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Titanic II (2010 Video)
A disaster movie or a disaster of a movie!
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A Van Dyke family project. I suspect a few more than listed IN IMDB. There is a special thanks at the end to the Family Van Dyke. It is nothing like the James Cameron film.

First red flag is a bloke on an ice flow in his denim jeans - was the costume brief "dress for a shopping trip in January"? "Oh change in the script, we'll set this scene on an Ice flow instead of the high street in Hemel Hempstead......

I suppose people would book a cruise on a ship called the Titanic II, it looked more like being on a ferry, not very glamorous.

Not much of a film if they had learnt anything from the mistakes of the original Titanic. More in the vain of the Poseidon Adventure and Towering Inferno.

I'm not well versed in diving gear, but for icy waters don't they need drysuits rather then wetsuits? The leading lady is busy climbing into a wet suit to avoid freezing, but dingy sailing in the Solent in winter we opt for drysuits, wet suits are for the summer. They didn't bother sharing the oxygen in the end so oddly Hayden drowns ..... what really surprised me was they didn't have him come spluttering back to life at the end. Given the film being pretty poor, quite an upturn when the credits start to roll. Given that the star was the "director", the credits then list the assistant director, then the 1st assistant director, the 2nd assistant director, and the 2nd 2nd assistant director. Then the 2nd and third units had directors - how many directors?
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Selling the OC (2022– )
Not role models - how inappropriate!
14 September 2023
The teaser they were showing they were showing us around a fabulous house. Love seeing around extraordinary houses. So funnily enough a bit confused that hardly see a house. Lengthy conversations on the balcony of the swanky beach pad, but don't get to see round. I'm imagining that this is more like the Only Way is Essex, however only ever seen bits of that.

I hate to think that these people could be regarded as any sort of role models. I am not believing that these people work together as estate agents. Their behaviour is so inappropriate. Regular stories in the press about sexual harassment in big organisations - and then Netflix presents this as a reality show. I am all for freedom to dress as we like, but if they are at work how much boobage is acceptable?

There is never going to be equality and a safe environment in the work place when TV firms are presenting this as the real world.
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OK - book of monsters ....
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty old 18 year olds! Costumes and effects on a budget. Weirdly compelling to watch.

When Sophie was 8 her Mother was killed by a monster under her bed. 10 years later Sophie, a bit of an outsider at school, ends up throwing a party for her 18th birthday. Unfortunately this being the eve of her 18th the monsters are now after her. The film is categorised as a comedy horror. The funniest bit was the sudden introduction of Helga the German exchange student, who only spoke German. - did the script writers suddenly feel the need to introduce fresh monster fodder to be found still alive by the main cast, in order that she could inform them that one of their friends was still alive? Gary, amidst the drama needs a pee - of course go to the bathroom, don't check the room first, of course gets attacked by a monster, and is, not for the first time in the film, rescued by the girls. The flow of the film has regular breaks from the monsters to fill us in on what's going on. One of these they find Sophie's mum's weapons room, a tape player, this explains why the monsters are yet to kill Sophie, plus the location of a Chain Saw. Unlike the norm for the genera, the solution is not some supernatural ritual, but liberal use of a chainsaw. Left wondering if this film was intended as the pilot for a British version of Buffy.

