
11 Reviews
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not a remake
2 September 2007
This movie is not a remake and it is not based on the book by Frank Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Carey. The only similarity is the number of children. That is my main objection. I loved the book and the movie with Clifton Webb. I was looking forward to a new version of the real story. I was very disappointed that the entire story was changed. This movie was not based on the book any more than The Sound of Music was based on the story of the Jackson family.

They could have added one more child ( a baby girl) and called it "Bakers Dozen" and not said it was based on the book because it absolutely was not.

I don't care for movies about smart mouth kids who can't behave.
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The Music Man (2003 TV Movie)
good but not great
2 September 2007
I liked that the story was not totally changed as some remakes have been. It was good but not great. It seemed more like a high school or community production than a professionally made movie. I think Victor Garber is a very good actor but he was miscast as Mayor Shinn. I also thought Kristen Chenowith not right for the role of Marian Paroo. What happened to her mothers Iris accent?

I am not racist however facts are facts. The movie is set in early 1900's Iowa. Black and white people did not interact the way they do in the movie. Racism was alive and well at that time. Blacks were not treated as equal with whites.

It was enjoyable but I would not go out of my way or pay money to see it again. The original was much better so I bought a copy.
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boring and stupid
2 September 2007
I read a book by someone who lived in that area during that time. He said people in his neighborhood hated the show. It was nothing like their life really was.

The story is loosely based on Romeo and Juliet which I never liked. Romeo and Juliet fall madly in love the first time they meet. How stupid and unrealistic. I never thought the whole suicide angle was at all romantic. What a waste of young life.

Back to WSS. I just could not get into this movie. The dialogue seemed as if it was written by junior high school students. The plot seemed phony.

I thought the last few scenes were stupid and unrealistic. I did not feel any sympathy for the characters.

I just can't buy tough street gang thugs dancing ballet and singing.

I do like some of the songs. I would never watch this movie again.
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Grease (1978)
good music but bad message
2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the songs in this movie are fun. Olivia Newton John has a beautiful voice.

One message of the movie is that the girl should change for the boy but the boy can stay the same. True, Danny comes out in a letter sweater but he still has his tight jeans, greased hair and t shirt. When he sees Sandy looking like a total slut he throws away the sweater. He displays a macho attitude while Sandy has become what he wants her to be. Sandy was going to postpone sex until after marriage. At the end as they drive off it is pretty clear that they are going to have sex.

I would have preferred it if they had met in the middle. Danny should have kept the sweater on and not had his hair quite so greasy. Sandy should have been looked much less like a hooker. Perhaps jeans and a t shirt with her hair still in a ponytail.

Danny makes some attempts to change during the movie but in the end remains the same. Sandy totally changes her values and the way she dresses, does her hair, and acts to please Danny.

The sexist message here is very obvious.

Before anyone comments No I would not like the ending to be totally opposite with Danny changing totally for Sandy. I would like them to meet somewhere in the middle.
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The Beverly Hillbillies (1962–1971)
Loved it as a kid and love it now.
29 May 2006
I loved this show when I first saw it at the age of eight. I still love it. I watch it with my ten year old daughter.She loves it too. The humor is funny and clean. That can't be said about a lot of modern shows. The Clampetts ( with the possible exception of Jethro ) are as bright as anyone else. They come from a different culture so their ways are different. The downhome values of the Clampetts are something we could use more of. They were always forgiving of and friendly to Mrs. Drysdale no matter how much she insulted them. They were hardworking and grateful for what they had. They were honest and decent people. The Beverly Hillbillies is cute, funny and wholesome.
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Freaky Friday (1976)
very funny movie
25 March 2006
This movie, unlike the two so called remakes actually follows the book. My kids have all loved this movie and had no trouble at all relating to the incidents.Sure they have typing class instead of computer class but so what? So what if the Mom stays home and the Dad works. Many families do that today. The brother appears to be in half day kindergarten because he is picked up from school before lunch. Maybe Mom will go back to work next year. It may be a bit dated but that doesn't detract from the movie at all.

Unlike many modern movies the kids are not smart mouthed brats who get away with such behavior. There are no gross jokes or rude, stupid humor.

