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What I believe the real agenda is here?
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tours! Lots of hit's about going up there and exploring. There's even a top ten list of why you should go out there. Why not just build a casino there! The first thing I noticed was the security guy exploring the perimeter often without his rifle? Then there's the noise the first night staying there "crunching snow" ummmm no footprints? Then later on he says he discovered tracks but kind of avoids showing us? You know what I think was going on up there back in the day? A serial killer! It's perfect, everybody blamed it all on a creature. Then there's the five finger death punch story. Episode 3 is hilarious! They bring in a Psychic and give the usual, "she's telling us stuff she couldn't possibly know", unless she has internet! Where everything she says could be found in less than 5 minutes! I guess I'm waiting for the ghost, aliens and government secret connections to start. Anyways this is a huge helping of BS. You've been warned.
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Glaringly exposes the arrogance flaw in MCU thinking, plotting, and writing
1 August 2023
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"You're only a genius on Earth." It was a very profound wisecrack. There's not only a simple entire universe out there, now it's infinite multiverses. Everything is arrogantly centered around Earth species saving the day. Even the Guardians of The Galaxy! Not even an intelligent human leading them! "a moron". Now currently the two most overpowered MCU characters are EARTH based. As if all the other races don't have the science and knowledge to augment some of their champions? Nope, Carol Danvers is out there saving races everywhere, too busy to help the Skrulls find that new home world. And of course G'iah will be too busy also. When they finally introduce Gladiator he should be a big G level God like! Or the Silver Surfer! They've already seriously powered down certain "cosmic" beings who have been alive for billions of years, like basically making the collector just an insane hoarder and Grand master just a fight promoter. A cosmic Don King. The collector collects everything, not just beings. He should have weaponry, security, technology DNA? Both of these guys were "big bads", they've made them little bads. To me very disappointing. Now when they do introduce The Fantastic Four they're going to be lightweights. Nobodies going to care! And of course when Galactus shows up they'll have to make weak excuses why the two overpowered aren't there to help. Too much, too fast.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
The problem with overhyping a movie is they're literally...
18 June 2023
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...ruining the chances people will believe them going further. This was a cameo, fan service movie that should have gone with that, but instead didn't deliver enough cameo's or fan service! The DCEU has an entire series based on a group of heroes going around fixing time disturbances. Here was an opportunity to have a bunch of celebs at least cameo as that group of characters trying to stop the FLASH. The movie actually had too much Ezra Miller in it! He plays three characters! Barry losing his powers and then having to regain them? You take all that out, we save an hour and did anybody even for a second believe he wasn't going to get them back? That entire LONG lost powers plot was there as filler! The speed scenes are not as cute as they thought they were. Marvel did it better, earlier. There were no rules. The last scene made no sense. He didn't travel far enough back in time to alter Batman's actor identity, if we're assuming he's back in his own universe reality and not somehow stuck in the one where hero costumes have nipples? Altering the position of groceries didn't do that. We had 3 superior speed heroes fighting slower evil Kryptonians, and we learn they can easily be killed with Kryptonian metal? Yet Zod and the gang did all the killing? For a movie trying so hard, they failed miserably. If all that wasn't bad enough, the CGI was at sometimes, early 2000's level. You would think Batman or Alfred would have suggested his new suit contain a nutrient feeder system, instead of just a cool glucose monitor? It's like building tech , that's basically worthless?
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Tetris (2023)
Do us all a favor, before watching and eventually reviewing...
1 April 2023
...scroll down here at IMDBs Tetris page and read Did You Know? There you will find the two REAL LIFE main people complained about the authenticity, and embellishments. Hopefully you'll do this before embarrassing mankind by assuming everything you'll see is legit. As many have already assumed. It's been "Joy'd." Joy was a movie about the creator of the Miracle Mop, and is 98% totally made up stuff. In real life, the woman was an instant success, so they felt they needed to spice up her life into a 3 ring circus. Same thing here! It's like when a new Mexican restaurant opens in your area and everybody feels obligated to say how authentic it is, even if it's terrible. This movie isn't terrible, it's just not factual at all.