Not all that good. The cast didn't pass for teenagers. Some of the acting was really ropey - good idea to blow up the police men - their acting was particularly poor.
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Rather Enjoyable
10 March 2023
Jim Carrey is exactly like he is in all his other films. A Jim Carrey film is a bit of a guilty pleasure - you know exactly what you're going to get. You know full well there will be many scenes where he will be over acting and pulling faces so it seems surly to be irritated by it, so just chill and giggle at the silliness of it. I was just flicking through the comedy films for something to watch. I'm somehow surprised that there is a Jim Carrey film that I'd never heard of. The Penguins are so well done they are so believable, they are the stars. The backstory around his wife is all a bit glossed over, not really important. On the other hand the important story about his father is also pretty much on the periphery. If you like Penguins and enjoy them causing chaos, then you'll enjoy this film.
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Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
It was ok, but formulaic
9 December 2022
I watched this hoping it was going to be a US version of the UK's Snack Master. There are now so many of these skill based knock out competitions. It's a format I enjoy, but this is not the best. What I had hoped for was chefs trying to replicate a well known snack, meanwhile they take you to the factory and you get to see how it's really done. Missed the mark on this one. They only pick out 3 chef to compete in each episode and 1 would go through to a later round. You don't buy into the competitors on this one, which is the whole trick with this genre. The usual format is they scatter interviews the contestants for their reflections throughout the episode, but this was missing.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Huge Addams family fan.....
23 November 2022
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I hit the 10 before the titles - totally hooked from the first shot of Wednesday. It looks fabulous, plus Tim Burton has been responsible for many of my favourite films. The feel is exactly as it should be. It's Wednesday, it works without the comedy of all the proceeding versions of the Addamses. It occurs to me that those that love the Addams family are drawn to the dark deadpan delivery, not really needing the funny. As a coffee drinker from infancy, I love that Wednesday's coffee order is the same as mine (4 shot espresso). End of the episode and it's still a 10. The whole cast has the odd surprise, but they work so well. CZJ as Morticia - a big surprise, I'd not looked up the cast in advance. The first scene with her in the car - that "I know I know you, but who are you" feeling...... I remember her fro The Darling Buds of May back in 1991. On to episode 2 ..... still a 10 and plus an "Ohh!" ..... I have to go now and watch this a few times. This is good!
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Ghosts (2021– )
Give it a chance
20 November 2022
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I loved the UK version from the first episode. The creators also appeared as ghosts (same creators of Horrible Histories). I'm sure all of the characters in the UK version had been developed many years before the first airing in 2019. Also with the UK version has a lot more history available to weave into the plot.

I watched the first few episodes of the US version.... the first couple of episodes are copies of the UK version - but it all felt rushed. The introduction to Sam and Jay - truncated. The first time we meet them is the solicitors office, where the UK version we meet the living couple flat hunting, small flat hunting at that - to Brits this conveyed everything about their class and economic standing - very important to the future interactions with the ghosts and neighbouring landowners. In addition an inheritance in the UK can include a title, which is a funny element about Alison being a Lady. The quality of their scripts lack the comedy and personality of the writing for Alison and Mike. The US version we are told what the live couple do for a living. The UK version we never know..... but they both want to take on the house. The UK version also takes time to introduce us to the ghosts, leaving the viewer with mini cliff hangers wanting to know more about each of the ghosts.

The house is also has a staring role. I don't know if the UK version was filmed on a sets, but the feel is that they are on location. There is an authentic feel of an old house that has fallen into disrepair. Touches such as the cup that the one without trousers pushes to the floor is complete with tea stains. The US version looks like sets filled with brand new reproduction furniture.

Then there is the "accident". The UK version establishes a number of elements the one without trousers (a politician) pushes Alison out of the Window - but this supplies the back story on Lady Button and therefore explains why she was so repelled by her husband's portrait. US version, Sam falls down the stairs after tripping on the vase that the one without trousers (a banker) had pushed to the floor.

A few of the ghost are copies from the original series, the others are developed for the US version with cross over characteristics to th UK ghosts.

The UK a series is 6 episodes, the first UK season of Ghosts was released over 6 weeks. It makes one pay attention to each episode, therefore having the US episodes all available at once one zones out.

