
417 Reviews
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Lift (I) (2024)
Why the bad reviews??
13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why people hate on Netflix movies and Kevin hart movies so bad. People have a serious vendetta against them. No matter how good the film is they will says it's bad. Most of the people don't even give it a chance.

This movie is a classic action packed heist movie with a tasty twist at the end. It does exactly what it says on the tin, how could you hate that??

I always rate movies on how much I enjoy them and I really enjoyed watching this. The time flew by and it was just a really enjoyable watch, with some really big name actors in the cast. Don't get me wrong I've seen some bad Netflix movies but this definitely isn't one of them.
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Run away from this film
10 July 2023
I wish someone had said run Nathan run before watching this film because it was painfully bad. A 3 Is honestly really generous because I enjoyed zero aspects of the film. I've watched enough horror films to know which is a good and bad and this definitely falls into the bad category.

It's just so boring I found myself genuinely nodding off. Honestly my head kept dropping and it was only 9 o'clock. It was a whole lot of nothing you could tell where it was heading from the get go then it just took ages to get there for the most lack lustre ending of all time. I know a lot of you are debating to watch this film because it's in the top 10 on Netflix right now, but don't waste your time because genuinely it is a complete waste of time.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Glad I'm not scared of the dark
2 June 2023
One of the best horror movies I've ever seen. I thought smile was gonna be the best one I've seen this year but this one has just topped it. Some really big jumpscares and an actual plot to it. The characters were actually likeable which made you actually want them to live. A lot of horror movies have such unlikable characters these days. If you're scared of the dark then you're gonna really hate watching this one. I feel like these Steven kings movies are really corny and just chucked out there for a money grab, not naming names (pet cemetery) but this was genuinely just a really good well made film.
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One word violated
3 April 2023
I feel genuinely violated after that viewing. I've not wrote a review for months but I just had to come back after watching this monstrosity.

That's definitely cracked my top 5 worst films of all time. The acting was pathetic, it's like they just casted random people they found on the street. I don't even know what category you'd put this film in. It wasn't scary so it can't be a horror and it wasn't thrilling so it can't be a thriller.

The only way I could ever recommend this film to somebody is if I didn't like them and wanted to prank them and waste their time. Whenever there's a horror with a rating above a 5 I'll always give it the benefit of the doubt, this time I really really regret it.
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That was so god damn bad
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How can anyone watch this and actually enjoy even 2 minutes of it. It was genuinely the worst film I've seen so far this year, I know it's only January but I've watched a lot of films and this is definitely going to take some topping. The only reason it doesn't get a 1/10 is because I've seen some horror shows in previous years.

It was full of cliches, I literally called what was going to happen from the get go with her being old and it happened years ago. Then they tried chucking big curve ball at the end which was just embarrassing honestly. I assume this is the first film the writers have ever written.

Honestly don't waste your time with it, it's a genuine huge waste of time.
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Convenience (2013)
Surprisingly funny
21 January 2023
I wasn't expecting much from this to be honest. It's a unknown low budget British film. I reckon it's because I'm British and I just understand the humour.

The chemistry of Ray and Adeel was perfect, was just the perfect comedy duo. It's definitely not one of the most complex film I've seen in fact it's the complete opposite of that but it does the job, an easy film you don't have to concentrate on.

British comedies are just be best, the comedy is just so much more relatable. The bickering of Ajay and Shaan was just funny and relatable for anyone with a best friend or a brother. There's always one dumb friend like Shaan.
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Alive (I) (2018)
Had me until the ending
11 January 2023
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I was actually enjoying the film, it was very intriguing and honestly a really entertaining watch but the end has ruined it to be honest.

I enjoyed the fact it left you guessing until the very end on what actually happened to them. The caretaker played his role perfectly he was genuinely a really creepy guy which was obviously perfect. I also like the fact they actually escaped, it would've been an ever worse ending that they not escaped, the rating would've been even lower.

The reason I liked this film was because of the realism of it. I like horror film that could actually happen in real life. However they had to go make it all weird. It was such a realistic horror but the ending honestly killed that. I'd have also like to hes know what happens next at the end, what was they doing to them? Why can they not live? Not their fault they're like 20 different people combined.