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Rachel Bradley: Alpha Chick (2021 TV Special)
More Questions that laughs
31 March 2023
This was ridiculously bad. After 10 minutes or so I started wondering things, like who is she? Who got her this shot? Why did they give her this shot? Terrible mean, nasty comments. Saying utterly stupid things, but you can tell she's pausing to applaud her perceived brilliance in her mind. So I started digging on my phone. Miss ultra feminist is the young trophy wife of another comedian who was formerly married to another comedian and without trying to, I find they kind of proudly cheated on each other their whole marriage until they got tired of each other and wanted some strange, and in her husbands case, she's his strange. So like wow this sort of info doesn't usually show up by simply googling a name! Let's see, which boring contrivances do I remember? Ohh yes, hates all other women...check. Thinks she's better than all womenkind...check. How bad? At one point she's describing an audition she went to and she slams all the other women for being rail thin, and such and I'm thinking you just a T! I'm going on in detail like this , trying to save you! It is not funny! I had just watch Madigan prior to this, and she even touched on some of the same subjects like quirky family and parents. Except she has talent! And people were roaring with laughter the whole time, instead of waiting for the frequent pauses to let them know it's time.
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Why all the hate? It's not Weatherman, it's Antman.
20 February 2023
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I know people are used to Scott being the butt of a hundred jokes and constant laughing through the first two movie. This is a different tone on purpose. This is Ant-Man fighting against a Multiversal threat. How big a bad? He mentions planning on taking down Eternity! And he's ominously cool and collected and supremely confident the whole time. Only when engaged in battle does he get angry, and when he's angry, watch out. He is but one of 1,000,000s of Kangs, and the rest are all afraid of him! People complained about MODOK. MODOK is supposed to look ridiculous. People complained about darkness. THEN STOP WATCHING PIRATED CAMS. There was never a too dark scene in the theatrical version. This is clearly an introduction movie, about the phase five big bad. It did what it is supposed to do. To load it up with laughs would mean an extra hour runtime. The movie showed Scott coming into his own as a fearsome hero! Joining the heavyweight class, instead of being "tic-tac". My guess is the early reviewers may have watched a screener that was darkened on purpose, Disney realizing it would be available on the net before the premier if they gave out a crisp clean copy.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys, the reasonings of Rhaenys???
24 October 2022
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I fail to find any logic on her part of not roasting everybody given the opportunity? She just escaped imprisonment! She's not stupid! She knows the endgame of all this means all her children and BELOVED grandchildren will be murdered if this coup stands. She realizes the green council has been plotting this betrayal for years! She has zero reason to believe anything they offer. There is nobody on that side she cares about. She is the Ringmaster of the Blacks! She is the matriarch of her family! There should have been some offered reason why she might be torn, like she loves somebody over there? Like she's worried about the people? She didn't mind killing hundreds of them! Hell, they stole her daughters dragon! Of course there needed to be a conflict. For the story line to continue. There could be 100 reasons. Her death comes instantly to mind! She dies trying to escape and it all makes sense. Doesn't fit? Then use one of the other 99! But to have her sit there, all battle armored up, and have her Dragon blast em with bad breath? Ridiculous!
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What if they made an MCU series simply to promote obscure characters?
6 October 2022
That's what this has devolved into! A showcase for those characters. It's almost as if the writers have gotten their hands on a pile of pristine first appearances like Leap Frog on the cheap, had all their copies sent in for grading, and put the characters on here to watch their comics skyrocket in value, as they do every-time a new character premiers. You could probably get the FA of Leap for a few bucks a year ago. Now it's probably $100+. What other excuse could there be? These were bottom of the barrel characters! Can Paste Pot Pete be far off? Hammerhead? Trapster? Bigwheel? If you google obscure Marvel Villains you'll see a bunch have already shown up. Nah, surely the writers aren't doing that, are they? I saw the 0-6 reception for my review so now heres a predition! Daredevil is currently her lover! Well, several obscure DD villains have already shown up, let me add a few guesses for next year! Jester, Gladiator, Masked Maurader, Angar, The Owl, Stiltman! Even more: The Death-Throws! One one actually want to see, the insidious, and legendary DR. Bong! Let's see if I'm right.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
I read through the 10/10 reviews to see...
6 September 2022
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....What this steaming pile did that excited Mike White fans. This is an actual quote! "just because something isn't funny, doesn't mean it's not funny". One of the main characters is Rachel. Rachel is a young lady who wrote click bait articles when she met Shane. She admittedly married him very quickly. Shane is a total self absorbed, spoiled dick. This is hammered at you constantly. He spends the entirety of this engaged in warfare with the manager. Rachel slowly comes to the realization she is nothing more than a trophy wife. She is a cardboard dress up doll. She can't work because if people found out it would reflect badly on Shane. They dance around that, but never speak it. His family is all about image as well as wealth. We watch a seemingly smart woman rail and rail against this...until SHE DOESN'T???? She gives in to the fact she's going to be nothing but arm candy?? That he's not ever going to change? WTF is wrong with people? To think this was some masterpiece. It's truly terrible! Are you that blinded by pretty people that you ignore the content? And that's just one of the bad stories. Sure it reflects badly on the elite rich, but it also shows how normal people do bad things too. Is the message you'd do it too, if you were in their shoes?