This is a fun movie for families, especially mothers and daughters to watch together. I would recommend this over the other two because it's how the author intended the story.
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A wonderful film
1 February 2006
This is another Holocaust story that is well worth watching. It is the true story of 50+ year old Corrie ten Boom, her older siblings and their father all devout Christians. Their love and faith prompt them to be part of the Dutch underground and to hide Jews in their home. For this they are sent to prison. The rest of the film centers on Corrie and her sister Betsie. They endure the hardships of the prison camp by remaining true to the teachings of Christ.

The movie is well made and acted and not at all "preachy". As with all movies they did make some changes from the book. However the basic story was kept intact. I did not understand the change in the character called "Eusie". Some beautiful lines in the book were changed or left out. The most notable is when it is pointed out to Papa ten Boom that if they kept a Jewish mother and baby they could "lose your lives for this Jewish child". Papa takes the baby and says "I would consider that the greatest honor that could come to our family." The scene was in the movie but not that line.

Eileen Heckert did an especially fine job as a fellow prisoner who has become hardened by prison life but still retains her humanity. Arthur O'Connell plays Papa ten Boom with grace, dignity and warmth. Julie Harris seems to really be Betsie. Newcomer Jeanette Clift is excellent in the lead role of Corrie.

I don't think one has to be a Christian to enjoy this movie. I did think the book was better and I encourage everyone to read the book. The movie is very good too and I highly recommend it. The movie does not contain any gory scenes or scenes that would be overly upsetting for children learning about the Holocaust. It should be watched with a parent.
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a wonderful story
16 December 2005
This is the story of the relationship between a 10 year old girl and her bitter stern father and one special Christmas when they were able to see through each other' eyes. It should be shown every year on TV. We have a copy and my daughter and I watch it once or twice every December. None of the kids are smart mouthed like kids in movies are so often today. They are not too sweet or babyish either.They act like real 10 year old kids. The story moves along at a good pace. The setting of 1940's Nebraska adds to the story. Lisa Lucas as 10 year old Addie was excellent. The supporting characters enhance the story and are very realistic. I especially like the character of the grandmother. This movie will be enjoyed by all ages who like good quality entertainment.
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one of the best ever
16 December 2005
This movie should be shown on TV every year. It tells the true meaning of Christmas. It was funny in parts and touching in others. I only saw it on TV once or twice. I found a copy at the library and watched it with my daughter and her friend (age 10).They both loved it.

I thought the characters acted very realistically. The children were neither too cute and sweet nor too smart mouthed. In fact none of the children were smart mouthed or talked back. The characters consisted of people we all know. The dresses that the girls wore were very pretty and cute. It was nice to see girls wearing dresses instead of old jeans to church.

I can't say much more without giving too much away. This is a great movie and suitable for all ages. If you can't find it in the video store try your local library.
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a very funny bit of nostalgia
24 November 2005
I love this movie. We have the DVD and watch it a few times every year. There are a few mistakes (listed on this site) I think Randy acts too young. He is in school all day so must be at least in first grade. (they only had half day kindergarten back then.) They should have made the character around four rather than six or seven. The scene in which his mother has him show her "how the little piggies eat" grosses me out. That's why I rate it an 8.

However I thoroughly enjoy the other characters. I like the idea of a time when using "cuss words" was considered shocking and wrong.

Some have criticized the Santa scene. However it was Ralphies memory of it rather than what "really happened" As the Parkers are leaving the store we see "reality" and Santa is nice.

I think Peter Billingsley did a great job in the lead role. Likewise for the other actors.

When watching it is important to remember that the story is Ralphs memory of that Christmas.

It's very funny and a good family movie.
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Little Girl Lost (1988 TV Movie)
a good film
4 November 2005
This story illustrates what was and is wrong with the child welfare system even today. I thought the acting was very realistic. I especially liked the scene is which Clara Brady, played by Tess Harper, openly declares her love for the little girl she has raised since infancy. She stands up to the social worker.

The story is about a foster child who is forced to return to her father whom she claims is abusing her. It is a based on a true story. It is similar to what has been happening to many children in this country who are caught up in the system that is supposed to protect them.

The actors are convincing in their roles. Marie Martin as the little girl does a fine job with a very difficult role.
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