It's a recurring themes with horrors, they make the film intriguing and entertaining then ruin it with a awful ending.
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I Came By (2022)
Too many problems
2 September 2022
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First of all how bad of a friend was that guy, leaving his boy in the dust like that. I find it hard to wrap my head around the decision to have the only person to get saved the guy who doesn't even have a line in the movie. Yet the mother and son with the most screen time don't make it. Just a weird decision If you ask me. You think you'd have atleast one of them survive.

I also cannot believe he snuck up on someone with a cricket bat and still missed. Then he just wakes up and starts fighting like Bruce Lee, okay whatever floats your boat. I also find it hard to believe the guy with a messed up ankle found the time to perfectly spray paint 'I came by' on the wall. Like it's done with perfection, like come one where's the realism.

The only positive I'd say is the judge was actually a creepy man so well done to him and it somewhat kept my interested. However the only reason it kept me interested was the fact I was wondering which one of them was gonna survive but the answer was neither of them. So all in all a waste of time honestly.
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Hidden gem
31 August 2022
I've debated this film for a while but because of the low review rating I've been put off. However It was the last day it'll be on Netflix so it's literally now or never.

I can't lie after the first 20 minutes I thought this just isn't the one and I'd just seen a really bad film so really wasn't in the mood. But it just kept picking up. It kept getting funnier as the film went on. It had that perfect mix of comedy and action. Was the definition of a proper early 2000's comedy action movie. The scene where they was both in the interrogation rooms was hilarious. I never knew Harrison Ford could be so funny.

I'll definitely be recommending this film to my friends. I'm just glad I actually got to watch it because if I didn't I'd have definitely never watched it.
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Saint Maud (2019)
What have I just watched
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen so many good ratings and I don't understand how. I didn't enjoy a second of it. It took so long to get going, if it ever did for that matter. You could argue it was creepy at vert few moments but that was it. It had absolutely nothing else.

The only reason this gets a two instead of a one is because of the bit where Amanda's head comes off her shoulders and jumpers out the screen. Now that scared the life out of me. Probably because i was barely concentrating because of being bored to death previous. That was the only note worthy thing that happened all film. If it wasn't for that it'd be sat on a one right now.
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Me Time (2022)
Typical funny Kevin hart movie
27 August 2022
I know people will slate this movie because it's Kevin hart playing Kevin hart and it's a Netflix movie but it's funny so what difference does it make? People complain at Kevin hart for playing himself but he's funny. What do they want him to do play an unfunny character in a comedy movie? It's a proper run of the mill late night comedy movie.

Comedy movies are a dying breed because they just get unnecessary hate. A comedy is meant to have one job and that's to make you laugh and if it does just that how can you complain?

Mark and Kevin worked so well together, they bounced off eachother so perfectly. Not as well as dwanye and Kevin but definitely still worked really well. It's a proper cheap laughs sort of film with a happy ending, what more can you ask for.
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Eli (I) (2019)
Better then expected but still not great
20 August 2022
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Just from the trailer it didn't look very appealing but I went for it anyway because I'm a sucker for a Netflix film, you never know what you're gonna get.

Firstly the acting from Charlie Shotwell was really impressive. The first half or even three quarters was actually really good and it had me guessing what was gonna happen. I was fully looking forward to what the big conclusion of this film was going to be.

I felt it was extremely unneeded for them to go down the devil route. What makes a horror film scary is the realism of it. The first part of the film was realistic, it had me thinking the parents have have been making the child ill on purpose because they like controlling him or something. However no they went down the bible and devil road and it just killed the film for me. It makes the film really none scary when it's so unrealistic.

They had the tools to make a great horror film which there isn't much of but they missed. Went too off script and unrealistic for me.
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Howl (I) (2015)
Honestly a painful watch
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't enjoy a single second of this, it's completely wasted my time. The acting was embarrassing, I've not acted a day in my life and I could've done a better job then these goofballs. I don't understand the nerds that are actually enjoying this.

I didn't understand the quick cuts when fight scenes were happening, you couldn't even tell what was happening. One of the humans would throw a punch then it would just cut off the scene to a close up of one of the werewolf things just grring at the camera, embarrassing.