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See something like this happen alot on a TV show
25 July 2022
AGT! They have an act come out and blow our minds! (Ragnarok) Maybe they even hit the Golden Buzzer! It's fresh, it's exciting, it's all new. Then the next act, or movie comes out! It's not fresh, it's a lot of the same thing! Then you start to compare it to the first example and find it lacks in a lot of areas. Timing, story, villain, jokes. If there wasn't a Ragnarok, this would be considered a fun, but rather quick movie. I also noticed the Ad campaign online actually might be hurting it! It does not live up to the hype! Zeus was funny here and there, he was not Robin Williams! I must have seen 20 paid articles which were really ads trying to convince me it was the best comedy cameo ever. Too much hype, mailed in direction and story.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Love it so far.
13 June 2022
Familiar with the source material. I think the series overall is going to be called Dark Winds. This intro(first season) is loosely based on another book called The Listening Woman. It seems to be confusing some, as another book is called The Dark Wind. The acting is excellent. You have a lawman who straddles the fence between modern investigation and lore. You have another law person who will pull over and start rituals! Yet another knows the lore well, but so far disbelieves. It's not going to be Night Stalker set on an Indian Reservation if you think that's where it's going.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
I get both sides!
8 June 2022
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It's basically geared to young people. A hero for their generation. Calling it woke is kind of harsh. She is dealing with problems keyed to her time. Very much like Spider-man in his origin time. Peter Parker dealt with bullying, being a nerd, the loss of his uncle, finances. High School was not fun for him. High School is not fun for her. The constant animation is springing from her imagination. Her imagination will probably make her ideal for constructs, She's dealing with her family and their expectations. They're dealing with her not fitting into their ideal for her. Her older sibling gets to do as he pleases. She does not. They got all this in, in the first episode. It was really done well. There's the mystery of what's going on with this relic that has given her powers. There's the hint that mom knows something about it. Honestly it was the best intro to a character I've ever seen. But I get it's not going to be everybodies cup of tea. Don't watch it if you don't like it. I liked it a lot.
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Alaska Monsters (2014– )
We can't make it on the Wrestling Circuit let's try this!
8 June 2022
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Seriously, their interviews sound like wrestlers getting ready for a match! What is the point of setting up a shabby blind and in conversations revealing they are wearing regular light headgear? Like they think animals can't see light? Other shows "claim" they are wearing infrared lighting at least! These guy admitted they can see each others lights. This show fakes huge growls and screams. None of that off in the distance noise, in the very first episode several times they acted like they were within 5' of an angry Bigfoot! I was going to binge this for entertainment, but decided to pass. These guys are so eager to become "stars" they sit there shouting out what they think are hilarious lines while "hunting". They were investigating a pile of stacked lumber at night, and claiming to notice things they didn't see when they were looking at it in daylight previously? When they get together in the dark, you keep expecting them to shoot each other by accident, but I doubt the producers let them have any ammo!
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Moon Knight (2022– )
Arrived a little too late
2 April 2022
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I am very familiar with this character. I read the comics from the beginning.(1975) He was kind of unique. Unfortunately his problems with multiple personalities has been copied. The Doom Patrol has one in Crazy Jane.(1989) Which is into a 3rd season heavily delving into her and this. Then there's Split! Both of these delve heavily into this prior to Moon Knight TV premier. It's become a well worn trope. Ohh sure Moon Knight get's his powers from an Egyptian God. So doesn't Dr. Fate, Black Adam... I'm not knocking the character, I like it. Unfortunately the novel characteristics and problems have been beaten to the punch. And then I watched the first episode and that's pretty much all they dealt with. I get it! It is his defining trait. And if this had come 4,5 years ago? It would be much more well received I think.
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The Batman (2022)
Well what have we here?
15 March 2022
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Young, inexperienced Batman. Naive, hasn't really hit his stride yet. Very strong and not looking to pull his punches. The fights don't last long. He's far more interested in figuring out things. He's very smart, but not supremely so. He can be outwitted. He's realizing there's a lot going on he hasn't figured out yet. He's using his intimidating look to make criminals wonder. So far in cinema we've seen more seasoned Batmen. Older Batmen, feeling some twinges Batmen. This guy isn't all beat up yet, and it shows! The older Batmen had to start getting ahead of things because their bodies were no longer up to the task. This one can practically muscle his way out of any trouble. He's all about vengeance at first. He has a supporting cast to point out mistakes he's making. As he matures he'll figure out he needs all sorts of stuff to continue. Better Intel, better equipment, better tech. But for now he's fairly good in a fight. He is Batman! He hasn't really developed his alter ego of being a Billionaire playboy and smooth around people yet. It's a nearly flawless intro. But he's learning quickly!
