

Of course, this is existentialism to warm the hearts of the cult of victimization. Existentalism supposedly stresses that an individual take responsibility for the consequences of one's acts. Not Nishi. Borrow money from the yakuza. What, they want it back? Kill them. The cops find out. Kill yourself and your wife.

Really honorable.
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having seen The Departed first
9 August 2007
I'd say the most amazing thing about INfernal Affairs is that it shows that Hollywood's greatest accomplishment is not its ability to make truly terrible movies. No, Hollywood's greatest accomplishment is its ability to take a great movie and remake it into something infernally inferior. If you haven't seen either of these films, ignore The Departed and watch Infernal Affairs. After you watch Infernal Affairs, continue to ignore The Departed. In IA, the story is tighter, there are no wasted or superfluous scenes seemingly thrown in to give the top-billed some extra face-time, the romantic appendage is simpler and actually logical, unlike the hack-job in The Departed, and the ending is better. What more could you ask for? Oh yeah, there is more ... no Nicholson over-acting, no bad Boston accents and the cops don't all act stupid all the time.
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Deja Vu (2006)
best time-travel movie of all time?????
23 July 2007
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. B&T also had a more consistent and thought-provoking view of the recursivity conundrum of time-travel. Now this movie is a conundrum. I agree with most everything the headline comment (a 9 rating) by Max Million says. Aside from the time-travel hoariness, the movie is well-done and enjoyable. Denzel does not disappoint. I also agree with most everything said by the last few commenters, who downgrade it for the time-travel and plot holes. Full disclosure, except for Bill & Ted, I really really dislike most time-travel movies. When I rented this, I didn't know about the time-travel aspect. (Maybe I've got to get out more. Nah!) When I realized it was turning into a time-travel movie, I reflexively reached for the remote to turn it off. But, I didn't because I was enjoying it to that point. So, for those thinking of watching it ... go ahead, just forgive it the maybe-below-average time-travel difficulties. Look past that and it is enjoyable. Party on, dudes!
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Syriana (2005)
Not as good as a DVD of the NIT quarterfinals
21 July 2007
So here's the plot. Americans conniving meanies. Arab royalty reform-minded, family-centric icons. Muslim terrorists victims. That about wraps it up. Now, when it comes to the CIA and CEOs, I guess I actually agree with the conniving meanies part. As for the rest ... Fuggedaboutit. ANyone who votes above a 5 for this simply needs to see the current administration attacked, and is willing to give bonus points to anyone who does that. Other than that, it is simply not a good movie. It is confusing. Yes, I understood all the interconnections and all the implications. I didn't enjoy how they were laid out. The direction and editing stunk. Did Clooney actually win an Oscar? Wow! That is just another manifestation of Hollywood wanting to bow down to anything that attacks Bush. Prince Hasin (or something like that) was more deserving to win an Oscar. He was great, and I'd bet he was on-screen more than Clooney. ps: The movie was bad but go ahead and attack Bush. He'll go down in history as the worst President ever. Just don't pretend anything that attacks him is great and deserves an award. He is too easy a target for that.
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Forest plays fat cannibal wearing kilt. Cool.
19 July 2007
Just kidding. But really, this is another one of those flicks that has (A) almost no likable characters and (B) plot snafus/ characters continually doing really dumb stuff. Now, I haven't read the book, and I do not know how much of this is actually true. But, 98% of Garrigan's actions are either (A) just plain stupid or (B) totally unbelievable. You tell me. Either way, that is a big hurdle for a fat guy in a kilt to leap. So, lets see. I go to Africa. I treat a guy for syphilis. I then proceed to sleep with the same women he sleeps with! Oh by the way, the guy is a psychopathic killer. What?!?!? How stupid is Garrigan supposed to be? As for plot snafus, I think the editing just stunk. For example, just after Garrigan gets it on with Kay, every runs around saying "Amin wants everyone down by the lake ... Hurry up." So, everyone runs to the lake & Amin is playing a tune, and ... nothing happens. Did I fall asleep? What was that? Did they edit out a scene and forget to edit out the one leading up to the one they edited out? That is not the only such instance, but why bother ... it is only a 4.
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The Prestige (2006)
Not in any way a "Top 100" movie
26 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Too full of the current fashion: flash-backs, flash-forwards, twists, and turns. The main point of them in this case seems to be to confuse people. Well, guess what, I was confused, but that didn't stop me from figuring out the BIG SURPRISE that Borden had a twin about halfway thru the movie. here's an example of those giving it a "10": "Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman give out powerful performances. I can imagine no other actors to portray these characters." Whenever someone says that about actors in a movie, you know they cannot think outside the cranium, never mind outside the box. And here is more "The film also features a solid performance of David Bowie, playing an expert in electricity." Whoa. This film expert never even heard of Nikola Tesla. Hey film school dropout, he is a real person. Whether he built the first transporter/cloner/whatever, well, we'll leave you to think about that. What? Don't they offer "Physics for Dumbies" in film school?
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Really quite disappointing
25 June 2007
I expected a lot from this. I got fine acting and cinematography, but, wow, I guess the directing just stunk. This tried to do too much and ended up not doing enough of any of it. Too many characters, too little development. Too many flashbacks, and really, only 1 or 2 made the point sufficiently. I guess I'd say "You cannot build (a dozen) characters in a war movie through flashbacks of back-home scenes." Somehow the reverse seemed to work well for Deer Hunter, but this just didn't' work here. For example, the Olympic equestrian champ ... was that character development? The "Oh, you better watch out for your insubordinate underlings" ... then no further development. Was the fact that they ordered their men to "die with honor" supposed to be fulfillment of that little subplot? I could go on, but hey, at least Clint tried.

