
8 Reviews
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La La Land (2016)
Good acting but a weak script
13 January 2017
A major disappointment considering all the hype and Golden Globes. Damien's script failed to deliver showing that most new artists don't have the chops. Looks like the previous generation didn't get the apprenticeship they needed so the great ideas and tricks of the trade could be passed on. Native talent doesn't get the job done. There is a reason everyone must "pay their dues". I hope he doesn't buy the fake news and awards because those people haven't seen a real musical and failed to realize what was missing.

See it if you want but I bet you will not leave humming the tunes or remember how bad the opening number was (at least 25% of the dancers were out of sync).
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A Deeply Disturbing Movie You Must See
25 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a clear statement about of the social strata of today's youth. The title might make you think of fun in the sun but this movie focuses only on the violence and drugs inhabiting their world. The have nothing to lose but their minds so they go on a mindless adventure in St Pete. The other reviews clearly describe the "fever dream" that the director creates. I was in a full theater full of twenty-somethings and after a couple of laughs at the beginning, the room was totally silent for the rest of the movie. Several people left at the halfway mark. I guess this wasn't what they came to see but it is what they need to see. This movie is both good and bad in all categories - storytelling, filming, and editing. But you will never forget it. It will give you nightmares about the future of this country and the world. Sleep well.
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A funny 90-minute movie that was 2 hours long
8 May 2012
While the movie started strong and quickly reached the first set of wedding delays, once the characters moved to Michigan, things bogged down quickly. Without spoiling the movie, the antics in the Wolverine State were more like bad SNL skits than part of this movie.

The characters, both primary and secondary, were very likable and were also very well developed. Some of the fringe characters (I talking to you, Dakota!) tended to be overly done and one-note. They could have been scaled back to fit their place in the movie thus adding to rather than subtracting from the story. (Math in a movie review? Who would have guessed?) Tom's job hunt problems seemed to be oriented toward setting up jokes than based in reality. A man with his background would have landed a position in Ann Arbor in a New York minute. However, Violet's drama was much better written and more believable.

Once back in San Francisco, everything picked up again and you began rooting for the home team to finally make it to the goal line.

So go enjoy the beginning and end but be ready to take a 30-minute nap in the middle. Maybe the Director's Cut with actually cut out the boring parts. One can hope.
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Not as Funny as Promised
8 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
(Location spoilers)

Sadly, it was very boring watching this movie. Unlike Chicken Run, the humor was not very broad, the jokes were not very funny (or even that original), and the characters very two-dimensional. Even Hugh Grant didn't have his usual dry take on humor resulting in a captain with no charisma. Toward the end, you didn't care if he won Pirate of the Year or not. And some of the other characters seemed one-note and got very tiring after 30 or 40 minutes. I noticed a few laughs in the first half, even by me, but the theater was totally quiet during the second half even though it contained about 50 people including kids!

The oddest thing was that this "pirate" movie spent most of its time onshore rather than offshore. And a great deal of that time was in London, not the Caribbean. While the 3D effects were very good, they were not enough to hold the movie together.

It was not at all as good as the (so-called) movie critics described. I guess they were in a different theater.
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Hugo (2011)
Just an advertisement for film preservation
28 November 2011
We went in expecting another great film from a great director but came away totally disappointed. For almost 2 hours, we set there wearing those high-priced 3D glasses waiting for the movie to kick in. Instead, we got a poorly-written Saturday morning/Hallmark film that kept repeating it's message (save old films!). I won't even bother with spoilers since there is nothing to spoil.

The only highlight was the excellent acting by a stellar cast. To bad it was all wasted on this melodramatic muck. And so corny, too. Oh well, at least the turkey before the film was better than the turkey on the screen.
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Cold Souls (2009)
If Gene Siskel were still alive...
24 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After reading the earlier reviews found here, we eagerly rushed to the theater expecting another "Being John Malkovich." We were greatly disappointed. What a mess!

I won't bore you with all the details of missed opportunities to make an excellent movie, that was Gene's job. Needless to say, the premise was a great idea but the writing and execution failed. The only time we laughed was when Paul got his plate of chickpeas in Russia. The rest of the time it was a fight between staying awake and trying to figure out how they could miss great chances for entertainment.

The only bright spot was the actual performances. For that, I'll give the movie one star. Paul was on top of his game; in fact, better than he was in Sideways. Dina Korzun was so fresh and intriguing. If you feel compelled to waste your money on this bad film, at least you can enjoy their work.
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Stardust (2007)
Great acting but badly written dialog
16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had been anticipating this movie ever since I first heard about it. This movie seemed to have everything going for it: cast, special effects, and a time-honored story line. In a lot of ways, I wasn't disappointed. Michelle Pfeiffer stole the show with her excellent job as the wicked witch. There were times you actually felt sorry for her. Cox and Danes had great chemistry together. However, De Niro just didn't work as the gay pirate. The scene in the closet was painful to watch.

The special effects were as good as they come but they are not enough to overcome the poorly crafted dialog. A poor choice of words made some the close moments between Tristran and Yvaine sound like two third-graders in the hall. Even some of Michelle's threats sounded laughable instead of scary. Key information was sometimes lost in the words as you try to understand what a character really was trying to say.

So if you want see visual candy and great acting, by all means go. But know in advance they whole experience will be lessened as you strain to figure out what these people are saying. A good rental at best.
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A major disappointment
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ann, Meryl and the rest of the cast gave excellent performances but the story fell flat due to the way the supporting characters were written. Friends don't abandon you as quickly as Andy's friends did in this movie. Add to that the pure cold-heartedness of Miranda and Andy is left floundering in a sea of nastiness. People like to identify with characters in movies but this movie failed in that area.

While I wasn't expecting a sugar-coated Disney feature, I was looking forward to an entertaining movie with some laughs. Instead, I spent most of the movie wondering why Ann's character even bothered to stay one day at that abusive job. Don't waste your money on this one.
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