Someone explain to me why they thought it'd be a good idea that the only person survive be one of the people with the least screen time, there was no connection with her. Couldn't have cared less if she lived or died. The main focus was on Tom and he for some reason decided to risk his life for a random girl that wanted nothing to do with him, it makes absolutely no sense. Then when he got bitten and he turned in a matter of minutes yet that old woman took hours to turn. Also her acting when she turned was hard to watch, how is she even an actor.

In conclusion it was genuinely a hard film to watch purely on the fact of how embarrassing the acting was and how bad the story line was. One of the worst films I've ever had the joy of watching. Thank you for wasting my time.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Okay that was actually scary
30 June 2022
I'm not a big fan of M. Night Shyamalan however this was actually really good. One of the better horrors I've seen. It's not a big ask to be fair with there being so many bad horrors but this definitely didn't miss like a lot of his other films.

I thought the kid rapping was a bit weird I can't lie, like what was the actual need for it. Just found it really cringy and a little hard to watch. Other then that I have nothing bad to say about the film. The old couple played their roles absolutely perfectly because they was damn near terrifying.

Realistically you watch a horror film to get scared and this does exactly that. It even has a jaw drop moment, if you've watched it you know exactly what I'm out about. I thought the whole last scene was nothing less then terrifying and creepy. One of the best horror films I've seen.
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How It Ends (2018)
Think I watched the version with the missing ending
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It had everything to be a great film but it very much missed. I don't understand what happened to the ending. It was one of the most abrupt endings I've ever seen.

I don't understand why it didn't show him telling her that her father died trying to save her. That was just a stupid part of the film in general to be honest. It should've either had him make it there then die or make it there then she nurses him back to health. Not just he never makes it and she never even finds out about it. Also why did we never actually get to find out what was actually the cause of it all? Or did it tell us and I just missed it?

It definitely had good elements. I thought Forrest Whitaker was amazing and I really enjoyed his character. It had the budget and actors to be great, I just can't believe they messed it up this bad. There's not many good apocalypse films out there so you don't have make it mega different, just make a good compelling apocalypse film and it will do well.
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Shocker! people hating on another Netflix movie
25 June 2022
It's honestly a really enjoyable film, I say it every time i review a Netflix film but people just hate on them for no reason. People have a serious vendetta against Netflix films and it shows.

With this film you get what it says on the tin 'action comedy'. There's plenty of action so they can't complain about that. It's also funny so they can't complain about that. So what's the problem? Yes the CGI at times was a little poor but that doesn't lower the enjoyment of the film.

Woody was in his element with that role, it was perfect for him. Kevin hart doing what he does best with making you laugh. It's a really enjoyable film. People just expect every film nowadays to be a bit budget marvel movie and when they don't get that they're disappointed, it's sad.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
There's not one good aspect
24 June 2022
Don't even wanna waste my time writing a review on this absolute hooner of a film. It's already wasted enough of my time. I can't believe how boring that film was. It's honestly disgusted me how crap that was. If there was an option to rate it a 0 I would. I feel like the movie bio sold me some serious red herrings. It drew me in and excited me then, bored me and depressed me.
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GCSE drama acting
24 June 2022
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It's a hard one to rate because it's a creepy ass film but it honestly does just remind me of GCSE drama acting. It really does look like something some students made in class. No offence to the actors but the acting was woeful.

Also when she had to walk past the bullies to get home everyday, are you telling me there was no other way to walk home. Another thing, when the bullies was gonna set her on fire why did she just sit there and take it, she not fancy atleast trying to get out of there. The mother just walking through the front door at the end was a bit too easy also.

It gets a 4 purely for the fact it was extremely creepy at times.
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Hustle (2022)
One of the best movies I've seen this year
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never watched a basketball game, yet I absolutely loved this. It had me hooked from the very start. I honestly can't think of a single bad thing about this. It's genuinely such a fun and enjoyable film, I don't see how you couldn't like it.