I'm giving the US one a chance. It stands on it's own when it has a unique story, but does not compare to well when replicating the UK story line.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
A building story
4 June 2022
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Initially was thinking this was an early film in Scarlett's career, Starts off all a bit gritty, Chinese mafia, drugs etc. It takes a turn for the better after they use her as a drug mule, but then she is beaten up leading the drugs to leak - this gives her super powers. It gives her greater access of her brain and memories. By the end gripping.
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Hancock (2008)
4 June 2022
A film I remember watching years ago, re-watched 2022, enjoyable. Obviously more than the first time as I've increased my score from 5. There have been so many superhero movies since this, it's come up in my estimations.
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21 May 2022
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I'm not into religion. Mostly a 2 hander. Quite good, the end was all a bit open. I would like to have seen a resolution at the end - it is a movie.....
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What a fascinating story.....
2 May 2022
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Watched on BBC IPlayer one night thinking I would doze off. I watched all episodes, did not doze off, fascinated by the idea. Death one come straight away at birth, cord around the neck, I related as this happened to me - - - (I don't think I died - or did I?). The story was set in a period with a few more perils. The Influenza pandemic was poignant, it took a few attempts to survive the flu, and there were a number of reiterations of WW2 - or are we about to be plunged into something worse with Russia's mad man. Exhausted in the morning - loved it.
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Drop Dead Diva (2009–2014)
2 May 2022
I had the first couple of seasons on DVD, I'd rated those a 9, recently watched the rest on Amazon with ads. Enjoyment was hindered by an odd mixture of episode numbering that causes the episodes to run out of sequence. By season 3 it gets a bit more "Ali McBeal", still enjoyable, references to the original story line crops up when the writers remember.
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Keep watching....
2 May 2022
One of those where it seemed all a bit gritty, real life drama to start off with. Needs to be given a chance. It was probably half an hour into the film when the funny kicks in.
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I enjoyed this.....
29 May 2021
I enjoyed this, a lockdown binge watch. I am sceptical, humans clutching at straws needing there to be something more to life than life. However, enjoyed these stories. The episodes in the first series were better than the second. Towards the last episodes you start to think they should hold a Titanic reunion. Each episode tells the story of two children. Some episodes are a bit confusing, I was getting the two stories mixed up, not sure if it was me or the production.

I'm sure TV is a big influence. I don't believe that the parents limit TV to the extent that some of them say they do. It would have been interesting if they had presented some historical accounts that predate our modern influences.
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Cooties (2014)
An amusing film......
24 May 2021
OK, I didn't have my glasses on and the graphic on the iPad was really small. I thought I was about to watch 'The Croods' ..... so when the live chicken killing scene kicked off the film rather than cute animation I figured I'd got that wrong. It's not a genre I would pick for a rainy Sunday Morning but it was on now and from, almost the start, it's tongue in cheek / funny (not so much the opening battery chicken farm scenes). Worth watching.
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Haunted: The Living Ghost (1958)
Season 1, Episode 4
23 May 2021
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A film with Ghost in the title you expect ghosts. No ghosts, just someone who sort of walks in his sleep / coma.
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
A Sandy RomCom what's not to love?
22 May 2021
The point of watching a RomCom is that we know how it's going to end. I can't believe that I've not seen this. In fact I probably have but that's also a good thing about them, I can watch them again and again. Very enjoyable.
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Gogglebox Australia (2015– )
Even from the UK oddly engaging.....
15 May 2021
I have to confess I find Googlebox UK is a guilty pleasure. I didn't expect the Australian version to be at all relevant and therefore wouldn't be all that entertaining, but I was wrong. I found it to be sort of educational. I've never been to Australia. I assume life is an odd cross between the UK and somewhere with warm weather. Never thought about TV habits, the residents of Ramsey Street didn't seem to watch any. 4 on demand have this available to stream. Series 1 dates back to 2015 which was fine, the first program they watched was My Kitchen Rules, which I binged watched a couple of years ago, it helped that I'd seen it even though it's an Australian program otherwise they may have lost my attention. It was a mixture of mostly Australian, British and American programmes. They reviewed the Australian version of "I'm a Celebrity" - this was surreal, 2015 it seems was the first time Australia had run the Australian version, was odd as the UK has had it for much longer and it was filmed in Australia. What was stranger still theirs was filmed in South Africa in a set and with critters that were the same as Australia??? Just like the UK version the households were equally as baffled as to the celebrity status of all of the contestants. The Australian version does not have as many household, but this version includes the children and therefore some discussion over the suitability of some programmes. So far interesting.
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Looks good but no....
10 May 2021
It looks sumptuous, the life of upperclass debutantes around 100 years ago. Is the phase "Fur coat and no knickers". Looks good but lacks substance. There have been a few films and series that have opted to pair period events with relatively modern music. I feel that this has jumped on a band wagon, although the 70's sound track does help it a lot.
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Switched (2020)
Quite good....
9 May 2021
A classic switching places film with a nice moral.

