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Doomed from the moment joke hole was cast
7 March 2022
It seemed obvious from the trailers that Joe Cole (or should that be Joke Hole) was totally wrong for the lead role in the ipcress file.

Unfortunately after watching the first episode there is nothing to dissuade me from that first impression.

You cannot make an adaptation with a dimunitive charisma vacuum who looks like a dim witted schoolboy.
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Absolutely awful
5 March 2022
A total waste of talent. This sorry effort is not funny, not interesting and not worthy of your attention. What a shame that this opportunity to combine the reunion of the monty python team, Robin Williams, pegg and Eddie izzard results in this unwatchable rubbish.
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Dune (2021)
12 November 2021
This movie is exquisite to look at.

It also intrigues the audience, drawing us into the world and politics of the novel. Dune is a difficult novel to film but villeneuve does justice with a great adaptation and a fantastic cast.

My film of the year.
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5 October 2021
Daniel Craig has always played Bond as a generic action hero with little resemblance to the character of Ian Flemings books or the talented actors who played Bond before him.

This is taken to the nth degree in No Time to die. Especially with the ending.

Lashana Lynch is the new 007. She isn't as toxic as she is in the trailers but she doesn't have the charisma to play this kind of role. She also has zero chemistry with Craig.

Another actress who has zero chemistry with Craig is Lea Seydoux, which is a problem as the producers are trying to create an epic romance like those between George Lazenby and Diane Rigg or Timothy Dalton and Maryam d'abo.

Rami Malek is wasted as the villain. It probably says a lot about the impact he made that I've already forgotten his characters name.

The only character who makes an impression is Paloma played by Ana de Armas. She is a throwback to the old style of Bond girl in the classic movies.

If I'd known the movie was this poor I would never have risked sitting in the cinema for three hours, surrounded by people with no masks.

On the plus side the photography is stunning and there are a couple of well staged set pieces.
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An honest review.
26 May 2019
I can't believe all the 9 and 10 star reviews for this garbage. All posted by people who have never reviewed anything else. This is a lazy attempt to emulate the success of Shaun of the Dead. It doesn't have the character building, the comedy touches or the excellent acting of Shaun. Its shoddily put together, cheap looking and dull. The actors are instantly forgettable and shoehorning in a load of has been cameos doesn't help.
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24 May 2019
You should be wary of the positive reviews of this movie. The film is a blatant attempt to rip off the far superior Shaun Of The Dead, but it is made without a glimmer of the talent of the people behind Shaun. Drew Cullingham, who wrote and directed this, is no Edgar Wright, and the film fails in terms of story, scares or amusement. If only the people who made the film had put as much effort into the production as they did into the fake reviews.
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Better than TheLast Jedi
29 May 2018
Better than I feared it would be, Solo is a different type of star wars film, which I welcome. No lightsabres, no mention of the force, and no big climactic battle. Alden Ehrenreich is passable as Solo,I found myself warming to him towards the end. Emilia Clarke is completely wooden and the most memorable thing about Woody Harrelson is his bad wig. Effects are excellent as you would expect, the set pieces (train heist, kessel run and the end fight with Paul Bettany are good. Only the middlesags because of Clarke's poor acting. Worth a watch
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The Orville (2017–2022)
I loved it
14 September 2017
The Orville is a funny, interesting and affectionate tribute to Star Trek in all its iterations. It does not mock Trek but pokes gentle but loving fun at the various TV versions, especially the Next Generation.

For some inexplicable reason the critics have gone into a feeding frenzy to give this harsh reviews which the series and its cast do not deserve.

The pilot episode is substantially better than Encounter at Farpoint and whatever the forgettable pilot for DS9 was called. Even the first episode alone contains more humour, thrills and sex appeal than the entire series of the utterly wretched Voyager, although that is setting the bar pretty low.

The series is what the next generation would have been like if there had been anyone writing it who wasn't utterly po faced.

I loved this and cannot wait for the rest of the series. Ignore the critics and you might too.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
1 March 2016
The whole of Spectre looks tired. From its ageing star Daniel Craig, who famously remarked that he would rather slash his wrists than make another Bond movie to the script, direction and stunts.

It appears that Craig's apathy has infected everyone who worked on the production, that no one made an effort, that they were all just glad to be finished regardless of the quality of the final product.

Is it a sign of laziness that the film cast Lea Seydoux from Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol? possibly.

Does SPECTRE contain the most tedious uninvolving car chase ever filmed? undoubtedly.

Towards the end of the movie, where Bond dispatches enemy guards who stand around waiting to be killed, it is almost impossible to suppress a groan of horror that the Bond franchise has sunk to such depths.

Daniel Craihg says that he would rather slash his wrists than star in another Bond movie? I'd rather slash my wrists than watch one.
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The Paradise Club (1989–1990)
22 September 2013
My expectations were high for this, as it was written by Murray Smith who created the far superior Strangers. Unfortunately The Paradise Club failed to reach the same heights.

It was clichéd , stagey and dated even by the end of the 80s. Many of those clichés might possibly have been overlooked if the acting by the leads had been of an acceptable level.

Don Henderson was unwell when the series was filmed, and this was all too apparent in the finished programme. However Henderson was an old trooper and his performance, although diminished by ill health, was far superior to that of his co-star Leslie Grantham.

