
6 Reviews
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Perfect if you want to be entertained
11 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
T2 has what entertainment should have: well timed explosions, state of the art cgi and good humor (unless you can't cope with today's comedy, of course, which means you probably are borderline emo). Reading some of the commentaries that others left for this movie, I was shocked to see there are people that go and watch films they know they won't like just to have something to bitch about. So, here are a few advices to help you decide if you would like watching T2 or not.

Watch this if you: - have friends; bring them along with you.

  • want to see a movie that isn't aiming for an Oscar or some other critic award.

  • think T1 was good. You will simply love this one.

  • just need to clear your head and not have to torture your brain trying to figure out some intricate plot. The story here is simple, to the point and isn't trying to alter your persona.

  • feel that movies shouldn't and aren't there to educate you.

Don't watch it if you: - think CGI is destroying film making today.

  • hate Michael Bay; he's just unleashing all the chaos you couldn't deal with before, and then some (and if you hate him, there's something wrong with you and your imaginary world, because I'm 99% sure you have never even met him).

  • are looking for a film with a higher purpose than raw entertainment, you just won't find it here.

  • are too old to even listen to loud music in your own home. This movie was not made for you.

  • think that computer generated robots fighting is real violence.

I hope I've been of some sort of help. If not, I'm sorry and you should tell it to someone who cares. I'm off.
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Well, at least it's original
20 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Even though it somehow resembles the relationship between the two brothers in "Before the devil knows you're dead", it's something else. If you have a strong moral compass, you will love the struggle the guys go through when they realize the easiest way to get out of financial problems is to kill someone for money.

I myself have what you can call "loose morals" and "a broken moral compass". Something like Ian, who understands a chance like the one is presented to him may never appear ever again. That's what his brother can't understand and can't live with. I couldn't be touched by his remorse and edginess, even though Colin Farrel did his best. It wasn't an easy role and he did better than anyone else could, in my opinion. It's an ironic film, in the end. Howard's constant talk about how family is all you have and all you can trust just gets washed away when he encourages Ian to kill his brother, so he can save his own ass. On top of all that, the end is as ironic as it can be, even though I thought it sucked.

All in all, it's a film worth watching, but not at the cinema, because it can get quite boring at times. Definitely rent it though.
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Mr. Woodcock (2007)
Mr. Woodcock's got (basket)balls...
3 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this because I had nothing else to do... And, really, it seems I should've just stared at the walls for a couple of hours instead of watching this flick.

Thornton plays a gym teacher from hell, that is just so mean to his students and almost anyone else, but his teaching techniques are very appreciated in the community... alright, STOP! Anyone that would stay around someone like him for more than 10 seconds would see how much of an a-hole he is. It's just so "in your face" that it hurts.

William Scott plays some guy that was abused by this teacher and, later on, writes a book about letting go of the past. Yes, he comes back to his home town and realizes he can't let go. I think this is supposed to make fun of all those people that believe this kind of books are of any help to anyone, let alone change one's life. Everyone that says the book changed their lives in the film is a loser.

Susan Sarandon is almost invisible in the action of the movie, even though her relationship with Woodcock (now that's a name!) is the trigger for the storm that follows. Note: I mean invisible as in not interesting, mediocre, just plain stupid role.

I expected more from the end, but then I just realized: this film looks like it's written by a crazy, emotional cripple gym teacher. Throughout the plot, all of Farley's fans are losers and all those that "succeeded" in life are grateful for the humiliation they were subjected to during gym classes. The film ends as John Farley agrees with his teacher's methods and thanks him for the bad way he was treated in school. Although giving up in such a pitiful way has nothing to do with having a backbone, John writes a new book called "Backbone". o.0 Conclusion? It's boring, not interesting, not good and certainly annoying. The only funny things about this film are the gags, and those are mediocre as well. So don't go see it in a theater and don't rent it. Just wait until it's shown on TV, as you might find yourself looking for the remote after 15-20 minutes.
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Love love love love.... Love... Love... lol(?)
29 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty nice piece of comedy. I didn't laugh out loud, but it gave me a few chuckles here and there and that's about all I ask from a comedy nowadays. It's not bad, but not good either. It's not a serious film, it's almost like any other comedy that Ben Stiller acted in as lead character. It's perfect for his style and those that like it will enjoy the movie very much. Now, the spoiler section... Ben Stiller... well, he knows the perfect way to show the viewers how his character is living a pathetic little life, a single guy that doesn't even take advantage of his bachelor status. Nice performance. Malin Akerman... she looks and sounds too much like Cameron Diaz, but otherwise she is great as a deranged, crazy woman. Any man would be sorry to end up married with such a person. The plot is almost mindless, but in a funny way. Maybe married people can relate to it even, who knows? Eddie's father shows that he has lots of experience. His married, pussywhipped, hypocrite best friend is giving him advices about life, when he clearly feels like he is trapped. Lila is the text book psycho girlfriend, everything is perfect at first, but after some time her "demons" start to show themselves. Eddie's mistake was that he didn't listen to his instinct and rushed into marrying her before Lila showed her true self. It's hilarious how he starts finding out really important stuff about his spouse only after the wedding. I guess the scenes of them dating (all they did was kiss continuously) was all there was to it. Overall, you can enjoy it. Lots of twists, some funny accidents, outrageously funny sex scenes and good actor performances. Just don't have high expectations walking in the cinema, you might not be satisfied.
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100 Girls (2000)
If the film was just 10 minutes longer, I would've never found my way back to reality
17 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Really. It's that bad. Half way through the movie I felt like I will involuntary stick needles in my eyes because they have seen the most stupid thing ever to be called a film. As I understood, it never hit the cinema's in some countries and I am happy to know that many people were saved from having to pay a ticket in order to see this. So, anyway, I got to see this because a friend of mine recommended it as a revelating piece of material(note to self: never take his advice again). I got together with my sister and cousin at my house and started watching... We had a few laughs at first, but I was slowly driven insane by the voice over that just seemed to never shut up! It's not really a problem that it was always present, it's just that what the guy was thinking made him look even more like he just landed on Earth a day before. How can you survive till college being such an idiot is beyond my understanding.