As for those that think every anti-war film is treasure, use your brain. I'm not exactly a pacifist, but I'd gladly wear an "Anti-War" t-shirt. But that doesn't mean I don't know the shades of gray. For example, IMDb chooses to use this little ditty as the #1 comment on this flick "Virtually all of the uber-patriotic tendencies that were rampant in Imperial Japan during WWII were also in Nazi Germany and, as both "Flags" and "Letters" demonstrate in the United States as well. People were used for the purpose of the government and were fed propaganda just the same. Maybe in a different form, but in the end it is all the same."

"In the end it is all the same"?????????? Hello??? Anybody home up there?? That comes from one of the "cult of victimization" blockheads that cannot tell the difference between someone who attacks, who starts a war, and someone who defends them-self. Right now, this blockhead is out carrying a sign hoping we'll send big bucks to Gaza to buy Big Macs for the people who voted Hamas into office and then faced the (obvious) consequences.
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All in all, at least it is better than Sin City.
10 June 2007
Another one of those anointed films that people have to make junk up about to rationalize their obsession. Bottom line is: lots of people these days love to watch films that are about little more than CRUELTY ... slasher films, supposed psychological thrillers, and others. At the end of the day, they're just an excuse to sell tickets via showing cruelty. So, this film takes that path but adds a fairly good story and some good acting and some a strange interaction between a 20th century civil war and fairy tale darkness. Contrary to the opinions of some here, no those two worlds did not blend well. That is one of the fundamental problems with the film. We can spend hours finding ways the two worlds may intersect, ways the two themes speak to universal truths, but, hey, why don't you just go back to flippin burgers. In this film, they clash, not blend. Discord, not harmony.

At least, unlike others who were disappointed, I didn't have "unsurmountable expectations". Even so, I was disappointed. I agree that it feels half-baked and the fantasy world goes completely unrealized and remains paper thin throughout. Contrary to the opinions of some here, the pale creature is not "devastatingly creepy". He is interesting. He is well done. He is in the film for about 2 minutes. In those 2 minutes, he does nothing really creepy.