Grantham was a cockney criminal in real life and apparently thought that qualified him to play one in a TV series. Unfortunately he had zero charisma and the acting ability of Roger Moore on tranquilisers. Grantham always looked as though he was reading his lines of a card. Wooden would be an understatement.

Another dreadful 80s cliché was the upper class ( allegedly) glamorous cop played by Kitty Aldridge. Yawn!

The series is not out on DVD and wouldn't be worth buying if it was.
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World War Z (2013)
this is the Pitts
29 June 2013
Underwhelming is probably the polite way to describe this movie. A disappointing repetitive poorly thought out thriller that fails to scare or thrill. It is commonly known that the film was extensively rewritten and reshot and the way scenes and characters are set up then abandoned highlights this. Unfortunately its also short in superfast edits and shaky hand held style, which , combined with the many dark scenes make it hard to watch. I pity those who paid to see it in 3d as that must have made it worse.

Brad Pitt starred and produced this and needless to say he is the hero and the only one who gets anything to do. The script is utterly stupid and Pitt gives a performance that seems to alternate between looking constipated and bored. If you must see it in cinemas don't waste your money in 3d. Personally I regret buying a ticket and would suggest waiting.
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zero out of ten
17 June 2013
This website won't allow me to rate this film zero out of ten, but zero is the score it deserves. Zero budget, zero talent and zero effort by everyone involved.

The zombies don't appear to have any kind of zombie make up at all, which gives you an idea of what the makers of this were thinking. Make something as quickly and cheaply as possible to con the public out of their hard earned cash.

Watching this film is like having excrement thrown in your face for an hour and a half. After this garbage like The Reverend doesn't seem so bad.

No-one on screen has any acting ability but particular mention must be made of the alcoholic zombie expert priest who studies voodoo. His performance would embarrass Roger Moore. Do something else with your life.

We keep being told about the Army killing zombies but we never see them do so as that would cost more than £50 to film.

In short, avoid this movie like the zombie plague.
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27 May 2013
The Last Passenger is something of an oddity. I welcome the fact that it's not another zombie or plastic cockney gangsters film. The idea is quite intriguing and if it had been handled correctly then this might have been an enjoyable thriller. This is not to say The Last Passenger is a bad film but it certainly isn't a good one.

Dougray Scott is a very under-rated actor who I feel is always watchable and he is a solid lead here, but there isn't much for him to get his teeth into.

Reality contestant and lads mag favourite Kara Tointon is the latest blonde of the moment to try her hand at acting. She is OK early on but is clearly out of her depth as the story progresses. I suppose its inevitable that low budget independent movies will employ "celebrities" to get funding but its a shame they let down the project's ambitions.

I enjoyed the leisurely pacing at the start, the time devoted to setting up the characters and the wait for it all To Go Wrong. But when it does the pacing remains very slow, which, combined with the somewhat abstract nature of the threat means the movie drags.

I applaud the film makers for trying something different but would urge them not to proceed before the script is tighter.

The Last Passenger feels like a TV movie and it feels the kind of thing that would turn up on Channel Five one afternoon. Wait for it on TV.
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24 February 2013
A Good day To Die Hard marks the nadir of the Die Hard franchise, and hopefully its end. There was trepidation from fans when Irish hack John Moore was announced as director and, unfortunately, the fanbase's worst fears have been realised.

Bruce Willis obviously knows that he is onto a loser and sleepwalks through the film with an eye on cashing the fee. Jai Courtney is workmanlike but not capable of heading up a blockbuster.

The script is ridiculous and the action totally unbelievable. A Comic book hero would not survive what Willis and Courtney do.

Wait for it on TV. Not worth the price of a ticket.
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Tony Gilroy is a better action director than Greengrass
11 September 2012
Ignore the damon obsessives who spend all their time posting fake negative reviews of this movie. The Bourne Legacy is superior to 90% of modern action movies and better than much of Damon's Bourne trilogy. There are several reasons for this: Jeremy Renner is a better actor than Matt damon, rachel Wise is a much better actress than Julia Stiles or famka whoever, but most importantly Tony Gilroy has an overall vision for this franchise which is second to none. He knows exactly where this series is going and how to get it there.

his direction of the action scenes is better than Greengrass' too- at least on a par with Doug Liman's. Better editing, better framing, less shakycam. he also gives Cross intelligent, resourceful, capable and motivated opponents unlike braindead filler like the Expendables 2 which provides its has been heroes with vast armies of dead meat to slaughter carelessly. Love this film, buying the DVD, waiting for Bourne 5
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far too little, far too late
29 May 2012
I can't believe that this is being released so long after the disastrous second instalment. Men in black 2 was a sequel too far and I genuinely hoped that it would be the last we would see of these characters.

However certain people are in need of a career boost and so the tired old franchise is dusted off again. I have no enthusiasm for this.

It seems that Tommy Lee Jones has no enthusiasm either as he isn't in this much. He is replaced by Josh Brolin who does an excellent impersonation of him.

I feel sorry for Brolin as he keeps giving good performances in horrible pointless sequels. Remember Wall Street 2?

There is no reason to watch this in 3d. NONE. I wished I'd found some way to see that without paying big screen prices. If you can't do this then wait for it on TV.
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