I spent most of the film confused. I was convinced it was an older film, I really thought that one of the leads was Lindsey Lohan. So couldn't work out why the social media references were so up to date. Why would Lindsay Lohan make another switching places film. Only realised when I looked it up on IMDb that it's a modern film.

It's worth watching. It kept my interest as I wanted to see the resolution.
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Click (2006)
On the fence, sort of liked it....
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just re-watched this movie. There were a few bits I remember from having seen it 10 years ago. It starts with the issue we still have, loads of remotes, although I'm sure we all know what controls what in our own homes. As it's an important motivation for the central character to go in search of a universal remote control he has no idea of what the very different looking remotes actually controlled - for comedy purposes of course he tries the 2 button garage door remote when he wants to turn on the TV.

I was surprised by the number of stars cast in this film. As often seems to be the way there were bits of the film that today would be on the outskirts of acceptability. When Adam's character goes into his offices all the women bar his assistant were all extremely glamorous, all slim - it just didn't have the right feel for an architects office. David Hasselhoff's character was the owner of the company, why was it necessary for him to have two leggy female employees sat either side of him, legs stretched out on his desk while he had a boss to employee conversation with the main character? Architects office crossed with Hugh Hefner's playboy mansion ..... unnecessary!

The key of the story line is the the remote controls Adam's character's universe. He want's to do well at work to provide for his family. His boss will be enjoying his weekend but expects our main character to deliver work he's just been given by Monday morning. He first fast-forwards the weekend so that when he arrives at work he's able to deliver the project. The remote has helped him land the contract that should have given him a promotion, but his boss wants more before he makes him a partner in the firm. A bit of extra functionality appears with the remote, it has an AI ability. When his pressed FF once for something the remote now fast forwards every time. While he's on fast forward there is a version of him on auto pilot, but our main character has no idea of the conversations or events his forwarded over. He fast forwards to get to his promotion thinking it would be weeks but turned out to be months. The remote having learnt to Fast Forward to the next milestone, Adam misses how he arrives at these points in time. The film being a metaphor for parents who get the work life balance wrong and end up losing their family.

Over all a watchable film but the morel of the tail is kind of sad.
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Bake off for make-up
8 May 2021
I am a bit of a fan of this format regardless of the subject. All well beyond my makeup abilities, never have managed to find lipstick that suits me or stays on. It's fascinating to see what can be created with make-up. An enjoyable watch for fans of the format. I'm sure a huge inspiration for future make-up artists.

Rather than going with a comedian as host, as seems to be favoured with this format, they've opted with more straightforward presenting style, maybe a bit daytime. A comedian could be an improvement. I can imagine in the early production meeting they wanted to come up with an equivalent to the Paul Hollywood handshake. They settled on the female judge proclaiming DING DONG when a contestant produced good work. It's ok when watching the weekly episode, but a bit annoying attempting a bit of a binge watch.
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Bake off with hammers and gold ....
8 May 2021
It is now a very familiar format. Start off with 12 people, give them some tasks, rank them, hail the best and say goodbye to the worst. I am still enjoying them regardless of the subject. Jewellery is probably one of the less accessible of the crafts given the treatment. The participants all appear to make their living from making jewellery. The skills required to fulfil the tasks strike me as beyond those of a hobby jeweller. Cooking and sewing we can all have a go. Katherine Ryan is an entertaining host. They seem to have gathered some very talented jewellers to compete the biggest challenge they have is creating their pieces within the time constraints.
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It's a really good kids film
2 May 2021
Not many children reviewing films aimed at children in this Database, so targeted programming is probably getting a bit of a tough review from adults. If I was a kid I'd probably of given it an 8. It's like an under developed Ghosts (BBC 2019- ) by the Horrible Histories crew. It is entertaining, love the central characters, but would love a bit more backstory on them beyond that in the titles. George the flying, flaming skull is a bit annoying however he is an important "character".
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Tipping Point (2012– )
Slow ....
26 April 2021
I am never going to turnover to watch tipping point. It's one of those that I'll watch for a few minutes with a pained expression, questioning how it's kept going for so long. Watching their giant pusher going steadily back and forth is a cross between hypnotic and painfully dull. The questions are on the easy side. So dull.
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