Another fundamental problem is that, other than the girl, nobody is really likable. You know, it would have helped if we could have liked the mother, at least. Or, if Mercedes wasn't so stupid that she didn't kill the Captain. Really. Who with half a brain says, "You won't be the first pig I've gutted!" to someone lying helpless on the floor, and then turns around and runs away ... with little hope of escaping and no real idea that running away sooner really makes escape more likely. Just dumb writing. I won't bother with other holes.
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Borat (2006)
Great success! I was going to vote "7"
6 May 2007
until I read all the narrow-minded PC bull from the usual haters. Do NOT believe them. For example, one hater calls it "Cruel and exploitative" and points us to a article that digs into how much of it was staged versus impromptu. This hater claims (OK, lies) about the article he/she just pointed us to. Why would someone do that? Here is the article The hater says the article "reveals almost none of the gags were staged". Actually, it reveals that at least WERE staged. Hater calls 2 scenes "memorably cruel" and "vicious" ... the Jewish B&B and the southern dinner party. Read the article. In neither case do the, ahem, "victims" agree with the words "cruel" or "vicious". So much for victimization. So, I give the movie a 7 on its own and add 3 points for its ability to out the hypocrisy of the cult of victimization. All PC, all the time.
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It is actually pretty good. Get over it.
27 April 2007
When so many big budget Hollywood shells get voted 8 or better here, I am amazed that so many can hate a film just because it doesn't take itself seriously, or according to one film-school dropout "failed to explore anything". And then what about the "fan of Gram Parsons for a long time" who complains that "when i found out they were making a film about him i was very exited ... was sickened by what i saw, This film wasn't about his life, it was about the aftermath of his death. I thought it would be a descent film about Grams Life and Music". So this one hates the film because he didn't bother to take the time to find out what it was about prior to watching it. Well duh! Do not be scared off by the low rating. The obvious reason all the Gram-fans have to vote it down is because as we all know "true fans" always take the object of their fandom seriously, and this film doesn't take itself seriously. It is very low-key, except Applegate, who as usual, is eye-candy. Speaking of Applegate, wasn't she in Anchorman? Now there was a film I saw only half of. Let me put it this way; if you loved Anchorman, you probably won't like this. If you're an uber-Gram-fan, you probably will hate this. If you just want a few chuckles, and are willing to laugh at stereotypes like a mellow, stoned hippie, a red-neck cop (though what a red-neck cop is doing in LA, I'm not sure), a little tugging at your inner yin-yang, then watch this. And no, absolutely contrary to the gram-fans, this isn't slapstick. It is actually the opposite. It is actually almost too mellow, and the best lines come out of nowhere.
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The Departed (2006)
THIS won an Oscar? Any Oscar?
26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't surprised when it won. The "oh, he/she has never won, so we've got to give it to he/she" has been VERY busy the last few years. Plus, I hadn't seen it. I was really looking forward to it. WOW!! This was bad in a number of ways, but mainly because this has to be the worst screenplay EVER to win any Oscar, never mind a best pic. How else was it bad? Casting Nicholson as a tough guy that would scare everyone else has always been a laugh. Nicholson is a little pisant. He wouldn't last a year in South Boston, never mind decades. Nicholson's games with hookers were pointless and just distracting. The woman shrink, whatever her name was, sleeping with both Damon and DiCaprio was ridiculous. Wahlberg (was that him? I hadn't known he was in the pic, and for a few minutes I thought Damon was playing two characters.), looked and sounded like a local village idiot in Charlestown. Truly, the entire police force, local, state and FBI couldn't have lit a 100 watt bulb. The idea that Nicholson's character wouldn't have fingered and killed DiCaprio's character quickly is also ridiculous. Let's see. Nicholson has, oh, a half-dozen henchmen, all of whom have been with him for YEARS, all of whom have KILLED for him. Then DiCaprio shows up. He is an EX-COP! Hicholson takes him in. About a year later, it becomes clear there is a rat in the group. Gee, who do we suspect?

Now here is one that gets a little tricky. I noticed the guy told DiCaprio to go to #314 instead of #344. The guy noticed that DiCaprio still showed up at #344. Now, we aren't sure if that guy was an undercover cop or not. The TV said he was. Nicholson doubted it. If the guy wasn't a rat, why didn't he tell his cohorts that DiCaprio was, ahem, suspicious. Gee you think?

Another reason it is so ridiculous he hadn't killed DiCaprio by then. When the TV fingers one of his guys as a rat, Nicholson won't believe it, though he knows there is one. This is like a "which one doesn't belong in this group" game for a 2 year old, but Nicholson failed it!

There were a few more crazy plot holes and foolish setups. It was hard to keep up with them. As for the almost everybody-gets-shot-in-the-head ending, don't get me started. There are too many inanities there to begin. At least Wahlberg's village idiot knows how to put on foot covers. Was that to hide the fact that he didn't know how to tie his shoes?

All in all, I understand why MS got the Oscar. The direction and acting was pretty good. But, giving this a Best Pic or voting it anything over a 6 is ridiculous.
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Munich (2005)
Very well done, with only minor flaws
15 March 2007
I can almost forgive Spielberg for the waste of War of the Worlds. I would say the only flaws I see may be due to the source material. i don't know because I have not read the book. I know it is politically correct to feel bad about killing people, even if you'r'e an assassin, but hearing them whine about it all the time was pretty annoying. And the way Avner reacted to Israelis when it was over. Why would he be so upset with everyone? Why in the world would he accuse them of trying to kill him? I guess the point of the story is that if you go around killing people, and you didn't start out crazy, you'll go crazy. I guess, but that isn't exactly a universally significant insight. By the end, I got so tired of this aspect that I truly cannot even remember how it ended.
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
OK, so we know Elvis fans are rowing with one oar, BUT
27 January 2007
for 9,000 of them to rate this highly is ... is ... is exactly what I'd expect to happen when you mix a bunch of Elvis fans with Lake IMDBegone. Face it, this stinks and Elvis is a court jester next to Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry. Damn, the talented Elvis is Costello. I'll admit, I watched a bunch of this on fast-forward, but a couple of places I rewound to see if I missed anything interesting or remotely talented. ... NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!! Just more swill. The only good thing to say is that we know the people who made the flick know its a 1 or 2. Its just the cretin Elvis fans who can't figure it out. So, I'm expecting a rating of 8.8 and a #11 on the best movies of all time for the eventual sequel ... Dubya Ho-tep; Elvis vs. Saddam.
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