I'm loving these more serious films Adam Sandler is doing, he's absolutely nailing them. I feel like if you actually watch Basketball, this will be one of your favourite films. It honestly sent my emotions up and down. I'm just glad he made it in the end. I actually thought at one stage it was gonna be a film about a guy who could've made it. I would've hated that.
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Extinction (2018)
Winner of the film with the most annoying kids ever
16 June 2022
I don't use the word hate a lot so I won't use it. I absolutely despise them kids, they absolutely ruined the film. It's hard to enjoy a film when you're constantly frustrated at crying, annoying kids. The kids must've been extremely dehydrated during filming.

Enough about the kids, I didn't expect the twist at all. So you've got to give it its due. That genuinely was a jaw drop moment. That's the only bit I can say impressed me though sadly. It had the tools to be one for the history books but it just didn't live up to what it could be.

For a sci-fi action film it sure was boring. I wish I could give it a higher rating but it just doesn't deserve it. I have to bring it up again, MOST ANNOYING KIDS EVER. FILM RUINERS.
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Highly entertaining
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a simple guy that just love entertaining movies and this is very entertaining. Near enough from the get go it's none stop action, what more could you ask for from a literal action film. I think the best way to describe this film is enjoyable, you're literally watching someone kill terrorists, how can you get better then that.

Acting all round is on point as you'd expect from the cast. I don't normally comment on the CGI unless it's bad but I was actually really impressed with it. Especially when the nuke goes off in the sea. The fight scenes were a joy to watch, you can tell Dylan has be practicing for some time to get his skills right for the role.

I always just rank films on how much I enjoyed watching them and how good the acting was and it ticks both those boxes so it gets a high rating from me.
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The Box (I) (2009)
Way to over complicate a simple thriller idea
11 June 2022
I don't understand their thinking behind this, they had the budget and the idea then just over complicated it with nonsense. The bio is really intriguing but nowhere did it say there would be utter crap about the after life and someone who controls thunder.

However it did have good aspects like it kept me entertained and intrigued with how it was going to end. But I'd have just preferred it stay normal and not introduce literal unrealistic nonsense. I was thinking before I watched it how does a film with these actors and this story line have such a low rating, now I know.
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Pandorum (2009)
Keeps you guessing
10 June 2022
It's not normally a film I enjoy and to be fair I didn't love this film but it did keep me interested. It is hard to follow, you definitely have to stay locked in.

My biggest issue with the film was following the fight scenes. The camera angles were jumping too and from and it was hard to understand what was actually going on. It also looked like the mutants were just put into fast forward mode, was the just poor CGI.

I did actually like the the twist with the "lieutenant", I genuinely thought he found another crew member. That honestly surprised me I have to give props for that. I also love the fact it actually had a good proper ending. I was thinking the whole time if this has a crap ending i'm kicking off. The film kept me locked in purely because I was dying to see how it ended.
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The Craigslist Killer (2011 TV Movie)
Description was misleading
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's aspects of the film I did like and there's aspects I didn't like. Firstly I think the bio is misleading. It says 'murderous pursuit of women' which is actually wrong if you've watched it. He just liked being dominant over women his intention wasn't to actually kill them. So I feel I've been a bit mislead there. I was expecting a full on film about a mass murderer but it was just some sex crazed guy that killed one person and it wasn't even his initial intention.

Even though it's quite a low budget film I actually thought the acting was really good, especially from the main man, absolutely no complaints there. Realistically you go into a film like this kind of expecting an average 6/10 so you can't be disappointed after.

End of the day it tells the story well but it was misleading. If the description was actually accurate I'd have literally no negatives about the film.
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Carriers (2009)
How to make a boring apocalypse movie
8 June 2022
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I absolutely love an apocalypse movie but I just found this one a little boring. They made out like it's the most contagious thing ever. Bobby had it for ages and she was in the car with them obviously touching everything and breathing in there yet Kate and Danny didn't catch it, and Brian only caught it because he grabbed her. I also thought the ending was a bit of a cop out, they finally make it there, he gives a speech then that's it. Big cop out in my opinion.

I did flip back and forth to give it a 5 or a 6 but I honestly don't think the movie contained enough to get a 6. It was just lacking something, there wasn't much to it. They might aswell have just added zombies to it, it'd have been a lot more entertaining. You can see they wanted to add zombies so why didn't they just go for it. I thought thrillers were meant to be thrilling?
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