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Their best witness discredited the others!
7 February 2022
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Jesse Marcel says the metal was unbendable. That you could hit it with sledge hammer and nothing would happen. The others are claiming it was easily crumpled and would go back to it's original state. These accounts are polar opposites, yet it doesn't even phase the commentators? They're are all in on Jesse Marcel, but he just disputed one of their favorite claims! You can't make this up! All they are proving is that they are like cult members when inconsistencies come up. They just put their fingers in their ears and chant nah nah nah. It's so bad, it almost makes one think is it on purpose that it's this bad? They don't see how this can be picked apart? Thanks! I never realized Jesse Marcel said that about the debris field metal. I'll remember that the next 5000 times the crumple story come up!
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Well there is Frog in the title!
1 February 2022
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Simple to set up a show like this. Apparently you buy a dirt ranch up in Utah, and start a show! Be sure to mention that Skinwalker Ranch is nearby a lot. Get logo shirts printed up! Buy something with NASA on it and craft it into something you uncovered on your property. Hire some guys to pretend they're harassing you, trying to stop you from uncovering the mystery. Get a pseudo Scientist to perform tests. When it looks like you've hit a dead end, have the pseudo Scientist claim he noticed something else. Then buy metal off Ebay and bore some holes and pour the metal into those holes. Then have somebody "accidentally" discover the unique property of that metal. Let the wild speculation begin! Those $50 Ebay purchases will pay off in years and years of episodes! Also you should buy very old cheap coins of Ebay too! When CONSTANTLY reinforcing your Aztec theory narrative, go ahead and show stock footage of piles of gold coins. Even though the Aztecs didn't make coins, your fans are too stupid to have that bother them. I think you don't even have to buy property! You could do this! Claim Central Park is a nexus. Do episodes of "finds" and government interference there and save money! Just let authorities know you plan on digging in Central Park. You'll be stopped! You can film it all. Constantly mention how much money this is costing you! Because TV shows don't make any. That was a constant whine on another show as far back as when they were just using a dumpster and a hose. Of course now people realize one of them owns, has owned, a very successful construction company! Find an idiot in your family who claims to be fearless. There are wackadoodles everywhere who will support your claims to be on TV. I'm surprised there isn't a Blind Frog Ranch Ale yet! It would seem like a no brainer? The success of this type of side show attraction TV is spawning tons of copycats. What I think it's time for is an investigative show that debunks these shows! Networks have the real money to do this! Look into the history of the people involved. Set them up on stings. Expose the BS. People love to be on TV! There's just as many who would love to tell stories about how they were approached to help these cons.
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The Alaska Triangle (2020– )
Stumbled across recently, and binged it.
10 January 2022
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Interesting. Noted the Triangle moves and changes shape. The upside down trees is probably the thing that caught my attention the most. So much so that I dug into it on the net. It was supposedly a thing loggers would do in Washington state as a joke. No mention of it in Alaska.

I dislike shows that repeat things and footage over and over to help fill an episode. I saw this done a lot on this show. They bring in people like Cliff from Finding Bigfoot and Linda Howe and re-use footage of them over and over in a single episode as an example.

Then go back to that footage in subsequent episodes. Kind of bothersome after awhile. Alaska is pretty remote and it would be expensive to get a crew up there and re-shoot all new stuff so I kind of understand, but after awhile it just becomes them trying to hammer the same info into your skull.
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wow people are brutal!
30 December 2021
The reviews for this prove it! Yes it's basically a midday game show. Yes the prize money isn't a lot. Yes it's mostly past their prime comedians. Yes they all have the answers and jokes written/rehearsed for them! There's nothing new here, it is the same format as Hollywood Squares. But you know what? All the negatives fit the old game shows like it too! Charlie Weaver, Paul Lind, Rose Marie were all past starring in stuff too. But people loved those old game shows! Match game actually restored some people's fame! Everybody chose the same guy for the final answer, Richard Dawson over and over, and he eventually became iconic-ally beloved on Family Feud. But as a half hour escape, it is serviceable. Louie Anderson is very funny, Tom Arnold loves to point out he's stupidly married 4 times. The only real negative for me is the final question is like final Jeopardy champions tournament level hard. You're only going to get that by wildly guessing right! But c'mon people stop condemning it for being exactly what it is supposed to be! A low budget campy giggles daytime filler show. There are/is far worse high budget Network crap out there. That ridiculously bad Kiki Micheal and Sarah show that last like what, a few weeks? Sheesh!