The plot is all over the place, it starts with a guy that loses his virginity in an elevator during a black out and "goes on a quest" to find what couldn't have been anything else but a whore, because the woman just magically disappeared from the shut down elevator after they had sex. Oh yes, you are right, he wants to find her because he fell in love with her. I can understand how he could mistake sex for love, but still, it's neither funny, nor is there something special about it. It's just a confused little boy that was maybe too drunk to realize what happened exactly. Then he "learns" stuff about women that generally isn't true or everyone knows about it, but the idiot just needed to point it out.

Funny thing (and I don't mean "haha" funny) is that all those things he learns are just useless, as he makes women understand that he is right, close to the end. Now, usually, during a quest, the characters grow and have a better understanding of life and such, but this guy ends up with the same ideas as when he first started, the only different thing about it is that he found his "loved one" and can shut his damn face once and for all!

This movie is trying to be more than it really is, but it fails miserably. I thought "YOU CAN EITHER MAKE A TEEN MOVIE OR A FACTS OF LIFE MOVIE, DON'T DO BOTH OR YOU'LL MESS IT ALL UP!" was like basic knowledge. The writer and director actually thinks that we are all slaves of prejudice and stereotypes, morons that need some eye opening. I think the general idea was to start as a normal average quality teen movie, then, all of a sudden, the plot is supposed to take an 180 degrees turn and be a revelation for all of us. It does the 180 degrees turn successfully but it doesn't stop turning and confuses everyone watching, finally stopping in the exact same spot it started in. The eye opening never happens, but you may still have the impression that it does.

There are many scenes that are just complete BS included in this film that only a confused and troubled writer could have thought up, but i would like to underline just a few. First, the cheesy way that the voice over talks makes me wanna stab myself. Then, the girls walking around in bras in their dorm cancels out any try of making this film look like it has common sense and it can't even be saved by Matt's pathetic attempt at looking and feeling like a woman.

Next comes a question: I understand it's a girls' dorm, but how come there are just 4 or 5 male characters? Oh yeah, since i am here, one of those guys is black, how come there are no black women too?

Matt tries to show his misogynist friend that those women in the dorm have distinct personalities. I don't think that boobs and different ways of being stupid are the best way to do it.

That feminist teacher's armpit hair looks like the rain forest, you don't need to dress her up as a Nazi in the lead's twisted fantasies as well!

The pillow fight between Matt and his lesbian friend wasn't girlie, gay or funny, it was just stupid, mostly because it didn't lead to anything that can at least make one smile.

The speech in front of the dorm is cheesy, pitiful and sounds like it was put together by a five yo boy that just got a beating from his mother and thinks to himself "I will never beat my kids!". Lame!

The most important thing to know about this film is that for each stereotype it seems to cancel out, 10 others come right over to take it's place. It's actually sad to see that, even though this is a piece of material that can make your IQ drop dramatically, some don't realize that they are in danger and actually give a lot of credit to this piece of crap. I gave it a 2 out of 10 because I liked the breasts and laughed thanks to Rod's stoner like way of being. If you read this and still want to watch "100 Girls", please, do yourselves a favor: at the first sign of poor acting and script, just walk away, don't let it be bad for your health. I myself feel like I don't have enough bread crumbs to get home.
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Very good movie, a surprise for me
10 June 2007
OK, so I'm an European that doesn't really appreciate all that struggle between black and white people in the USA. When I went to watch it I was sure it was supposed to be about differences between white and black, and it somehow is. In a bad way, but it gets saved by the religious thing that surrounds this film. Ricci is a nympho and she has a boyfriend that goes in the army (another cliché that i don't appreciate, but hell, I love Green Day and that song "Wake me up when September comes"). It's really good to see that war is introduced in a story that doesn't show the war. I am really pleased about this. Now. Samuel does his job very good, like every other film i've seen with him, I just love the actor. He can play the role of a black man at the country side as he can play one in a big city. You will love how he plays in this movie. Justin... well he did his best, a bit more of that redneck accent would've been better, but remember, this is a white guy that tries to be a black man in his music so you can't really blame him. Ricci... what can I say? Great body, great performance, not so great face but nonetheless, she played the hell out of her role. I would give her an Oscar for her performance. Overall, the film is about a guy that leaves to join the army, leaves his nympho girlfriend home and she just goes wild (what did you expect?), that ends up saved by a black old man that just split up with his wife. No sex between them, even though at some scenes I was like "omg, Samuel, just hit that!!!!". I was happy to see that whoever wrote the script had common sense. Even though I don't like all this struggle between black and white that keeps getting on the big screens all over the world. I gave it a 9, very good movie, great soundtrack (even if you don't like blues, you'll love it) but I couldn't give it a 10 because of the cliché about differences between black and white in America. That's all I could find bad in this film. Enjoy it, it will surprise you.
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