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very good
19 December 2021
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I saw it, it was very good. It wasn't some sort of masterpiece, but it was probably the best 3rd part of a trilogy movie ever. I have a sneaking suspicion that Toby Maguires Spider-man died originally but they changed it so he lives. Think about the impact his death speech to our Spider-man could have had passing the baton? Instead it was interlaced by the two previous or alternate reality versions warning him not to become them. I suspect a little tweaking! Why have the big emotional scene like that not pan out? Probably worried it would upset too many fans.
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Wow just wow
16 December 2021
I question the honesty and integrity of any professional reviewer who gave this 10 star review instead of an actual honest review. This things a hot mess from beginning to end. They love to throw out plot twists that you'd like to find out more about, but then immediately drop them in favor of screwy dialogue the entire movie. It shoots itself in the foot like this over and over. Like simply shocking you will keep you interested for 10 minutes at a stretch. Like we don't have time to pursue anything interesting, it'll take time away from our preaching.
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A series that thankfully died(Spoilers if you care)
29 November 2021
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Seriously! I watched the final. I regret that. Prior to that I watched the latest episode of FTWD. You had the same thing happen to a character in both shows, bit and survived. Obviously we're heading toward some sort of immunity over arching story line. I really don't care about WB's characters, whether they live, die. I did notice all the articles in the last weeks about Jadis and her motivations. I can visualize all the staff for these projects contacting all the websites encouraging them to write stories about her speculative motivations. It was the kind of articles that aren't really articles, but disguised ads. Trying to create a buzz for the final. Jadis is a character that twists and changes too much. After awhile you realize it's her primary way. Rick being an A or a B.../WHO CARES? This whole idea of her being the queen B of a dump? Nobody cares anymore, it was abandoned. It made no sense from the beginning. Now she's like the General Hux of WB? The only problem is nobody cared about him, so stealing his character is not some brilliant move. It was annoying to watch her every move get a side eye reaction from whoever she was barking orders to because you realized they're not going to reveal anything, the side eye looks are all we're getting! Oh of course she'll eventually be shown to have a different agenda but they're saving that for something later, as if it'll be some huge surprise from a character that is all about plot twists. This is all being written by people who think their stuff is brilliant. If you don't think so, simply watch the recap, as the guy is so full of himself as to what he thinks he's accomplished here. Scooby Doo episodes would beat the crap out of this, creatively.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
season 4
29 September 2021
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There's a lot of chaos. This one uses a technique of alerting us to who the "secret" manipulators are early, and we wait a loooong time to see our main character figure it out. The Judge character was super annoying! She was constantly chirping warnings and admonishments to lawyers. Like a parent that has no control over their kids but keeps warning them, CONSTANTLY. I loved how a seasoned lawyer avoided this by simply self striking her comments instantly, instead of fighting objections. But Patty needs to fight so she can get in her funny comments.

Patty was her usual magnificent smart-ass commenting self. The ending is designed to get you cheering. Billy literally did the closing remarks FROM the witness stand and was admonished for doing it.

There were moments when I yelled at the TV. He meets up with his old partner and he tells Billy something really important he ignores or more better described as missed. I think it's 2,3 episodes before he learns/figures out what WE ALL caught in the conversation.

Stay with it because the ending is spectacular!
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I watched a few episodes and googled things...
29 March 2021
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...what I discovered is THEY AREN'T INVESTIGATING ANYTHING! They're taking credit for work others have done already. A prime example was the Black Dahlia episode.

They go through this song and dance and even switch suspects! The only problem is Dr Hodels OWN SON has written books outing his father. They haven't discovered anything ground breaking here. They're simply stealing others work! While not giving credit to the real people investigating things and instead acting like their host is discovering all this stuff cold, by himself.

You're going to get DNA in every room in every hotel in the world! Was one of the laughable things he "discovered" in the Dahlia episode. YOU could do the amount of investigating yourself, by taking a subject, and googling!
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Well what can I say
18 March 2021
It's light years ahead of the theatrical release. So many things fleshed out. All the "he wanted to do this, and this, and this " BS is gone. You get the mind blowing ending. The mind blowing epilogue. a lot of overdone glam group shots. But the guy was making a statement. Basically, look at the beautiful thing I was doing and they butchered it.

REALLY, REALLY liked it!
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